img Vacation with the Tucker Twins  /  Chapter 7 OH, YOU CHAPERONE! | 26.92%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2679    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

rrying Miss Cox. The girls had tossed up to find out who should begin, and Dee had first go, which meant breaking in Blanch

ather is to have a guest this evening and we want to have a very nic

great successfulness with my

part of the supper," gasped Dee. Blanche was a

tuffin' of green peppers and kin make a most appetizement dish. Up to the presence, th

lp and indeed I felt it was time

ernly, "did you ever cook an

a-cookin' ever sence I could take a ask ca

r us the way you cooked before you ever went to scho

o choclid cake an

h and some batter bread and perhaps some hot biscuit or waffles. There are some beautiful t

ut no

earted Dee. "You can make us a chocolate cake for Sun

o much sentiment fer cake. Now which do

nd after cautioning her to call us if she was in doubt

p her from putting sugar in the batter bread, something she had picked up in school from her Northern teachers. I thought it best to take t

to her housekeeping. Dum and the two other girls had strolled in the direction of the trolley to meet the guest whom we r

Mr. Gordon very

quick-tempered, but I fancy all these years of teaching have rather toned down his temper. Jinny Cox used to be a

Mr. Gordon very wel

half remember that one day we spent at Montecello on a picnic when it rained cats and dogs, Jinny and Bob had such a row they could not go back together although he was her escort. That was the time Jinny and I made up the tune and danced the Lobster Quadrille," and Zebedee was laughing before he had quite dried his tears, as was the way with all the Tuckers. "Bob left the University soon after that,-some financial difficulties at home be

in rather a superior w

e girls returned, bringing Mr. Gordon with them and wh

suit and hat were in excellent taste, setting off his iron-grey hair and moustache, and on the whole his appearance

here we stood fully prepared for any outburst. We all of us noted that Miss Cox looked remarkably well in a blue and white lawn that showed off her really very good figure to perfection. I had long ago found out


s all! They shook hands in

re mistaken," wh

ey could not fall on each other'

ot greet each other like lo

just acquaintances who had not met for about seventeen years, they woul

poor, dear Blanche appe

d learned at school in the way of domestic science and she had cooked as good a Virginia supper as one could wish. The Hampton spots were d

ckness of seventeen years' standing, but he ce

e no excuse except that the food is so good and I am so tired of boarding," said our guest as he helped himself

d thing to do. Somehow I never can resist it myself and naturally I

e water; pr

breakfast but rather brillig


! Don't you k

ig, and the

nd gimble

were the

me raths o

ss Cox's face was suffused with blushes, and Mr. Gordon first looked pained and

ss as to think there was nothing amusing in Alice in Wonderland, and once a long time ago I fell out with the very best friend I ever had in the world because I said the Lobster Quadrille was the kind of thing that

certainly liked Miss Cox for the way she spoke.

oem now," and Mr. Gordon looked very boyish, "or it might be unle

" said Dum, rather ben

when the fie

song for y

en woods are

d tell you

when the da

'll underst

hen the leav

d ink and w

message t

, 'This is

e fishes

answer b

fishes' a

do it, Sir,

them aga

be better


a temper

once, I told

not liste

ettle, lar

he deed I

hop, my hear

he kettle

e came to m

e fishes a

him, I sai

ust wake th

very loud

shouted i

very stif

u need not s

very prou

ll go and wa

rkscrew fro

wake them

ound the doo

ushed and kick

found the d

turn the ha

have some personal meaning when she said, "My heart went hop, my heart went thump," and when she ended up with a hopeless wail, "I tried to turn the handle, but--," Mr. Gordo

shut for good,

o, Bob, not if you 'pull an

in the affair, he felt she had been unreasonable, too, in demanding that he should agree with her about the absurd poem in Alice in Wonderland; and so had left the University without trying to right matters. Then when he had realized the tremendous difficulty his family was in, and found that not only would he have to go immediately to work but that his mother and sister would be dependen

ile we lay on our closely packed cots the first night of Mr. Gordon's visit. "It does se

n if it had been just plain lobster, 'spe

hought she was almost pretty but maybe it was the l

e so old?" deplored Dee.

Dum, you didn't get off that verse on him about the voice

f the lobster, I

e too brown, I mu

is eyelids, so h

his buttons and t

. Gordon's hair does look rather sugared and

she knew that our chaperone for the house party had gone and got

istic elegance she would ex

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