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Reading History

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1598    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he accident about to happen. "Your craft will surely

trailed on the ground. Koku had fastened one end to the airship, and had taken a turn of the cable about the chimney. He had be

bbed the slipping hempen strands, and thus checked

, when he had made fast the rop

r it?" asked Mr. H

as a horse. You needn't worry. He'll get

mmed my le

ou want

or a little th

s wound, and found quite a cut on the thigh, w

ch. "Now if you can look my machine over, and tell me what's the ma

lame leg, and certainly I would not want to see you use your aircraft after what she's gon

t I think I'd better go to a hotel

of room here, and for that matter we have plenty of autos and airships, too, as we

look at the airship. As he feared, he found several things the matter with it, in addition

who explained that, as yet, he was on

" said Tom. "But it will take severa

r when you get through with her. But I think I am able to go on home

om, "can you tell me anything more

day I found him with his check book out, and he was doing a lot

d friend of mine, and I'd do anything to help him. I certainly wouldn

ose his money it will be due to some trickery. Mr. Dam

greed Tom. "You say h

d not mention any name. But Mr.

very jolly. He must be feeling quite badly. I'll g

reciate it. And now I mus

who had several automobiles. "I don't want

your wireless aerials; but I didn't see them unti

up some warning signs. But don't worry about damaging them. They were only up tempo

e, eh? Is that

n get it working," s

iring the damaged airship. This took him the better part of a week, but he did not regret the tim

, and had spent some time setting up an experimental telephone l

a booth, with a telephone receiver to his ear, meanwhile looking steadily at

t, Ned, please. I'

d Tom. The inventor shifted several switches, pressed one button after another, and tilted the polished metal plate at differ

ew game Tom is u

opened, and Tom s

if you can notice anything on it. I've been staring at it so ste

k; is it? I won't be blown up, or g

telephone. I have the telephone part down pat, but I

m did things to it, making electrical conn

ing, Ned?"

r shook

upposed to s

ther end of the wire.

plate out of a side window

ainly a wonderful giant,

o?" as

y he ought to be at the other end of this wire,

a second and

booth in the machine shop, and told him to stay there unt

didn't you stay at the telephone wh

mple chap, "little thing go 'tick-tick' and then 'clap-clap!' K

the plate!" exclaimed Tom. "There was nobody

ything to

ing you like--the telephone part is all right. Then you just stand so that the l

anch telephone in the machine shop. Ned stood in the glare of an electric

here, Ned?


e ligh


looking at

ee any reflectio

is voice. "The thing is a failure, Ned. Come on back," and the young ban

knowing how Tom must feel. "I'

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