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Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1941    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

plishments, not his trade; he was first, last and aways a hunter and scout. No matter what occupation

ctions and quick to detect anything unusual and I now knew that something of interest had happened. To the windward and close by us was a mound thickly covered with bullberry bushes and underbrush, and so far as could be seen there was nothing suspicious in the app

breeches and silently stole away. It was only a fe

and quick. I hain't determint yit whether it wa' man er beast er both, er jist a thing

a pair of shank moccasins over my feet and donned a cap made of lynx skin, I was as happy as a child with its Christmas stocking. It was a really wonderful suit of clothing; the hair of the elk hide was on the outside, and not only made the coat and breeches warmer, but helped to sh

The fresh skins when peeled off looked like rude stockings with holes at the toes. The skins were turned wrong side out, and the open toes closed by bringing the lower part, or sole, up over the opening and sewing it there after the manner of a

e and satisfaction of one who had done a fine piece of work. I had now little fear of being calle

pride of an artist, "come along and let me test you on a r

the underbrush to a

er yore nose; let's see what yo

e direction taken by the party who made the trail. I noticed that the bits of wood, pine cones and sticks scattered around were darker on the parts next to the

yes. With the tenacity of a bloodhound I stuck to my task until I suddenly found myself at the base of the park wall, at the foot of the diagonal fracture in the f

istinct and obvious footprints in a dusty place, but so deeply interested was I in hidden signs, the slight but tell-tale disturbances of leaf and soil, that I onc

was following bear tracks, my heart ceased to beat for a moment or two before I could pull myself together and smoth

moccasins. This I knew because at one place the foot-mark showed plainly in the gray alkali dust which had accumulated upon a projecting stone a few feet below the ledge. Obviously whoever the visitor was,

ow this could not be caused by the hind feet obliterating the tracks of the front feet, because in many places the

Greaser trailer of New Mexico, Dolores Sanchez, or my old friend Bill Hassler, who could follow a six-month-ol

the Wild Hunter without his wolf pack. And that pass is the pathway he takes in and out of this park. I'm going to trail him whether you want to or not. Goodbye Pete, I'll come back for you," and picking up my gun and other necessary traps, I prepared to start imm

, medicine ba'rs and ghosts in this world or the next, but tarnally afeared of live varmints like grizzly bars-one would think you had no religion, but, gosh all hemlock! If you can face a bear-man or a werwolf, even though all the Hy-as Ecutocks o

ever he is, he knows the way out of this park of yours

ike their grit, but Injuns stop and sot by the fire an' smoke an' think afore they start on a raid an' I kinder think they be wiser in this than we 'uns, so let's do as the Injuns would do. We can cache most of our stuff and turn the horses loose. Bighorn's mutton is powerful good, but tarnally shy and hung mighty high,

er is a Ecutock

s bad medicine," he answered soberly, and co

d rock-chucks kin live, you bet your

on me to impel me to trail him over the mountains? Was it mental telepathy? Could he really be my father? Somehow I felt convinced that soon I would be face to face with the riddle, soon I would know the facts and the truth about my

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