img The Message  /  Chapter 8 SHOWING HOW MANY ROADS LEAD THE SAME WAY | 47.06%
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Reading History


Word Count: 4495    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Rosamund Laing's claim, she saw the absurdity of letting affairs drift until the hoped–for meeting at Madeira. At first, she thought of resigning her post as Beryl's companion, and returning to

that he could not choose but refer to it. So, after drafting a few sentences, and we

he way, said that you called on her at Lady Hilbury's when in London. Is that true? There are some hidden forces in motion at Lochmerig which I do not understand. Mr. Baumgartner tackled me openly at dinner with regard to my journey from Cowes to Oxfordshire. We know from Peter that Figuero saw us together that morning, and your Portuguese friend evidently recognized me at once. But Mr. Baumgartner's pointed refe

cynical, note in those passages which she regarded as all–important. To her judgment, events in the near future would follow a well–defined course. Her lover would say whether or not he had met Mrs. Laing in London, and give the clearest reasons for his omission of her name

nces, but quite nonsensical. Even Warden himself must be made to believe that Mrs. Laing was only indulging an exuberant sense of humor in claiming his fe

cturesque villains in the piece. I am just going for a stroll by the side of the loch, and I

in a postscript, but never did the writer of a harmless and gossipy missive achieve such amazing resu

table drawn well away from the door-were settling the final details of a scheme that aimed at nothing less than a very grave alteration in the politi

n other parts of the earth, were absolutely controlled by one of those trivial cond

each day with the post–bag for Lochmerig Lodge and return some hours later with the first out–going budget. The house letters were dropped into a box in the entrance hall, and a notice intimated that the time of clearance was at noon. To an unscrupulous

e door. "She went out some time since-in that direction," and he pointed towa

g pouted

rgotten to write. I shall never find her in time.

t inspiration by

ause. "I'm almost certain Miss Dane w

t wish Miss Dane to believe that she was suspected of forgetfulness. It was then some few minutes after eleven, and this gracious

shine-if the weather is fine-an' fresh air all the time. I only came on du

en the postman groom came to clear the letter–box. Sh

ave stupidly left out of a letter the very thing I most wanted to say. It would never have oc

he Honorable Billy quite well, so he raised no objection to this smartly dressed lady's eage

Restante, Ostend. Now, that will save me a heap of trouble. It was so nice

easy pleased, to be sure. Even Billy Thring, experienced hunter

ner can be relied on. He is all there as a rule when he talks dollars an' cents, but he's a perf

ens. A little to the left the Sans Souci lay at her moorings. A steam launch was tied to a neat landing–stage. A string of horses and moor ponies returning from exercise crossed a level pasture at the head of

rned a penny in his life. "Can't be ten years older than me, though he looks sixty, bein' podgy. Now,

hrouded path. She walked with a lithe eleg

ity of ever achieving any part of this fascinating program

gardeners, a red–whiskered

"No shootin', no yachtin', not a soul in th

t looked at

he said, "an' there's ith

ing scored off. "Aiblins some people are cuttin' grass wha ocht

e gardener. "Whiles I'm thinkin' there's a g

you cateran

t i' the heid have a wonderfu' way wi' ani

n' change yer trousies for a kelt, an' meb

e Billy could imitate the Scots dialect with

McToddy," be

from yer rid neb that there's micht

h the wrath that boiled up in him, the man pus

Billy. "Bannock

ing?" asked Evelyn, who had w

foon, Miss Dane, an idle jester. The only difference between me

were on the verge of proposing to Mrs

t her. We've bin together the last half hour, a

Honorable one's matrimonial prospects. If he and Mrs. Laing made a match o

once she remembered she hadn't said what she wanted to say in a letter to a Captain somebody at Ostend, an' off she waltzed to her room

eer into her eyes, and wonder. So Mrs. Laing was writing to Arthur! She knew his address! How strange, how unutterably strange, that he had not once mentioned her name! The girl, as in a dream, affected to

elegraph messe

anced at

ictims. This is Leger day, an' if you wait a moment I'll put you onto a stiff 'un, sure thing. Then you must turn bookmaker a

m, and commenced to unfasten

laughed Billy, op

story, a whole legion of doubts and terrors now trooped in on her. She asked herself how she could endure to live in the same house as her rival, for five long days, until Arthur's answer came. Would he receive the two letters b

the other, her companion was gazing at it in a dazed way. His cheeks were bloodless, the hand gripping the scrap of flimsy

