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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

kskin hunting costume with a retinue of black wolves and a trained eagle, the mysterious manner of his hunting and his coming and going, aroused in me great interest and curiosi

e creeping chills from running down my s

und that a vague fear of this mad man who despite his reputed age seemed as youthful and as agile as a man in his thirties, was gripping me. Perhaps the strangeness of the wilderness park added

ed, strange though it appeared, was not a supernatural occurrence. I knew that it was a r

a sudden thought struck me,

he mountains. I reckon you won't s

ew the fate that must necessarily befall a couple of ordinary hounds when overtaken by half a dozen full-grown wolves. On su

Pete. "The wild mountainman knows the good parts, but an elk is an elk, and one wild

me back,"

tha' black demons and that voodoo bird of his'n will get 'em for him, and h

omach to cook it in? That's the fust time I ever stayed long 'nough to see him collar his meat, tho

e before which to toast our shins, both the big westerner and I felt a little more natura

of superstition in Big Pete and I confess that I was not free from some of it myself. The guide was cert

him. They are all skeered t' death o' him. An' I don't blame 'em. He's a shore enough hant and them tha' houn's o' his'n is devils in wolf skins.

"that ol' man shoots gold bullets

ied, "how do you know, man

ther and his father told him that et is a Patrick Mullen gun an' is a special make inlaid with gold and silver, an' all ornamented up, an' built for an ol' muzzle-loadin' flint-l

gasping at the thought, for the description of the rifle somehow impressed me again with the p

d?" asked Big Pete with

what makes you think he's a supernatural being, and,

ared yaller an' they ain't opened their trap much about him since nuther. They do say he spits fire an' chaws his meat offen the bone an' then cracks the bones like a dog an' swallers it all. They do say, too, that he roars like forty devils with their tails cut off when he gits mad an' some say as when he wants t' git som wha' in a hurry he jest grabs aholt o' the feet o' tha' there thunder bird an

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