img Vacation with the Tucker Twins  /  Chapter 10 THE FINISH. | 38.46%
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Chapter 10 THE FINISH.

Word Count: 1708    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ing. Our destination was Cape Henry, where we planned to have a dip in the surf and then a fish dinner at the pavilion. The

's machinations, kept the male passengers on the launch in a roar of laughter. Jim told me afterwards that he had never seen the twins more amusing and even the sullen beauty finally decided that the day was too pretty to keep up her ill humour.

heavy for the hull but we went skimming along like a swallow. Tacking was a mysterious performance that must be explained to me and I was even allowed to help a little. Zebedee endeavoured to make m

young giant but that he seemed to be perfectly unconscious of what she was after, and as soon as she had learned the extremely simple engine, after warning her to keep well away from the cat boat, he curled himself up on a pile of sweaters and went fast asleep. They say it was too funny for anyth

young lady

a loud sno

sed up

nd that

asleep at t

is entertaining him. The more amused he is, the quicker he is overcome with sleep. Miss Annie Pore is the only person who can keep him awake for an

other reason than to keep him awake," said Jim. "She is a wonderf

phan Annie! Why, she is the laughing st

n that Annie is our guest and one of

breeding. I will not say who they were as I respect Wink too much to b

imed Wink uneasily, fearin

al times before during the morning we had come quite close to the launch and then the faster boat had swerv

Zebedee avoided a collision. The sail swung around without the ceremony of warning us to duck, and as we realized the danger we were in of being struck by the faster boat we instinctively crowded to the other side of

inty to the bo

is best suit

al and my tennis shoes were not much heavier than bathing shoes. I spread out my limbs like a starfish and without a single struggle found myself lying almost on top of the water looking up into a blue, blue sky and hoping that Annie Pore would remember just to let herself float and not struggle. Everyone else could swim and a turnover was nothing to them. I floated so easily and felt so buoyant, as one does always feel in very deep water, that if I had only known that Annie was safe I would have been serenely happy.

cking, and Miss Cox and Mr. Gordon were gaily conversing as they tread water side by side. It did not seem at al

will be low to be dry when everybody else is wet. That is, everybody we care anything about."

exclaimed their father. "Are

paddling around here while the poor Goop is slowly filling and sinking." Goop was the singularly appr

leopatra cushions, where she very humbly sat to the end of our voyage. It did not take very long to right the Goop, and when she was bailed out, half of

aimed Mary. "I simply ado

t, I should suggest a rising vote of thanks to th

ed Dee. "It was cert

took the blame. "I did it on purpose, too. I wanted to see if my pupils would remember what I had told them about floating. I see Page did rememb

n on the water, although I was terribly scared, when Geo

blushed a deeper crimson than t

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