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Reading History

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1444    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

Fenwick again, as Tom walked all about th

rtainly," rem

it was!" burst out Mr. Damon. "It'

it will fly, Tom? I haven't dared to try it yet, though a small model which I made

areful examination, whether this larg

," suggested Mr. Fenwick. "I'll pay

glad to do it without pay," retorted Tom, quickly. "I didn't come here for that. Suppose we go in

type of gasolene engine, small but very powerful, and this served to operate a dynamo. In turn, the dynamo operated an electrical motor, as Mr. Fenwick had an idea that better, and m

nery, and it seemed a good idea. There were various other apparatuses, machines, and

w that you have seen the motor

ee it in opera

w, and hear what you have to say, but I'm not so selfish as that. I know you must be

or not," answered Tom with a lau

e way back to the house. It was magnificently furnished, for the inventor was a man of wealth, and only took up aeroplanin

, when he had summoned several of the machinists who

," suggested Tom, "yet a crowd is sure to gathe

a high fence. That is where I made all my trials, and the crowd couldn't get in, though some boys did find knot-holes and use them. But I don't mind that. The only thi

can. But let's get t

and careful examination of the mechanism. The motor was started, a

e was an expert, and applied the brake test, to

hat we will have to get over,"

is t

by changing some of the cogs, and getting rid of the off-set shaft, also by increasing the number

thusiasm. "I knew I hadn't got everything just

e planes will also have to be changed. It will take quite some wor

at once?" asked th

ook hi

d arrange to stay until I have done all I can. I need to get some of my special tools, and then, too, you will require some other supplies, of which

nt the benefit of your advice and experience, and I'l

what can be done. Now I'll go over the whole ship once more, and see

hizzer, he went over every point carefully. Then, as it was too late to attempt the return flight

ed his own monoplane. It was found that one of the electric wires connected with the motor had broken, thus cutting off

r work, Tom?" asked Mr. Damon, as the

hanges I may have a different opinion. The whole affair is too big and c

s time, of vol-planing back to earth. After a short rest, Tom began getting together a numb

ain this time, as he had to ship his tools, and Mr. Damon did not accompany him. Then, with the assistance

ly?" asked Mr. Fenwick, anxious

e than there had been before. As the work progressed, he began to be mo

d Mr. Fenwick. "He wants to be on hand to se

I only hope it does go up,"

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