that hamm
ight behind you
are those nails yo
d Ned Newton's voice was drowned in t
exclaimed Mr. Damon, who was sawin
s tying up. It contained the magneto of his aeroplane and he w
o think that I nailed my w
er a trip to New York to make arrangements for pass
and then Tom asked me to nail up that box containing the motor parts
do is to take off the cov
for it," and he proceeded to open the box, while Tom, Ned, the circus man and Eradicate busied themselves over
op boards too long. They'll stick out over the edge
rs won't carry them into the interior. You may have to cross rough trails, and even ford rivers. And as for bridges! well, the less
go and I'm going. Ned, pass that brace and bit over
ig aeroplane shed, which they ha
eapons and ammunition, and several bundles and cases of trinkets which would be of more value in bartering with the natives than money. Tom and Mr. Preston had selected the things with great care, and at the last moment the you
ith you, anyhow?" asked Ned, of his
r get to giant land," r
ay, when most of the hard work had been finished. He was as
st a week from to-day," repl
. "The steamer sails a week from to-day, and if you
" decided Tom, with emphasis. "We'll
he next day Mr. Preston again went to New York, accompan
is, nailing up the last of some light cases containing medicines, p
in a box, "and that is that we won't be bothered with that Andy Foger on this trip. I hav
I haven't see
town a few days ago,
"Did you see him? Wha
ere too old to go on any more hexpiditi
d? How?" And Tom looked anxi
dis time, t' dat Comeaway country after a big orchar
e were going to South Ameri
were de only way t' prove t' him
afraid--" and
nything," interposed Ned. "Andy didn'
He were all al
was only rigging Eradicate, and he did
nventor wore a thoughtful air as h
danger that overhung Tom and his friends, whistled gaily as he gathered the boxes, ba
ernoon, and stay in New York until the sailing of the steamer. They preferred to
he Swift home, checking over the lists to make sure that nothing had been forgotten,oke Tom in a low voice. Somehow the young invento
usiastic," remarked Ned.
ew that Andy Foger didn't have any inkling of what ou
be here in the morning, and he'll know whether his r
. I wish Mr. Preston was here now to tell us that Wayland Waydell had gone off to t
ent, there came a peal at the door bell. Instinc
rglar alarm!
lied Mr. Swift calmly. "That's
ssuring words, there was
" volunteered Ned. "
t moment. She had hurried to the doo
ickly into the room. "I came on to-night instead of w
ung inventor. "Has Waydel
ething to do with Andy
agents in Brazil, saying that war has broken out among the tribes in the central part of South
tive tribes!" exc
s as this I won't hold you to your promise to go. It's all off. I'm sorry, b
e room. Then the young inventor leaped
and we'll put in some of my electric rifles. I wasn't going to take them along, but I will now. Unpack? I gu