hurt. But when he realized that the fall from the carriage, which was a low one, was not hard, and that Andy had
ed about in vain for some. But it was not needed, for, a moment later, Andy opened
't you hit me again, Tom
om, while Andy tore himself aw
did, too
arriage out of the way, which I had a perfect right to do, as you were blo
y, and then, putting his hand to his head, and bringing
maybe I'll bleed to death!" He began blubberi
ch. Next time don't try to blockade the whole street, and you won't get
You go on, and mind your business now, and I'll pay yo
tructing traffic. But I'll not. Your rig i
satisfied Tom that the carriage had not been damaged, and, getting into his ca
ucting carriage, and soon Tom was humming down the
f his clothes, and wiping the blood from his face. As Tom had said, the wound was but a scratch, though the bully's head ached, a
anently getting the best of Tom. Pondering on some scheme of revenge
had not taken place, but refusing to blame himsel
I want to tighten the propeller on the shaft a trifle, and give the engine a good try-out. Then, too, I think I'd better make the landing springs a little stiff
stop opposite the side door. He looked about for a sight of his father, Mrs. Baggert o
called Tom.
lored man. "Yo' dad an' anodder ge
nd the negro, glad of an excuse to cease the w
is allers saying his
. He's allers askin' a blessin' on his
an Mr. Wake
done means. Mr. Wakefull
n the house, the voices of Mr. Swif
the Butterfly, to-morrow," Mr. Swift was saying, "and he's g
ther, but bless my multiplication tables--I never thought he'd amount to anything! And so he's built an airship; and Tom is going to help
m, with a smile, as he advanced toward th
dicate, and, with slow and lagging ste
called our hero, as he mou
I thought I'd run over and see how you are. I came in my car--had two blowouts on the way, too. Bless my spark plug, but the kind of tires one gets now-a-days are a disgrace! However, I'm here, and your fa
r. Fenwick," replied Tom, with a smi
ike to see his airship. Will your
y, Mr.
to do. If you'll let me I'll take
come along," respo
-bless my deflection rudder if I don't, Tom!" and puffing up his cheeks, as he exploded