img Vacation with the Tucker Twins  /  Chapter 2 SLEEPY. | 7.69%
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Chapter 2 SLEEPY.

Word Count: 1905    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

upheaval, and an arm, encased in a striped pajama sleeve, was thrust

eak but you fellows might at least wake me like gentlemen and not pull me out of b

s fast as we could, but, as Dee and I were at the foot of the bed and the floor s

ed and then a hot, f

difficult for two girls as athletic as we were; but a fit of giggles attacked us

n it," I managed to squeak

icrous as that boy's expression when it dawned on him that the rude awakening was not the work of his erstwhile companions, but of a lot of "fool girls." His eyes, half shut with sleep and blinking with the glare of unexpected daylight, were blinded for a moment, but as Dee and I still clung to each other and giggled, the youth's eyes began to w

he hurdle in great shape, and then we raced down to

'n you had a-trunned him down the steps and let him take his chanct with the la'ndry." And the old woman laughed until her Mrs. Wiggs

time, and the poor fellow is embarrassed en

,' an' if'n it is, he's mo'n apt to be gone back to bed," and she

in hand, asked to see Mrs. Rand. They were what that lady would have called a "likely pair.

m the balcony as she rapped sha

up! This ain't

the den as from a wou

nt off into roars of laughter in which

iant attack on the back sleeping porch, espie

er. If'n youse after that fat sleepy-head up thar you is welcome to

iled all his clothes on top of him, thinking the weight and heat of them would make it impossible for him to sleep longer. We had to go get our tents

bout, kinder specting me to hand out a interduction. Well, as I'm what you might call chaperoon 'til their paw comes, I'll favor you and make you acquainted;" which she did with stiff formality. The tall boy was named James Hart, and the other on

sance to you and to these young ladies but we can't provision our camp for the reason that we have lost all our money. I w

n't no money loose 'round here," a

e rushed upstairs and came down in a trice b

all the funds, and this is the way I behaved. Your watch, Jim! I fancy your great-grandfather would turn in his gr

ome prop'ty. That there Sleepy up there come mighty near being bundled up in the s'iled linen an' sent to the la'ndry, an' if'n these young ladies hadn't a-been wha

h the laundry?" But the Tuckers and I felt that poor Sleepy had had emba

too shy to come out," and the two boys went up two s

hes which had filled the room were gone; the boy was gone; and only

nd baggage! He almost dug a well in the process of going. That was so

epy's real n

ep, which he is on long stretches. In fact, most of the time, except in football season, and then you bet he

could take care of himself if his companions teased him too much in their anxiety to hear w

gings, and when we get our camp in order we hope you will come to see us. We u

ole month and our father is to bring down week-end parties from Richmond. We are to have

make ourselves scarce," and they went gaily off, while we returned to assist Mrs. Rand until our luggage arrived.

the word had gone forth that a new tenant had arrived. Our cook was not to come until the next day so we were very cautious in ordering, being well aware of our limitations in the

e you like it, Page," said Dee, "because yo

t so I can become fishy and learn to swim. It is

d," and Dee put her arm around me. "There is certainly nothing to be asham

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