img The Message  /  Chapter 9 WARDEN BEGINS HIS ODYSSEY | 52.94%
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Word Count: 5447    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

en, sitting on the plage among a cosmopolitan crowd that delighted in its own antics, watched the steamer from Dover picking i

r more at his disposal, and he was weary of the frolics of Monsieur, Madame et

–day, to dispel the ennui of existence between meals, a German baron was opening banks of five hundred louis each, and losing or winning money with a bored air. He had just closed one bank successfully, and the table was set for another, when a young American, bright–eyed, clean–shaven, an

a bundle of notes to the croupier, who counted them. The baron dealt

cards face upwards on the ta


the board. With a blasé smile, the

chman, "toujours on s

started a fresh bank for the same amount, while the American collected his stake a

making two thousand dollars

lose the same am

beastly atmosphere every day for a month is that he fritters away his money a

play any

cky at cards, unlucky in love,' you know, and I've just hea

, and self–possessed. Warden

that is tru

ve louis. He was so astonished that he bent over the shoulders of a lady seated near the foot of the table, and began mechani

as French, and gave slight heed to convent

t?" he

was twenty. To the surprise of his self–appointed counselor, he told the croupier to transfer the gold to the new number, while the note wen

nearly became hysterical. Warden received so much money that he lost count. As a matter of fact, he had won just forty louis less than the cynic of th

e fact that both 29 and 20 were black numbers. But the light and gaiety of the streets soon dispelled these vapors, and he loitered in front of a jeweler's shop while planning a surprise for his beloved. He had not yet given her a ring. Their tacit engagement was so sudden, and their parting so complete since that never–to–be–forgotten night at Plymouth, that he now fancied, with a certain humorous dismay, that Evelyn might long have been anticipating the receipt of some such token. Well, she should own a ring that he could never have afforded but f

, were it not locked in Mrs. Laing's writing–case, and Warden was no wizard that he should guess any such development in the bewildering tumult of events that was e

lved to wait until the morrow's midday service, and thus secure Evelyn's missive before his departure. He read between the lines of the brief official message clearly enough. Affairs were growing

re saying whether or not a letter was en route to Ostend. He bade Peter bring the Nancy to Dover and there awa

is a pity, because I know of one or two good

unted his before–dinner

has a horse running to–morrow. Here is the programme-third race-Baron von Gr?belstein's 'B

nterested in the entries. "Black Mask" was Numbe

s to–day," he said. "Will y

u are throwing your money aw

t is the Casino'

ell. Ho

ewhat in bulk by the visit to the


llow, it's

hall not care tu

send you a telegram about four o'clock to–m

rning. Though its tone was studiously gossipy and cheerful, the tidings it contained were unpleasant enough to lend significance to the American's dictum. Its innuendoes, whether intention

ster yesterday-well, Billy Thring spoke of you. He means to cut you out with your little governess friend. I don't blame you a bit, for she is very pretty, but, without telling tales, I would warn you that the man who said that absence makes the heart grow fonder was certainly not a connoisseur in woman's hearts. Naturally, Fairholme flew south this morning, and that clears off one of your rivals

ls included a Herr von Rippenbach and an old acquaintance of yours, Miguel Figuero. Isn't it odd that they should come here! And a little bird named Evelyn has whispered that

and I shall give

nflicted a stab cruel as the thrust of an Oku spear. Who else but Evelyn could have revealed his interest in the visit of the negroes to England? And who was this Billy Thring-whose very name suggested inanity? True, Evelyn had mentioned him as one of the house party. "I find the Honorable One very amusing," she had said.

ne of Rosamund's epistle. It was meant to wound. Its airy comment was distilled poison, its assumed levity the gall of a jealous woman. Were it not for her wholly inexplicable and confusing allusion to the Oku

now, and Rosamund Laing is just the woman to sip it. I wish now that I had insisted more firmly on Evelyn's removal from the Baumgartner ga

exquisite folly of the bet on a horse that his sporting friend described as a hopeless outsider. His misery was not complete till the memory of another jewel intru

osen to send a message there, rather than risk missing him at Ostend. But he was wrong. The first he ope

bstitution of one woman for another, when his e

ok you forties. Con

ace attracted the sympa

d no bad news, si

a harshness that w

erse. I backed a horse and h

ke most of his clas

the sort you read about but seldom see

at Os

ood "information" diminished,

xclaimed. "Did you

y pou

teen hundred quid!" and each sylla

nty–four hours had enriched him by nearly five years' pay,

Unpack my traps, there's a good fellow. I am

and other kindred items that goaded Warden to hidden frenzy. Yet the forced attention thus demanded was good for him. He described "Black Mask" as "a Tartar of the Ukraine br

ter and the driver of a hansom were in deep converse. He paid the cabman at the Colonial

