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Reading History

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2331    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

le later, as the aged inventor and his son were looking over some blueprints

e a little run from Shopton, because I can't get a

by train?" as

om's rather hesitating rep

ve to change cars," said the engineer. "That is if you don't want

the Butterfly will be just the thing," and Tom looked over to where a new monoplane rested on the three bicycle wheels which formed part of its landing frame. "I haven't

ry," suggested Mr. Swift, with a fond glance at his son, for Tom's opinion was considered valuable

scussion of ohms, amperes, volts and currents, and, for a ti

inventor, I will tell my readers something about him, so that those

. There was also in the household Mrs. Baggert, the aged housekeeper, who looked after Tom al

d his father than by any one else. Eradicate was so called because, as he said, he "eradicated" the dirt. He did whitewashing, made gardens, and did anything else that was needed. Boomerang w

der will be introduced in due course. And then there was Mary Nestor, about whom I pref

had a habit of "blessing" everything from his collar button to his shoe laces, did not "bless" the motor-cycle after it tried to climb a tree with him; and he sold it to Tom very cheaply. Tom repaired it, invent

r, a town bully, and beat him. Tom also took out on pleasure trips his chum, Ned Newton, who worked in a Shopton bank, and the two had fine times together. Need I also say that Mary Nestor also had trips in the motor-boat? Besides some

t and His Airship." In the Red Cloud, Tom and his friends, including Mr. Damon, started to make a record flig

om and his friends as the robbers, and they were pursued. But they turned the t

craft, and in the fourth book of the series, called "Tom Swift and His Submarine," you may read how he went after a sunken treasure

ical Runabout," told how Tom built the speediest car on the r

who seemed to bear our hero a grudge of long standing. Even though Tom had, more than once, thrashed Andy well, the bully was always s

tterfly. In it he made several successful trips about the country, and gave exhibitions at numerous aviation meets; once winning a valuable prize for an altitude flig

oing to the Quaker City, to see Mr. Fenwick to-morrow, you'd b

message ready at once, and when Eradicate comes b

n't do t


leep. Then your message won't get off, and Mr. Fenwick may be anxiously waiting for it. I wouldn't like to offend him, for, th

d send the message from there. It will go quicker, and, besides, I w

ds, and say that I hope his airship will be a success. So it's an electri

e the batteries of my car? I think they need repl

s from the village of Shopton, and Tom a

d be done in much less than the time usual for such an operation, owing to a new system perfected by Tom. The latter was soon spee

them off the ground, and keep them there." He knew, for there had been several fa

orner, twisting about to pass a milk wagon, when he suddenly

c gong, at the same time shutting off the c

error from the girl, and then, as

at are you trying t

ejaculated our hero

open the door, alighting on the crossing, while

n the lad. "I came from be

d when it got out of my way, I darted around the end of it, without looking to see if anything else

or he saw that his friend was not her usua

ews to tell you!

ed Tom. "We are collecting a crowd. Come a

lush, which Tom thought made her look all the pret

elp him out of some difficulties with his new electric airship. I'm goi

hip flight than it was to go shopping," interrupted Mary, as she entered the

per air," he said. "But what is

papa had gone to the Wes

. When did they go? I didn't kn

e Hosbrook, a business friend of papa's, offered to take them on his steam yacht, Resolute. He is ma

ss to New York, and went off in such a hurry that I can hardl

say that was n

ust left unexpectedly, and I have invited a lot of girl friends to come and stay with me, while mamma and papa are away; and now what shall I

to the intelligence office, and if you can get a cook, by hook or by crook, I'll bundle her into this car,

ish I had the

his wish might be granted. "But is there any p

one in town. Oh. I do hope I can get a cook! It would be dreadful to have not

ould, and they soon after arri

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