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A Hidden Past

A Hidden Past

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Chapter 0 Prologue A Memory of the Past

Word Count: 4698    |    Released on: 22/07/2019

g time ago/ Pippa

can't be late!" A g

midday sunlight they looked warm and inviting. The little boy, who couldn't be older then nine years, poked his head out from a gap in the building, where

red at the girl before

s a little too short to being doing that with ease as of yet, but he did it anyway. It was what his father did in the

s dressed as he normally was: casually. It used to bother her. Nowadays, she j

he time! And you didn't have a problem with it w

ry was the youngest sibling, she like all the other siblings felt

off a cliff. He said his mind had been elsewhere so he didn't know where he was going. She could relate to th

at didn't mean; however, that she didn't have some awareness. Some times, her brother was just too much of a moron for her

e you." She shoved him gently off of her. The push held no malice to

d today? I've been dying to stret

down, making her brother rise in the air about a foot or two. Pippa rolled her eyes at him, unimpre

had been very firm about exerting caution regardless, saying that there were a select few individuals who could see their wings if phased. A select few of those i

ere and there were flashes of white amidst the bronze, like little pieces of star. Her wings, were different then her brother's. In fact, all her sibli

ueried. Mother didn't often make the trek to the spot they practiced flying. As she was the only wi

house a few short months ago. There was plenty of things to do, many of which involved the upkeep of the place. And anyways, she could see them in the sky regardless, her eyes enl

more birds and to be back by sundown." He told

sprinted a few steps before leaping into the ai

ellow and white and even the faintest pinkish blue all melding together to create

here his rapid wingbeats as he tried to catch up to her. Pippa tilted her head

Time Ski

brother's, as she was twelve but they still weren't fully developed. As such was the case, it was harder for her to fly as fast as her older

to. Daniel remarked that it was how long they had to still wait before being able to fly as well as their father could. The two twins were opposing mi

e terrain was spotted here with springy tussocks. The ground that wasn't covered in grass consisted of scattered clay along with a c

site. A school was supposed to be built there, overlooking the city below. This was how people in these days often constr

nts to learn at a place so high up. Pippa supposed they had a point. The High Grounds had several sheer cliff faces. The drops were so deep that if anyone fell off th

ommented, his blue eyes fixed on her. The boy was p

ng through Harry's unruly locks. The nine year old was hugging Daniel; the little child was a clingy octopus whenever he got someone underneath his

t, Harry just let out a complaining whine. Sara was tan skinned unlike her twin, her eyes a gentle hazel. These eyes sparkled w

er wings were opposite of her twin's. Daniel's wings are a sleek black, with deep blue hues around the edges. Every once in a while Pippa would spot

ut their wings to warm them up for today's training. Besides flight training, their father trained them how to fight hand to hand and wit

amiliar voice called from behind. Pippa and her siblings turned to see their fathe

hug onto his waist. If there was one person Harry w

burned, blue eyes that shined like stars, and soft black hair. To many outsiders, their father is an imposing man.

re that they weren't telepathically linked, that they didn't have some ma

her arms around him. She felt his large hand brush down the small of her back, a gesture of affection he perf

tice rounds. Even though he was a master at flying, their father would also perform these maneuvers too. He said it was always important to loosen

lying in tight quarters. In the High Grounds, there was a patch of forest growing a

at were never fully extended. If their wings spread too far they'd hurt themselves and if they moved too fast they were likely to drop to the fl

y's POV/Tim

arry was suspicious that this had nothing to do with age and everything to do with the lack of attention he put on flying. Sara had remarked t

bling roots and vines. Low hanging bushes with soft pink flowers grew here and there, spread sporadically among

times to have learned his lesson. Sara loves these...and they're finally in season! His eldest si

g was about ten feet wide. As it didn't come from any stream, father had s

nd got there in the first place. His favorite was a gigantic meteor falling from the sky and crashing there. The construction workers had hauled the thing away, leaving behind a h

ree at home. His father always told them "all the legends are true" and well, he didn't say made up stories couldn't count, n

d be a cacophony of rainbow, very brief but pretty all the same. That was not what happen

illed with several beady red eyes. A sharp red beak was under them, with equally sharp tusks protruding from it. What was the

black poison into the trees. The trees that the liquid did hit withered at its touch, letting Harry know that t

euver through tight spaces, which led to him crashing into a pine tree. His wings hitting the rough bark with a solid thump thump. He scrambled to his feet, turning to see the beast was just a mere three fe

the noise, seeing his father flying very fast at the creature. His da had stabbed the thing with a glowing sword that was destroying th

g angel he was always meant to be. The man didn't even flinch as the creature withered underneath his strike before disappearing just like it had come: into

wasted no time rushing over to him, side stepping all the puddles of aci

emon didn't hurt you, did it?" He asked w

a, I'm fine. Just shaken up..I'm surprised you got here as

ing to protect you from harm...even if it's because you went to t

and the rest of his sibling

father's side. The sword was covered in ichor now, rivulets of the sticky, filthy stuff dripping onto the ground. Normally, the sight of one of the

wrapping his arms around his brother to return it, albeit with less force. While his rapidly beating

iding. His heart slowly returned to its normal rhythmic beat. As Harry, his siblings and father are all immortal, their heart

as several years to go before he had to worry about that. Harry forced himself up fr

gone now, right

ting in Edom where it belongs." Father scooped up his sword

not to go out to the pond." Sara said, her tone reprimanding. Of all

s safe. That, and that I destroy the pond. I wasn't certain, but now it's clear to me that the pond

er was the same as it always had been, a few water lilies attached to its surface. The lilies appeared as though nothing monstrous had shot out o

oice, their father was every ounce the primordial being he'd alwa

the others to take some steps back u

te light spewed from his hands, not dissimilar to a warlock's magic. It crackl

in it were placed gently on the ground. The little amphibians croaked in alarm, hopping away quickly. Once the water w

tal with ease, the portal winking shut. It took with it the smoke and burnt smell brought with it. Harry let out a sig

kids, never go near one of these rifts. They're much to dangerous for a

r one of those anytime soon. Pippa and Daniel al

asked. Father tilted his head in thoug

nything is possible, but for now it's time to go home. Your mother is waiting for us right now. With dinner to

ioned for them to follow him into the sky. "Let's get going." With shared laughter, the f

nt Day/Daniel

g and exiting the building through the doors below. One in particular, had their attention. He was t

ce in this man's soul. The secrets behind hazel eyes that the man had no idea about. Haze

king about?" A gentle voice asked. Daniel turned to see P

ou remember when Harry was attacked by tha

the next few years every time we got into a fight

That voice belonged to the third occ

clothing reflecting that. He wore an dark orange jacket, a black undershirt underneath. He wore dark blue je

ue shirt underneath it. His jeans were also black alongside his combat boots. The lack of fashion on either of the brothers' parts was why Pipp

of it made of lighter ruffles. Like Daniel, she wore a dark leather jacket. This on

wed behind her, a thick green headband keeping the hair out of her eyes. As she hadn't cut her hair in a while, it pooled down her b

es, capable of anything." Daniel said. Pippa nodded, a smal

e that faith wasn't misplaced." Harry rep

st can't give up once it starts." Pippa told them. Daniel

de and waiting for them was two others. One was a short ginger haired girl and a lithe boy with brown curling hair. The gr

y drove away in the van, away from the Institute they were leaving behind. S

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