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Reading History

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1360    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

g at Tom, as though he could not believe what he had heard the

ing d

said," repeat

don't understa

t indee

friend, Mr. Peters, explo

se abso

invention that hasn't

e, "but all of my inventions have been successful.

e drawings on the table. "Has that been a success? Excuse me for having looked at the plans, but I did not thin

lephone?" asked Tom, suspiciously, for the papers

n fact, that you were working

ou?" asked

r. The colored man who s

st have been talking. That isn't

is caller

usiness with Mr. Peters. Tell him, with my thanks, that there is real

your la

om, as he gathere

here was a veiled threat in his tones, "you will regret th

plied Tom, confid

one. He called Eradicate to him, and gently questioned the old colored man,

or Tom, and it was small wonder that the old colored man had let slip a reference to the photo teleph

s a pretty slick sort of a chap. As for Peters, he's a big 'bluff,' to be perfectly frank. I'm

smission. I'll use an alternating current on the third wire, and see if that makes it any better. A

to looking. As far as the young inventor could tell none was missing, and as they were not comp

g to be on my guard," mused To

. Damon, so he did not learn in what condition that gentleman's affairs were. Tom even denied himself to his chum Ned, so taken up was the y

Ned. "Come on out in the motor boat a

swered To

peare would say. Come on, Tom. It wi

," agreed Tom. "I am feeling a bit rusty

d thing to come o

t couldn't be done. But I haven't given up. Maybe I'll t

t house, and soon were ou

ince you had her f

y did a g

u sue P

f his interview with Mr. Boylan. This was news to N

hat I had heard of Peters--that he was a get-ric

w, in his big boat," and he pointed to a red blur coming u

om's more modest craft, the big man did not glance toward our hero a

had enough of y

ly he thought, after he handed it over, that I'd be only too willing to

. They stopped for lunch at a picnic resort, and coming back in the cool of the evening they found t

many of the pleasure craft were canoes and ligh

ed. Hardly had he done so than there broke in upon the merry shouts and singing of the pleas

l warning of an ele

in a hurry,"

. "It sounds like P

He ought to know better than to cut th

eaded to

had enough of that

his boat on. The big vibrating horn kept up its clamo

ook out!" cr

edy motor craft, and Peters and his friends (for there were several men in

be swamped!"

boat dashed past in a smother of foam, t

noe's upset! Speed her up,

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