img The Valley of Gold  /  III BOUQUETS | 11.54%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1979    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

nk fields and the piles of straw averred. The matter of the McClure-Pullar wager had of course leaked out and become the one thrilling feature of the annual wind-up. Aside from th

ad yet succeeded. This was due to the fact that Jack Butte was an irreproachable and resourceful stakeholder. As rare evidence of his unique qualifications he had sworn

sonal reputation in the Valley as a "mighty good engine," and her engineer was justly proud of her. To Ned she had become a living thing. Mounting on the footboard he grasped the throttle. During the pounding grind of the past month he had formed

e up on you, old girl. You've been a game

infidelity by throwing a hissing cloud of steam from her ex

get at it, are you? Just five minutes, O

thing of steel waited restively for the thin

w were looking up into the face of Andy Bissett, the separator m

n any of you fellows think. Ned's out for blood. He doesn't ca

. "You've got me up in the air. I thought the

ckford belligerently. "And N

shook h

ill only be by a thousand or two. Ned says he won't push the Outfit any harder, but I've taken the liberty to put on the squeeze play for a couple of days. Grant's putting on two ext

ressure for the long run, but they were right on their toes in the face of the challenge. Each man went to his place addressing himself to the st

cheek?" questioned th

m a moment deeply puzzle

does not the sly divil be afthur-r showin' the hand uv him? Shure N

it went through the contortion of a

he de debble not squeal? Eef we know, den lak wan blankety busy bee

in' him on? 'Tis not the wee wager. 'Tis a man." Tapping the Frenchman wisely on the breast he whispered tragically, "The boss is thrailin' a varmit be the cognomin uv Robb

esolution. As he knocked the filling bag with his knee he caught sight of M

liloquy. Then he added joyously as he gave t

closing it he seized it adroitly and by united force of arms, kn

l. We give him beeg scare too, e

lly he settled

ter tank and started his horses over the stubble. Suddenly he came o

egs uv ye or I'll be afthurr pok

drove through the wire gate out into the road-allowance he saw a buckboard pull up at the fence some distance away. The sole occupant dropped out of the vehicle and passing through the strands of wire walked for

Nathur are ye adorin' the Almighty, for ye're almighty loike Snoopy Bill Baird,

ll when he checked

jaw, ye o

matter duly settled, he climbed back through the fence and re?ntering the buckboard drove slowly along toward the tank. It

', Bill. A pleasant day indad

day! Murphy!" was

" continued Easy na?vely, cur

. But no guile could he discover

asually. "I was taking a squint a

not the swate and gowlden daisies. I saw yuh pokin'

o deepen while the whole man became sudd

tin-spot ye were up to no godly devowshuns kneeling in the muck

g to Easy's inflammable spiri

g for you, honest. I was putting in a lick for the Valley Gang asking

sign that an ultim

opening and shutting convulsively. "I'll be af

of hesitation. An impudent drawl pointedly accentua

"it seems to me we have some curious and fine large sa

Easy's mouth was a generously ample specimen and his posture of attention was to sit with it ajar. The amp

recovered first and rushing at his antagonist swung swiftly and struck, planting a powerful blow on the chest, hurling the other against the tank. He followed quickly for the h

is enemy's ribs. The blow staggered his opponent. Swiftly he followed it

opped to his knees. Easy stood over him furiously t

me hearty. Put in a wur-rd

Snoopy Bill stag

hitter, Murphy,"

buckboard and slapping the horse smartly on the hip sent him o

gitmenots come back the m

up on his tank and resumed his tri

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