ur crowd rather curiously (and Blanche was enough to make anyone glance at us curiously) and then his
ad to see you! What ar
own to Willoughby. Have taken a cottage down there for a
older than Zebedee, but his hair and moustache were iron grey and his fine eyes were tired and sad looking. He had been
th us, Bob. The girls can tell
heaps!" tweed
year surely, while I have to go back to the grind on Monday. I'll get my holiday a litt
looked admiringly at the twins. "I can hardly belie
way," whispering, "this is our new cook we are taking out. I hope she won't
his evening," stammered Mr. Gordon, turning qu
d fail to keep his word. "That was a strange way for Bob Gordon to behave," he said, sinking into the seat by me. "First he said he would come and seemed delighted and then when I cracked a joke about our poor, dear B
in his way of saying it that for the entire month we were at the beach and ever after, in fact, when our
man with a nose for news that was unsurpassed in the South, so my father thought, and still he had not had the intuition to see that his friend Bob had turned pale when he found Miss Cox was with us. I could have wagered anything that all the girls knew what was
a dive for his seat. "Page, I'm dying to find out if you n
ly I
had had some kind of love affair there three years ago and could not bear the place and all around it, but I kind of hoped maybe it was because the man lived there st
our respected parent put his foot in it, which he is sure to do.
If I had no more insight into human nature than that, I'd take to cracking rock as a profession," and Dee sniffed scornfully. She a
n Norfolk was mentioned, and one and all we pitied poor Zebedee's masculine blindness. We had always liked Miss Cox, but now we
sanity in the famil
scorned her lover," and Annie blushed t
a matter of spondulix,"
Cox is the kind of woman to give up a man because he is poo
that she was beautiful. I'd hate to think that of Mr. Gordon. Maybe he gave her up
waiting very long, because I'm
quarters. We had decided to sleep, all five of us, on one porch, as it was so much more fun. It ma
es from Schmidt's in Richmond and I had a fine ham, cooked by Mammy Susan's own method, which I produced from my trunk as a surprise for Zebedee, so "poor,
eping porch would be looked on by the cook,
urks in spots least inspected. And now I will take off my begalia of travel and soon will be repaired to be renitiated into the hysterics of domestic ser
d Dum as soon as she got out of ea
the time our romantic souls were atremble to see how Miss Cox would take the news of the proposed visit of her one-time lover. We half hoped and half feared that Zebedee would mention the fact that he had extended this inv
nk we had better
? Gordo
e girls tell you he is comi
" plaits. She had on a blue checked long-sleeved apron made by what is known as the bungalow pattern, her expression was quite meek and she looked very youthful and rather pathetic. I realized that her vast amount of assurance had come entirely from her fine clothes, and now that she had taken them off she was nothing more nor less than a poor, overgrown country darkey who had been sent to school and t
n and all our energies were taken up in trying to compose our countenances. Then Mary Flannagan swallowed a sardine whole and had to be well thumped, and by that time Miss Cox was able to control her voice (if she had ever los