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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 998    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

-fa-ca-cious spook hain't pulled out!" was the exclamation t

attempted to change my position a sharp pain in my ankle thoroughly awakened me. Still I lay quiet because it was so

them in my mind in their proper order and place. I cut out the dream portion from the realities with very little trouble until I reached the part where I had awakened in the night and had seen the wolves, the eagle and the Wild Hunter. I could not be sure whether that was a dream or reality. Had I seen this s

ng to my elbow, "who brought me to camp? W

, then he fotched you in on his shoulders just as if you was a dead antelope, fixed you up with bandages torn from handkerchiefs in your pocket, gave you a drink which you didn't seem to appreciate, but just swallowed like you were asleep, t

s he allus does," muttered

hat bullet

er, and wha's tha' been any bullets late

ed, "but why do you suppos

a hatful of them balls, leastwise most folks would; cause the Wild Hunter don't use no common low-flung lead for his

the sort of projectiles rumor said that he used in his gun and so dismi

tramp; but he's done clared out for good, and tuk his wolves and bird with him. I'm some glad he took th' wolves,

? Steady, old man,

us, and no mistake, and left us the bulk of the b'ar too,-only took the claws, teeth and tenderloin or two f

ar?" I

and the trail leads down to tha' spring tha', and t

ound, and it was not until my guide had made me a crutch of a forked branch, p

s plain, even to my inexperienced eyes; and when we reached the muddy spot the print

k at Bi

he trail! I hastened to his side and saw that the moccasin prints ceased in the middle of

ld swing himself upon, no stones that he could leap upon-nothing but the stra

ad nothing to say, and Pete did no

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