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Reading History

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1446    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

s, and one of these was to use a new kind of gas in the balloon bag. He wanted a gas with a

y-out, Mr. Fenwick, in a few days more. I shall have to go back to Shopton to get some articles I

e will make a


long a

" answered Tom, with a smile. "If p

"I'm going to put aboard a stock of provisions, and some other

reed Tom, "though I hardly think

me hungry," proceeded Mr. Fenwick, "so

when this decision of the inventor of the

nt word to have Mr. Damon join him in time t

back to Philadelphia to-morro

e seen him reading a certain note a few minutes before that, which note was awaiting

s brief. It

urnovers? The new cook is a treasure,

gned: Mar

ome apple turnovers," re

ll on Miss Nestor. True to her promise, the girl had a big plate full of apple turnovers, which she gaily offered our hero on

g up in the air or under the ocean, or even catching runaway horses," by which l

t the sight of so many pretty faces staring at him. He said afterward that he would rather have vo

iment of the evening, and, before he knew it he was telling Mi

. "How is the new cook Miss Nestor; and have you heard from your fat

answered Miss Nestor. "We all like her, and she is anxiou

Tom, "for those are the best

y. "She'll appreciate it coming

parents?" asked Tom, anx

oard the yacht. Mr. Hosbrook, the owner, is an ideal host, mamma said. They are proceeding directly to the West

their rescue in one of his airships, or a submarine,"

Mary. "Don't speak of shipwrecks! It makes

eassure Miss Nestor, than from any knowledge he possessed; "but if they do ge

ends made the time pass quickly. He promised to call again, and try some more samples of the

le craft was Tom's pet. It had not cost him anything like as much as had his other inventions, either in time or money, but he cared more for it than for his big airship, Red Cloud. This was principally becau

rise that Tom saw a light in the stru

I don't see why they should be. They wouldn't be going for a flight

surmise could not be true, since the eccentric man had t

o see who it is. I hope it isn't Eradicate monkeying with the

inside he wanted to surprise him. There were large windows to the place, and they would give a

and he heard a peculiar ripping sound. Then, as he sprang toward the front door, the li

ying to get away," thought t

was Tom that the unknown collided with him, and our hero went over on his back. The other pers

oung inventor, he recognized, by the dim light of a crescent moon, the countenance of Andy Fo

g inventor. "What are you doing in my shed? W

answer throu

," and then Andy's footsteps died away, while a mocki

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