img The Message  /  Chapter 4 FIGUERO MAKES A DISCOVERY | 23.53%
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Word Count: 4062    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

an to say--"

ive minutes the better I shall be pleased. Bear away to

gust visitor, they would have seen nothing more remarkable than a small boat visiting at least

atch, and mounted guard over the Sans Souci. The cruiser's launch was still alongside, and the time passed slowly until the two officers descen

Finally it was dominated by the strains of the Castle band beginning the evening programme with the "Boulanger March," and Ward

uptly; after a brief p

bless 'im!" sa

playing Heil dir im Sieger Krantz" said

er heerd 'Gord save the King' cal

e, differ

ffed in h

d Hundredth is a Dutch ho

guero was not visible at first. Warden began to be annoyed. Could it be possible that such a social outcast could be left in Evelyn Dane's company? Developments soon relieved the tension. A launch puffed up and took away the visitors, Figuero being the last to step on board.

sted as his employer in the comi

Warden," he said, rolling some tobacco betwe

et our eyes to–night,"

not a man of many words; and when he expressed a

gazebo as that murderous–lookin' swab on the calabash should cross our course just when it did. Were did it come from-th

Warden, "I hope

lot la

r. May I ax w'ere his

it. I shall send it to

ales an' sharks to dead pigs who 'ad cut their own throats with their fore feet by swimmin'

lant scrutiny of the Sans Souci, felt that, in very truth, there must be some malign influence in the carved head on the gourd ere it would arouse the intens

confidant in matters which might have the gravest bearing on an already troubled position in West Africa

irst train leave for

seven o'clo

ope, sir," he went on, and the dejection in his

s, perhaps a ni

schief?" growled Peter, jerk

cally the same conclusions from the night's happenings. They were clear enough to one versed in most

aid slowly. "Anyhow, let us turn in. Miss Evelyn Dane evidently sleeps on board. Perh

t, however, carry Arthur Warden a

d precede her at nine. Not until he found himself dawdling on the quay, killing time as lazily as possible, did the thought obtrude that he was extraordinarily anxious to meet her again. Of course, it irritated him. A smart soldier, with small means beyond his pay-with a foot just planted on the first rung of the administrator's ladder in a

he boy's attention, even evoked his envy. But it chanced also to be a krooboy call on the Upper Niger, and in

oes whom he expected to find there, but his wrathful expression changed to blank incredulity when he saw Warden. T

you fit for get up o

n, Pana by name, with the same imperative command. Soon

ortuguese eagerly. "You savvy-him dat was in Oku bush

seemingly their leader, "I plenty much

or catch 'im?" s

hen we catch him bush one–time. I hear him give boat–boy whistle. Sti

ed existence, and there was little doubt that Arthur Warden would be recognized by each man at any future date w

red Warden's part in the suppression of a slave–raid and the pun

or watch-then I savvy,

ttle amusement in gazing idly at an Englishman through a

remain in room till I come. T


d, the three looked as though they cou

s. He learned that the emperor dined on board the imperial yacht and subsequent

of foreign politics, but he noted the name, the Count having

e import, inasmuch as it tended to sol

land. Though a course was laid close in–shore, both charts and lead showed ten fathoms of water. Suddenly the cruiser struck. At first it was believed that she had run into some unknown sandbank formed by a recent gale,

e of centuries, as there is no record within modern times of any wooden ship foundering in the locality. The gentleman in question decided to mark the exact spot with a buoy, and a diver'

was dull. He threw away all but the page referring to Cowes, which he stuffed in a pocket, and, although he held his nerves under

l a gig from the Sans Souci de

ance as soon as the boat appeared in the Medina. Figuero, whose eyes had never left him for an instant since he emitted th

lip out of sight in good time. He was safer than he imagined. Warden was looking at Evelyn Dane, an

feigned pleasure of her greeting. Her face mantl

that you might row across to the yacht-not because I did not want to see you again, but Mr. Baumgartner made such a point of exclud

. Baumga

ng together. She would not hear of my departure, but she warned me not to say a word about my afternoon's adventures. M

ne told him my name and occupation and added the information that I kept a close eye on the Sans Souci bet

unable to decide whether or not to take

as safe on bo

he was thinking only of her caused

uld have said," he agreed, and s

at I did not imagine you might not be

right. It is the simple fact that before you were many min


was nearly coming to tak

t w

hom Mr. Baumgartner


land–pirate I mentioned to you yesterday. He was accompanied by three chiefs

a startled

st?" was all she

e you. Had it not been for a most amazing intervention you would c

hat hap

I returned to the Nancy to-to secure Peter's assistance. We were near the Sans Souci on the second trip when another launch arrived, and there stepped on board the yacht a gentle

he almost gasped

ot mistaken. I saw him clearly. I heard Baumgartner's humble greeting. And the real

rstand," she sa

h on the Continent of Europe should wish to confer with four of the ripest sco

rtner kept me closeted in her

way, has she

ouci returns to Portsmouth to be refitted for a cruise to Madeira and the Canaries during the winter months. Altogether, she sketched a very agreeable programme. But you have excited my curiosity almo

he Baumgartners with a romantic nimbus which, judging

irl l

eople, but rather co

talk freely

ng Cowes this morn

like Captain Arthur Warden more than she cared to admit even to herself, h

edly. "Circumstances compel me to visit London to–day. Chris is now waiting at the station with my bag. I would have

tended to

actly. Why are you vexed because we

exed. I am

delight with the w

are angry

ed opinion. If peaches are good in the aftern

a peach," s

ge. His acquaintance with the English language was practically confined to the trader's tongue spoken all along the West African coast, and he had little knowledge of English ways. But he was shrewd and tactful, and his keen wits were at their utmost tension. Hence, he was not at a loss how to ac

gton, in Oxfordshire, and the gentle

hing in a note–book and hurried back to the harbor. It was essential that he should find out what vessels these two people

arger craft which brought the girl ashore came to the quay, but Figuero had taken no notice of Evelyn then, because he had not the l


sked, with an ingratiating smile and a

king out a wooden leg as he swu

en, a mister who walk here one–

parts," replied Peter, who thought he

young lady-who lib for here in ship–boat not much time

nned Peter. "She's Miss Polly

I dash you two shillin'

the game himself, but he thought better of it. Taking the proffered note–book and pe

e communed. "It was honestly earned, an' I figure on the Captain bein' arf

with gin and cigarettes, bade them lie perdu till he came back, and made hi

cht Sans Souci an' I dash

added under his breath, "Sink me if he d

onal arrows without effort. At any rate, Peter was now sure he was not mistaken in believing that his fare was the "Portuguese s

t would return for luncheon. So Peter demanded an extra half crown

n' good money to–day. Sheer off for 'arf an hour, an' I'll tie

expeditions-alarming him so thoroughly that he never dreamed of associating Miss Evelyn Dane with the Polly Perkins of Peter's juvenile memories-Arthur Warden himself was driving in a hans

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