, startled beyond measu

ce that comes most clearly from one whose lips are formed for l

in, catching his arm because he

oys! May Heaven forgive me! To think that I s

from his palsied fingers,

nster Junction last evening. Their private saloon was being shunted when the down express crashed into it. Letters found on

ll clinging desperately to the strick

y your r

nswer cam

s! And two such boys! Straight an' tall an'

support, was now Earl of Fairholme. Calling Brown to her aid, they led him inside the house. The butler, impelle

person, to whom the death of three Engl

w you have your excuse. You can em

velyn's letter, and the sharp–eyed Scotch lassie saw that the lady nearly upset the inkstand in her haste to cover something with the blotting–pad. Rosamund was

t, "have you seen Mr. Figuero recently? I mean

ostscript had given her a clue to the mystery of Figuero's presence in Baumgartner's house. She knew her West Africa, and the bad repute of Oku was one of he

schemes, it was as well. Sometimes there comes to the aid of evil–doers a fiend who contrives opportunities where human forethought would fail. Rosamund, embarked on a well–ni

cast on our pleasant party by the unhappy tidings received this morning by one of our number renders it alm

that the millionaire's fiat was unalterable. Polite murmurs of agreement veiled the chagrin of people who had a fortnight or

t Figuero i

age," she said. "Will y

, and agreed instantly. When they were cle

Rippenbach and three men of

e was no need. He waited a few se

e joke,"

n Captain Warden informs the Governme

rowled, and she was fully awa

Mr. Baumgartner in the library before lunch. Oh, please don't interrupt"-for Figuero, driven beyond the bounds of self–control, was using words better left to the Portuguese tongue in which they were uttered-"I am not concerned with your plots. They n

ou want

was livid, almost green with rage and perplexity. It must

glish?" she aske

ce-better as I c


fateful letter that alluded to himself and h

lib for?" h

or Captain Warden. I came by it, no matter ho

e stuffed the sheet of n

letter," h

copy. Savvy? I have the r

quick darting action of a snake. Rosamund, who was really somewhat afraid, trusted to the daylig

yours. Now, listen. I mean to marry Captain Warden, but I have reason to believe that he is

is place. In Africa, we

alled stories she had heard of those who had died wi

t events to my own purpose. I can warn him, perhaps prove myself his friend. Above all-where are you going to–morrow? Mr. Baumga

answer during

st him, and his active interference was now assured beyond cavil. But, with two women as foils, both beautiful,

letter?" he sai

t gone to Captain Warde

ite 'im. Wh

that affect

le him

h statement, as shall be

Dem girl, Mees Dane, go wid me. You tole him dat t'ing

said. "In a week, ten days,

b me Captain Warden writin', a

arry out what

dem yacht lib for Madeira, no

stion that he would marry Evelyn was preposterous, but there was no reason why she should hurt his pride by telling him so. Her heart throbbed madly, while her active brain debated the pros and cons of the all–important question-should she post the lett

the box. She was quite pale with suppressed excitement. Her boats were burnt. She heard the fall of the envelope into the receptacle, and the appalling n

ing," he said, "you

mean to levy blackma

her strength of character to m

irl. If I make wife palav

e one thing for the other. If you refuse, I

Arthur Warden, was well acquainted with the mission he and the chiefs had undertake

at, no mo'. If you say 'no,' dem girl no lib for yacht. Mr.

balance to an address in London. He was fully satisfied. He was sure she would not fail him. When he need

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