img The Valley of Gold  /  IV THE MAN, ROB McCLURE | 15.38%
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Reading History


Word Count: 4290    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

ccasionally his head would sink into a posture of dejection. In a moment he would straighten,

, implacable expression inwrought the face that exhibited even in the act of smiling the dominance of an over-riding will. There was something cruel in the hard lines about the mouth, while the deep little wrinkles about the eyes more tha

plain was gulfed by the blue depths of The Qu'Appelle Valley. His glance swept over the autumn landscape all unseeing, for his gaze was fixed on two streams of

he breathed fiercely, s

. The two lines of smoke were strea

ered darkly. "He is deep-deep as --

a little then a

got him na

ppeared and the cruel

little game proposed by Reddy Sykes. Reddy has a way-a fetching way." The

photograph above his desk. Down upon him gazed two beautiful faces. Instantly a tend


conflict surged over his face. Gradually his jaw set and the steel of the unyielding will revealed itself. The door opened quietly and in a

are looking very serious. Are

de of the voice s


ted she fond

not running

relenting of his face but his t

long fine. I must go

ss he rose and snapping the ro

ated chair, resting her head on

rmured. "You are so

wistfulness in the eyes. Once again she was conf

ng rides along the ravine and the trails of the upper country. Sitting by the desk she was a diminutive, disconsolate figure. She had drooped into a pensiveness that of late visited her all too frequently. Nose and chin had the dainty grace of the spirituelle and such was Mary McClure. Yet was she human, fired with an intense passion for people. A quick, light glance of her eyes or the flash of her sm

nate approach was resented. He seemed deliberately striving to quench her natural attachment. But Mary's affection knew no repulse. Patiently she pre

autumn fields. Her heart was conscious of a dearth as great as that

Why is he so busy-so-so unfriendly? S

al. Then the fetid odour flowed from his breath. Rapt in the poignant moment her f

orks into the sheaves, lay down on the loads. Urging his horse to great speed he rode up to the machine. A lively altercation was in prog

ried vehemently. "And you p

strode in among the men. His h

kick?" was

eplied Snoopy Bill. "He's ordered the mill off the


fully. "It's a cussed shame. I can p

to the blower. Reaching into the straw pile Smithers dr

in five minutes at the

rains covering the bottom of the shovel. As the sight met his eye McClure gave an invo

ed to catch a shoal of grain thrown over on a bunch of straw. I'll bet y

hers sto

stuff going over and you quit. Easy Murphy gave me a line on Grant's yield and he's bea

moment McClure was silent. Then

Let me finish this run in my own way and if your yield doesn't equal Grant's I'll

the matter ove

he shrewdly, "and I'

ign the papers to-night. Meet me at Reddy

tion," said Smithers, c

ine went roaring into the twilight. As McClure st

. "Crowd through a couple of thous

the throttle. The gang responded with a will and soo

the Valley. As she watched, a yodling scream came over the rounded hilltops. She smiled delightedly. On the tip of

p!" was the pleased exclamat

oning to the rider in the Valley. Instantly Mary turned Bobs into the trees, sending him up a steep bridle path to the left. I

aret. "For you, of course, the engineer is the w

of the gang, that is in the antics o

"I am going to make a raid on

up to t

companied by a vigorous waving of caps and the shrill scream of the engi

aret above the roar of the engine, showing him her

te of the new setting, he lifted high his watch and pointed to Margaret. With a ringing cheer they accepted the challenge and addressed

t field. With the tossing in of the final shovelful of chaff the separator stands clean and naked above the st

challenge, and the boys respond with a merry shout

ooked to the separator. Leaning well on the lines the drivers give the word. With a sharp gee and a steady pull they haul the mill up on the stubble and head in a curved line for the

cient. At the drop of the belt Easy Murphy hitched the grays. The two big beasts stand expectant. Seizing the lines Easy gives the inspiration of his invigorating brogue. Thrusting their great shoulders at the collars the team leans steadily forward. Str

y ut is or the stubble wull be af

out of the holes and th

e soft muck with the weighty Old Lady in tow. At precisely the same instant the separator has made

h of the wind. The engine takes a curve to the west, swinging east to meet it. With the separator in place and blocked, every man spri

along the fly-wheel. Now is the critical moment. An i

command. "Steady ahead! Let he

e whole scene leaps into animation. Volumes of smoke belch from the funnel, the big belt speeds flapping along to the separator, starting the whirring of a maze of lesser belts and the spinning

o the engine, admir

inquired Ned, smiling thr

bright smile down upon him. "That was wonder

dignity, "is the surprising record o

rd." Reaching out he blew eight screeching calls. The threshers paused long enough

servation, her eyes on the lively sight. "You all work as if we are

his relief. She was aware of the exact situation and entirely d

"They are gambling, Mary. The boys have a wager that they can pile up a record output for the month. The tr

insinuated Mary. "Our little Miss Grant exemp


ls over for a chat with our rather handsome fellow. I have

e fellow?" posed M

dust," re

le matter," a

me fellow?"

t," prompted

ree la

ireman. "You handle the throttle w

st beyond the cloud of dust. They were enjoying a few moments' contemplation of the lively scene before departure for the Grant homestead when suddenly a vivid light flashed red in the twilight, flaring on the sweating face of Lawrie, the big feeder. Inst

blurred shine of the hideous jaws. Reaching over, Ned seized the helpless man and lifted him by the sheer strength of his powerful arms out of the fangs of the machine. But the weight of his inert burden swinging suddenly overbalanced him. Poised over that maw of whirling death the two men hung for an awful instant as Ned fought to

the big fellow breathlessly as they composed

know anything was amiss-until I heard your shout. It took me

or the man's face w

along the forehead gouged by some missile thrown out by the rotating cylinder. Under the steady bathing there were soon signs of returning consciousness. Slowly opening h

draw it back but it got away." After a moment's pause he added: "I am afraid

the game fellow. "It's the man first

by gum I seem to ha

iously. The gang were gathered about him, a circle of

ot your g

said Murphy, "till be dead wan minute and

ving the tension. No more was said, but Lawr

said he, looking helplessly ab

fficial duties of Red Cross first aid. Mary McClure smiled at Ned's words. She h

curiously, "ha

pt response as he pr

nd if the Valley Gang will close their eye

ht about turn and Lawrie decided on an immediate snooze. A few minutes later his brow was bound with a clean bandage and he was making his w

e separator holding something in his hand. It was a heavy wrench. He examined it in a puzzled manner for a moment then handed it to Easy Murphy. The tool

y wrench!" ex

left on the stock durin

hook his head

t a new angle to the light. "So I think. By the

aces of the punch marks forming plainly the letters, R-M. Over him swept an omi

And 'tis his foul plot near did fer Lawrie and Ned." Clenc

Ned's cool eyes emitted a dangerous glare. Andy Bissett saw the dire ch

l the bluff and play the winning card. Half a dozen teeth are gone in the concave and several others twis

his face did not resume its u

antime recounted to him the episode with Snoopy Bill Baird. Two more heavy tools had been discovered in one of the loads. Suddenly he became conscious of the malignant nature of the foe with whom he was striving. His jaw set tightly and a mighty resolution shot from his eyes. Unconsciously he opened the throttle and the power th

he cried

le he curbed the engine

, as he guided her into steadiness. The thing of power steamed on into th


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