"but would you mind tellin' m

demanded War

erpool C

of co

e back at once to interview the hall porter. A joint speculation followed, and two men mourned for many a d

at at four o'clock all secretaries and civil servants throw aside the newspapers and other light literature with which they beguile the tedium

haired, smooth–spoken gentleman, who asked him to recapitulate the main

his recital. After the first tw

to each other, and in such an exceedingly delicate matter as this threatened difficulty in Nigeria-wherein

tranger might have impersonated me?" demanded

second to the complete satisfaction of our Minister abroad, but hardly to my ow

e were elements in the life of Wh

Excellency has the highest appreciation of your tact and ability. He thinks you are the man best fitted to deal with the natives of the disturbed region. It is not proposed that you should return by the ordinary mail service. We assume that the departure of officers and others for Lagos is closely watched at the

unravel the mystery that enveloped Evelyn and her whereabouts. A bitter rage welled up in his breast, but h

e quiet voice. "But it is unavoidable. The thing presses. And I need scarcel

the Water Witch on Sa

in his manner was puzzling, but

f affairs, and what, if any, developments have taken place in the meantime. He will also give you the Governor's views as to the way in which your experience of the natives can best be utilized. I leave it to you t

fate do her worst. Certainly, the situation had in it some element of comedy. Gold was being showered on Warden

mused the shrewd official, and the time

a commending him in the highest terms for his cool judgment, resourcefulness, and decision. He showed these qualities now. He hurried to Charing Cross, and despatched three telegrams, one to Evelyn, begging her to communicate with him instantly, a second to his friend in Ostend, th

went to

have written it about the time his message to Evelyn was delivered. If so, and it was true that the Baumga

was about to dine in her own room when Warden's card was brou

e eating alone, but I dislike still more being at a table by myself in a big hotel. You

nts"-he began, but she was not to be fo

r if you had guessed them. Now, don't look so glum. It is not my fault that your pretty govern

osamund with excess in both directions. Yet it would be strange, he thought, were she playing s

of course," he said

at is why you are disconsolate,"

chiefly curious. How did y

you tele

ss Dan

re brought to a remote place in the Highlands for a lady

t have been for

tructions that everything was to be sent to their London house, which is closed, except for a caret

vanished in

t I am sure that was meant as a blind. They wouldn't take Figuero and von Ripp

r no excuse to

to break up a pleasant house party because one of its members has suffered a bereavement. There is something else going on. I am honestly feminine enough to w

a tight rein on his emotions

s dining with a lady can best express poli

ths, why not choose some less exciting topic? How did you like Ostend? I adore it. The people amuse me-they are so na?vely shocking

If possible, I would marry her to–morrow. That is no figure of speech. If she were here now, and the law permitted, I would marry her within the hour. You know

it was none the less disagreeable in the hearing. The fury that convuls

rig. It was her own foolish tongue that revealed things-about you-and the men of Oku-and-and-what you saw that night at Cowes. She is either very wicked or very thoughtl

voice might betray the agony of his soul. Ah, if only he might see Evelyn for five precious minutes!

ered at last. "May I give you a word of advice? Forget what you have just

y-for Warden was obliged to be ambiguous in that respect-Rosamund was sure that she had gained some ground in a pitiless struggle. War

eply–paid telegram to the coast–guard station nearest Lochmerig. He soon received an answer. "The

l record of their conversation in the hotel-and enclosed the ring and the manuscript in a stout linen envelope. When Peter Evans came to him in the

to open any letters that arrive during my absence. If you run short of money, or are compelled to take an expensive journey, apply to my bankers. I shall leave f

en's gravity, yet proud of the trus

I'll get her bearin's one way or another. Sink me! if I don't find that gal

a. He told the hall porter exactly which portmanteaus he meant to take with him, but on arriving at Paddington Station at 4.30


scoundrel into carrying you downstairs and depositing you on the roo

Water Witch one day while the ship's pos

to the Spanish coast, Ca

y, Mr. Williams,

pression that vessels bound for the

run. It happens this time, however, that my

iams, seemingly staggered at

ittle hole. E


u do you'll see the queerest collecti

rned and gazed


's t

've been drea


you'll fancy it's a

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