img The Message  /  Chapter 2 HOW THE MESSAGE WAS DELIVERED | 11.76%
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Word Count: 4044    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

assed unnoticed. A superior person was apologizing for the

t knock on the head, which might have be

to-Jericho?" said

when he found that he was talking to one

any assistance

low me to use your gangway in o

t you. But you annexed the prize, so I

y. You will see it

ance, suddenly kicked it and turned it upside down with his wooden leg. The men in the second boat sa

worth the scurry,"

wn of wild olive, why not Englis

on resents any remark that he does not quite understand, and some among the strangers grinned. The girl, still hold

n competed because they thought t

am," expostulated the le

ted. "My presence

four to two she

"If I laugh I shall swallow more

somewhat restored. Warden obviously made so light of his ducking that she did not allude to it again. As for the gourd, it rested at her feet, but she seemed

s singularly untenanted, until a gruff voice hailed t

ame the cry. "Wo

of surprise in her expressive

ne, and I wish to se

ore," was

t wait until

n't wai

I have come from Oxfo

you've come from. No one is al

ed bewildered

with a surly person

reason-he wants a

of the freak variet

ed the apparition, "an' o

ith me to the cutter yonder. My man will bring

g with annoyance. "Mrs. Baumgartner wrote and urged me to see her without any delay on board this ya

ould go back to Oxf

ly engaged as companion-another name for governess, I suspect-to Mrs. Baumgartner

castic objurgation that flowed from the guardian of the Sans Souci, imposed restraint. It was on the tip of his tongue to suggest that, under the conditions, it would be a capital notion if they got married, and took a honeymoon cruise in

nted himself

s appeal to Peter the solid, and draw upon his wide exper

l by the familiar language coming fr

time 'is missis was due aboard. Mebbe the young

, Cerberus? When does M

thought, decided to

Seven o'clock, they said. An' it didn't matter 'oo kem here, if it was the

can either gag and bind the person who has just spoken, thus securing by force yo

ght to go

un with excursionists. You will be much happier with Pete

ting in her mind. If it were not for the considerations outlined in her brief statement to Warden she would have caught the

," said Warden pleasantly to the watchman, as

vior was not only outrageous, but it supplie

"What would happen if that wretched man took you at your word? You

aboard, aye or nay. Is it not extraordinary that such a vessel should be absolutely denuded of owner, guests, servants, and crew? That man is not a sailor. Unless I am greatly mistaken, he does not b

g Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, I suppos

domestics and members of the crew? When Peter and I went asho

have been thoughtless where I am concerned,"

rk the vivid sunlight. At the beginning of the cruise she had been fitted with a new suit of sails and fresh cordage. For the rest, Peter, and Peter's fourteen–year–old son "Chris," roused now

tying up the dinghy, when Peter bade him be off and see to the stove if he wished to escape a rope–ending. Chris was hurt. He had not expected such a greeting from his revered parent; bu

rse to pay for a room in a hotel, and the existence of a friend of her mother's in Portsmouth, a friend whose good offices might be invoked if necessary, made her independent. But she did not want to go back defeated to Oxfordshire. Her father's carelessness had left her practically at the mercy of a stepmother, w

angement for both parties. Yet Warden, unmistakably a gentleman, if rather eccentric in his ways, evidently did not view the mining magnate's family with favor. That was a displeasing fact. Though she had no personal experience of the s

orward. Warden reappeared in dry clothing. The cut on his forehead was covered with a strip of sticking plaste

alance deficiencies in these respects by a high tone in our cuisine. To–day's luncheon consists of grille

th the glass and china," she admitted. "But w

gales that wafted Peter to the Indian Ocean when he was putting in his sea service, beca

," she said with del

our people

oon after my mother's death. I lost him eight years later, and, having lived thirt

rage him to speak of the Baumgartners, but Warden

r more of you. Promise that you will write every month until early December, and report progress i

Warden, Deputy Commissio

e asked, with a smile and a quick

about that date, and I shal

arranging a regul

st the date and locality, and the one word

He explained sheepishly that he thought the meal was of a ceremonious character. They feasted regally, and

demanded Pet

one in th

ated all the rumpus," cried Warden. "What about that black face

rightened. Your son might br

you've finished lunch," said Peter, regarding

orthy mariner?"

ir turn, it did, an' I'm a pretty tough subjec'. It's enough to stop a clock. If the young leddy take

imed Evelyn, looking from one t

have whetted our curiosity with rar

sink me if I ain't. It's-a

it, and let us examine

on't 'ave the thing aboard the Nancy. Get forrard, you," he went on, glaring at the open–mouthed Chris

er questioning, he stumped off to his quarters in the fore part of the cutter, and swung himself out of sight

also st

us," he said, and drew in the dinghy's pai

ce of the artist-none to the message of undying hatred of every good impulse in mankind that was conveyed by the frowning brows, the cruel mouth, the beady, snake–like eyes peeping through narrow slits cut in the outer rind. Were not the lineaments those of a pure negro, he would have imagined that some long–forgotten doyen of the Satsuma school had amused himself by concentrating in a human face all that is grotesque and horrible in the Jap

carving. Indeed, the surface had been but slightly scored with the artist's knife. Half–lowered eyelids, a suggestion of parted lips and broad nostrils, some deep creases across the brutish forehead, and a sinister droop to each corner of the mouth-these deft touches revealed a

sed such cunning on the inferior material provided by a rough–coated calabash was not only inspired by the pride of conscious power but meant to leave an imperishable record of a savage tyrant in his worst aspect. A great Italian painter, limning his idea of the Last Judgment, gratified his spite by placing all his enemies among

r crystal formed the pupils, and the rays of light glinted from their depths with an effect that was appalling in its realism. Thus might the eyes of a cobra sparkle with vindictive fire. T

e distended with fright. She, like Peter Evans, gave no heed to the consummate skill of the designer. She was fascinated at once b

thing of its kind I have eve

le visage he could not fail to note the girl's consternation. He thought to

West Africa, the face gives a perfect likeness of an Oku chief. There is a man in Oku now who might have sat to the sculptor, though he is

or an instant at the astounding object in Warden's hands. The boy backed away, and

ith which he greeted Chris's discomfitur

, did you not?" she cried


e it to m

water. For its size, it was astonishingly light. Were it as heavy as she imagined, it must have dropped into the Solent several yards from the vessel. As it was,

trick," he sai

throw it away

rare and valua

uin and misery. Can you not see its awfu

iefest treasure of a connoisseur's collection. Would you have me

in that monstrous th

we are in England, in

an exhibition of pettish temper. He held out the calabash at arm's length and view

ered, "you did s

tightly fitting lid hitherto concealed by the varnish

guise. Now, Miss Dane, we may learn what you termed its 'awful meaning.' But, for pity's sake, don't yiel

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