un as he gazed eagerly over the prairi
belave he
the landscape elicited
the howl all right
hat here expanded into a miniature pond some dozen yards across. In Western threshing the tankman draws his water from the nea
Whiskey aside, he was one of the most reliable tankers along the Valley. Wi
ications in their heated conversations on the issue. Easy Murphy was feeling irrepressibly loquacious on this occasion, for he had not
wur-r-rld using yo
ick's no less f
yer boots, Nick, since till-night's the night
g the kibosh on your little, old Outfit. You mark my words, Murphy, when Jack Butte hands
ifle," said Easy, revea
awfully decent of you to accommodate me. We'll
light-heartedly. Then he added slyly, "By the way, Ni
ow of," was th
b McClure's wrenches in o
est percepti
Snoopy Bill Baird, and 'tis achin' I am till spile th
ep into his animated face
thurr blamin' you, Nick. Yer as in
ey and he made a suspicious
gintlemen together on the head uv
-coloured flask
ick. Be afthurr washin'
the bottle
sty eyes. All hostility magically vanished and
al unconcern. "Dad, that's prime stuff!" was h
esilf. Yer over modest, lad. Take a
Easy Murphy kept the bottle supplied from some mysterious source about his person. So the best part of an hour passed and signs began to appear that Nick was rivalling the tanks in the quantity of liquid he was carrying. In the meantime Easy had leisurely filled his own tank. Suddenly The Mogul, McClure's giant engine, sounded the water call. Nick recognized the signal and, dropping the pump-han
across the road and into a field. His horses would have taken the right way, but Nick pulled them up sharply. His eyesight was temporarily impaired. He could see only the goo
ic) Ish the trail
nse. "Go right ahead to yer outfit, Nick, man. It'
he hit the stubble trail he heard the Mogul whistle impatiently for water. A moment later she called again. Turning around, he looked at Nick. He, too, had heard the urgent calls and was standing
y, "it's now we get back the swate and precious min
gry insistence that drove him from her at accelerated speed. The circumstance was too much for the del
the broad Atlantic. Begobs! Call in at Winnipeg. They'r
emptied his tank in preparation for the next trip. His wicked
asy? Been filling your
till the dementin' crathur. 'Tis the whistle uv the Mogul that's drivin' me t
an hour," observed Ned, looking over the stubble at the rival
the tankman, Ned eyed him sharply,
, shading his eyes the better to study the Mogul. "Rob wul
nt on his companion's averted face. His
ty pleased about something and yet not a
nute, Ned, and the most astonis
. You know more about the water shortage at Rob'
n panic, for he had caught sight of Ned's face. The unsmiling eyes filled him with trepidation. When he at length looked up Ned
" said Ne
forcefully, Easy let a broad, sheepish grin p
ll be draggin' out uv me wid the
," repea
by the bottle. We had a wee dthrop. That is, Nick had. Thin he took another and another, et cetra and so on. Nick was oncommon thirsty. In a wurrd, I filled Nick till the neck and pulled the bung uv his tank. The one is impty and the other full. 'Tis the Mogul and me
at the culprit, a kindly light mingling with the flash of his eyes. Then he stepped over to his engine and, seizing the whistle-cord, gave it a jerk, blowing the one sharp
the outfit," cried he, a pe
is little jig on the square. Not a wheel turns on this mil
one. In its place was something big and honest that hushed the angry protest about to leap forth
ys," said Ned, moving a
, fer a divil the loikes uv wan Easy Murphy. Shure 'tis right ye are, though I'm hatin' the idea. I'll hike till the
off to the separator to do the ha
unexpectedness of it. Each man was torn by several desires. He wanted to laugh, to howl, in fact. But something fine in him rendered him mute. There was a great admiration f
haking with laughter. "Wan, two, tree cheer
out while the gang lay back on the stra
g wait there wa
d up by the inspirator and the water was sinking in the glass. The men were perched on a
ed McClure to Snoopy Bill, pointing to the barrels about the engi
e gang to the sudden "hang-up" of the Valley machine. As an hour passed and there was no sig
ed riding the tank and towing his bug
distant hum of the Valley Gang. Into the dark they raged, fighting ahead until eight, when