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Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2566    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

lf on a log to think over my experience. Somehow my own trials and ambitions seemed small, trivial and not worth while when I looked upon th

hes concealed their lofty tops and formed a screen through which the powerful rays of the noon-day sun are filtered, refined and

in the woods where the sun's ray could reach and warm the dark earth. As I listened I could not help but speculate a great deal as to the possibilities of the odd old man of this forest being in some way connected with my father's history, but the story of the wolf-man as given

espond with the description of the Mullen's gun. It was a faint clue indeed and sometimes seemed not worth investigation. Yet when I began to doubt the possibility an unexplained impulse or force kept urging me on to believe that if I but persisted and found an opportunity t

ieve that I was on the right track, until at last convi

peered down at me from its hiding place

halted when I found myself staring into the face of a huge timber wolf. The beast's lips were drawn back displaying its gleaming fangs, its back hair was as erect as the cropp

as afraid of wolves until I so unexpectedly met this one. It is needless to say that I have no hair on my back, it is as bare as that of any other fellow's, nevertheless, on this occasion I

evolution, the hair which grew on the back of the "missing link," stood on end at the sight of this wolf. However, this fear was but momentary and when my courage returned I lifted my rod case in a threatening ma

adow-larks skimming away over flowering billows. Reaching an elevation where I could peer beyond the crests of one of the "ground swells" which furrowed the sea of nodding blossoms, I saw through the stems o

zed that I was looking at between three and four hundred real buffalo my heart gave a great jump of joy. I tried to view them so as to take in their details, but the apparen

ut in spite of their ragged trousers and their masked faces, the bison are sublime in their mighty strength and ponderous proportions, and as t

. Knowing that in other localities these charming little creatures are rapidly being slaughtered and steadily decreasing in numbers and tha

y of trout streams beyond the timber belt, and he also informed me that I could there see th

o see enclosing Darlinkel's Park, but I do know that when I suddenly emerged from the dark forests i

rom a bed of many colored flowers; they were the same ranges whose snow-cove

oxes, but never did I expect to see those delicate tints, that blue atmosphere, the fresco colored rocks and all the theatrical properties of a drop-curtain duplicated in nature, yet here it was before me, not a detail wanting, even the impossible ma

usands of Arizona wyetha (wild sunflowers) mingled with the brilliant tips of the fire-weed and clumps of odorous and delicately colored horsemint. There were other flo

were playing tag with one another, every once in a while spreading the white hair on their rumps and then lowering the "white flag" again, they apparently used it as a Morse signal system of their own. But now they were all alert and facing me; the bucks had seen something and that something had s

ere deeply interested in something else which from their actions I concluded to be recognized as an enemy.

great leaps over the prairie, I detected the cause of their panic in the form of

the straining muscles of the beautiful animal's back. I was tempted to drive the bird away or shoot at it with my revolver, but the thought that I had seen that bird before restrained me and the fact that it pursued a strong, healthy buck instead of selecting a weaker and more easy prey convinced me that this eagle had been trained to the hunt and was not a wild[2] bird, for the immutable law that "labor follows the line of least re

, Wyoming, watched an eagle hunt

. As I came to a sudden halt the old bulls began to paw the earth, throwing the dirt up over their backs and bellowing with a low vibrating roar that was terror-inspiring. Then they dropped to their knees, rolled on their backs, got up, shook themselves, licked their nose

say that I was not excited when I saw those animated masses of dark brown wool come roaring and t

concealed my person I ran as I never ran before taking a course at right angles to my original one and leeward of the herd, a

when he hears a challenge from a gang of toughs, I decided that I did not want to fight and lay as quiet as possible among the sunflowers until I had regained my breath. When the buffalo wandered back to their original pasture land I, like a coyote, slunk away and consoled myself with the thought that although I had had my run for my money, at least, I h

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