img Vacation with the Tucker Twins  /  Chapter 9 THE START. | 34.62%
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Chapter 9 THE START.

Word Count: 2025    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

t see why that old Mabel Binks always has to go where we go. We can't

ling party! Gee, I can't stand her. I'll stay at home if you do, Dum," and Dee began to take off the clean middy blou

ree last winter that the best thing to do with Mabel was to be very polite to her?

hem the

o decline. Besides, this cousin of yours is so dead set after our father that we can't sit by and watch her man?uvres, but feel that the best thing for us to do is to leave him to her tender mer--'" I wa

o enlist his sympathy for her was to be rude to the girl. She was very polite to all the Tuckers but had it in for Annie Pore and me; and as for Mary Flannagan: she simply ignored Mary's existence, much to that delightful person's amusement. Mary could imitate her until you could declare that Mabel was there and sometimes she would do it wh

tend that the Tuckers, especially Mr. Tucker, shall accompany me, also Stephen White and Mr. Hart. Page and Annie and Mary must find room in the cat boat while

ly voiced the character of Mabel, who by the way had not been told of Miss Cox's en

ving with Mabel and the boys while we

that would lose in rep

t was, I'm sure to hear of it, though. There is one thing c

erfectly well the time you got mixed up with the laundry you t

d and I was determined that the fellows should un

of it. Well, next time trust the girl

riends, but we decided that he was really more afraid of us than anything else; and when he found out that we were not going to bite him nor yet gobble him up whole, he made up his mind to be friends with us; and when he once made up h

e him some ambition to get ahead in his studies. You see, Sleepy's people have got oodlums of chink and Sleepy knows that he has got a living without making it. The old fellow has a wonderfully good mind b

terested in Annie's eyes lately." Indeed there was something of the clinging vine in our little English friend that appealed t

ch," I heard him say to Annie. "It is

I don't want to take any one else's place," s

n tailored suit with a red parasol, Panama hat of the latest cut, red tie, red belt and red silk stockings. The seashore was a very becoming place for Mabel, as sunburn brought out her good points, giving an added g

. Mabel's brilliancy outshone even love-light. I became very conscious of the many new freckles on my nose and Dee said afterwards hers seemed so huge to her that they actually hurt her eyes. Dee and I always got freckled noses and it was a source

urably with the glowing beauty. Annie looked as lovely as ever. She had that very fair skin that neither tans

ok too stringy," and then I took myself to task for thinking about such foolish th

tainly a very spirited one into which she constantly drew Mr. Gordon; and as Miss Cox had hooked he

lips move and knew she was praying, "Don't let me biff Mabel Binks, don't let me biff her," just as she had at the football match at Hill

ons in the stern for me? Be sure and don't lose me, Mr. Tucker, and I will finish that delicious yarn I was in the midst of. Stephen, you wi

asure hypnotised by her determination to carry out her schemes, stepped with unaccustomed docility into the pretty launch; but the polite Mr. Gordon arranged the cushions and then got

y had better run his own launch, especially

sk the withering scorn of Mabel's black-eyed glance and begged to be allowed to take a seat in the cat boat. Just as the launch was r

e pleasure of giving Page a sailing lesson today," and for once in their live

n that the queen herself might have worn had Antony refused to ride in t

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