img Domitia  /  Chapter 1 THE PORT OF CENCHR A. | 2.38%
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Word Count: 2120    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

of oars; and as simultaneously the double sets were lifted, held for a moment suspended, wet with brine, feathered, and again dipped, ever

hing the entrance to t

hat little wind breathed, and it sho

e that stood on the northern horn of the mole, and the great brazen statue of Posei[pg 2]don that occupied a rock in the mids

e East to the West, and from the Occident to the Orient. It was planted on a bay of the Saronic Gulf, and on the Isthmus of Corinth, at the foot of that

furrow nearly wholly invaded by the sea, but still leaving a strip of land, the

a temple of Poseidon, in her open litter, lounged a lady, with

d with rings, and a beautiful arm which was exposed whenever any one drew near whose admirat

the skill of the artist who decorated her every day, but not so the violet-blue of her large eyes, although

a freedman, Plancus, who was at her side with a set smile on his waxen face, and who bowed towards the lady every

e bireme is in the port. I can see the ruf

n my lady's hair

ipple in my hair is natural and abiding, an

wavelets look up, see, a

etter," sa

like your divine bosom

e sail-cloth; get behind me, Plancus. Here, Lucilla, how am I

s about to hide his head in the west. He cannot endure, after

the other?" asked Duilia, looking at he

oddess in the statue of Phidias the same characte

Julian race descends from Venus Genetrix, and I

reast of his tunic; he was out of humor at

ants-rich and all that sort of thing-but nobodies. The villa we occupy is undignified and uncomfortable. The noise of th

d the Armenians, to whom all Syria bowed, arrives to cast himself at your ladyship's fee

head, "He is an obstinate man-pig-hea

w you to be i

odious place. I have yawned he

ple of Aphrodite has been deserte

ucilla. "The vessel will be taken to Diolcus, and the

my physician. As the Gods love me, I not see the good of a medical attendant who is so ignorant as to allow himself to die, and that at such an inconvenient moment as the present. By the Gre

rd. "The Foam-born (Venus) rose out of and left the

have you secured another? I positively cannot across Adria withou

gies to your service. I have gone about with a lantern seeking an honest physic

ds love me! it is not only one's insides that get upset at sea, but one's outside also becom

us of proceeding to Rome, and is willing to undertake the charge of your heal

le for his suitabilit

e exclaimed suddenly, after

a Longina?" asked Plancus

a, where is she?

ia?"-passed fro

re of you there are, so much the more of folly. You have let her gallop off among the odio

eat, and her eyes roamed se

ere, it is the Corbulo blood in her,

-girl coming up. "I s

s together. He spoils the child, and she pay

emale, looked perplexe

to the altar of Poseidon to offer the

sighted, her cheeks flaming and in a fidget as if covered with flying ants. Find the girl. If any

it into the shoulder of the slave-woman, Favonia,

nd that instantly. You girls, you have been gaping, watching the sailors, and have not had an eye on your young mistress, a

harm has befallen the young lady. So long as Eboracus is with her, she is safe. That Briton worships h

patiently, "we expect all that

do we alwa

talk. We! We, indeed. Pray wh

tion he had provoked. "The other day, Eboracus nigh on killed a man who looked

e," retorted the still ruffl

graciously report to my Lady that I observed the young mistress draw Eboracus aside, and whisper to him, as though urging somewha

etiquette for an underling to address his

ow mention this before? Give him thirty

g the

ch m

xtending his communication lest he

e mistress, "We may remit

ance of her compassion, will let you off the thirty lashes, if you say

tively; but-unless my eyes deceive me, I see a small b

t has been unmoored from the mole, and there be in it a rower, burly, broadbacked, who is certainly

besotted. She dotes on her [pg 9]father, whom she has not seen since we left Antioch. And she has actually gone to meet


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