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Reading History

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1876    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d receiver from his ear, and almost upsetting the photo apparatus in his mad rush to help Tom. Certain it is, however,

t in, cr

What happened? W

small booth, in one corner of the big, dimly lighted shop.

called the y

th. Then he saw Tom lying unconscious, with his head and arms on the table in front of him, while the low

n his chum's ear. He sh

rt? What is

a wild idea that Tom had been shocked to death, possibly by some

ppened, or I'd have been s

, sickish odor in the booth. It was over

ome way Tom has been overcome by chlorofo

rms, and dragged him out of the booth, and to the outer door of the shop. Almost before Ned had reached

he young invent

You'll be all right in a few minutes. What h

ad," faltered Tom. "I'm getting all rig

t do you mean, T

hand behind me. It slipped over my mouth and nose, and I smelled chloroform. I knew right away

n't imagine what had happened. First I thought it was an electrical sh

! I haven't the

ave been goin

on Tom. "I left all my cash in the house. If it was

Some of your

years ago Jake Burke and his gang held me up

hat. It was when you first got

going to say was that they use

same crowd? Why, I thou

hem in years. Now it may be they have come back for r

it might be so. What are

, they're a bad lot. I wouldn't want father to know they were around, for he'd be sure to worry himself sick. He

and that I think it was Burke and his crowd, he'd be s

e best plan. But you o

t worry about that. I

asked Ned, his curios

eadjusting the current, trying to get that image to appear on the plate. All at once, I felt someone back of me, and, before I co

ing else--they didn't tak

ey must have sneaked into the shop. I left the do

ny were

t one fellow at me; but he m

invention were

t would be valuable. I know one thing, though, they couldn't

Ned wante

s a dead, sure failure, Ned, and I'm goin

be right on the verge of perfecting it, Tom.

l, never mind about that now. I'm going to look

sed away. He had breathed the fumes of it for only a little while, so no harm had

, however, though the two chums looke

u came as soon as I called. They heard me speakin

admitted Ned, "but I didn't see

at getting away. Well, now to de

a number of valuable inventions, unscrupulous men had tried to steal his ideas and models. To prevent this Tom had arranged a system of burglar alarms, and had also fitt

. But now it seemed Tom would have to take new precautionary measures. His camera, h

rglar wires," decided To

d Tom's chum. "That giant could handle four or five

orm is giving me a headache. Guess I'll go to bed. I wish you'd stay o

y, Tom. I'll telephone h

to telephone apparatus, and had prepared fo

said Tom, half bitterly, as he locked up the main

ou never failed yet, Tom Swift, in anything

rong this time. But I'm not going to think any more about i

carefully to Tom's

night, Koku," said the young

" and he stretched out his powerful arms, and clenched

to worry them. The burglar alarms were set, Koku took his place where he could watch the signals, and at the s

ould not sleep. He lay awake, tossing from side to side, and, in spite of his resoluti

t work," he told himself, over and ove

s sliding down hill on a big mirror in which all sorts of reflections we

ike a motor boat in a storm. He felt the vibra

, Tom!

it?" he slee

nd then he realized that his dream

pered Tom, i

urglar alarm has just gone off! The airship h

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