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Reading History

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1959    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

s father rushed from the library to the side of

d! what is it?"

rt?" Mr. Swift

colored man. "Look where he am holdin' o

biplane-airship had become entangled in some of the aerials of Tom's wireless apparat

had not reached the ground, and there he clung, while the motor of his airship w

cried Tom, to th

unless I get out of here!"

Rad, you get the long ladder. Where's Koku? That giant is nev

and the colored man hastened off as

will take just a few minutes to tell you a little something more about Tom Swif

aterford, and how Tom bought that gentleman's motor cycle, after it had tried to climb a tree with its rider in the saddle. Mr. Wakefield Damon was an odd man

his father's footsteps. They lived in a large house, with many

to take enough time from their inventive work to eat. Another member of the household was Eradicate Sampson,

trips, after escaping from captivity. The young inventor really brought two giants, brothers they were, but one had gone

friend was Miss Mary Nestor, a young lady whose life Tom had once saved. He had many

e. Then followed an airship, for Tom got that craze, and in the book concerning that machine I related some of the things that happened to him. He had even more wonder

aways of Earthquake Island, he thought he would give up his inven

arned the secret of Phantom Mountain. And when he went to the Caves of Ice, and there saw his airship wrecked, Tom was well-nigh disc

some of them in the book bearing the latter title. Later on he sought the platinum treasure in his air g

rld, and Tom invented a Wizard Camera which did excellent work. Then came the need of a powerful light, to enable

Canal came the need of powerful guns to protect that important waterway, and

new activities. He found them in the idea of a photo telephone, and he and his father were jus

young inventor, anxiously, as he saw the da

sa Tom! I'se a

s Koku? We'


d a big man came running around the cor

. You had better come, too. Rad, go in the house and get a mattress from

ah, Mas

very good English. He had a very strong ladder, of his own make, built to hold his

had brought, though Tom did most of the lifting, for his f

to ascend the ladder, at the same time observing that the g

re not move for fear the p

ff the motor," said Tom.

to do it in just this way," and the birdman smiled grimly. "I didn't see your wireless aeri

hope you and your biplane are not damage

eeing things?" asked the aviato

hen, I'm going to shut off your motor, and then

glad to," sa

trols. He pulled out the electrical switch, and with a sort of cough and groan the motor st

l he could climb down and meet

nt Halling. I'm a newcomer in Mansburg," he added, naming a town not far from

"Rather a queer place to meet a friend," he went on with

t. The next thing will be

me ropes, and see what you and Rad can do toward getting the aeropl

laimed the big m

adder, while the giant proceeded to study out

ran into my wireless aerials?" asked Tom, curiousl

with my motor, and I thought perhaps you could tell me what

know Mr. Dam

st, but I hadn't seen him lately, until I came East.

genially. "I'll have a look at your machine as soon as Koku gets it

y he isn't very

What is th

ing, "but he is fretting himself into a

se at the bad news concerning his friend

out bad investments, and he did speak of the trickery of one man, I d

Mr. Swift. "Tom, we must look into

come in the house, Mr. Halling. I'm sure

though it isn't the first ac

n there came a cry from Koku, who had fast

e giant. "The rope am slip

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