on. Looking through the window, as upon a former occasion, he saw the two lines of smoke trailing off together
id of the gamester. He would get it back when the luck turned. The thing that incensed him was not the utter rout but the manner of it. His shoulders had been pinned to the mat by the
. Defeat was complete and bitter. Added to this was the condemnatory voice of an inner and subtle monitor that told him he had been wrong from the start and moreover had not scrupled to foul his man. His opponent on the other hand had played fair. These facts did not trouble the conscience of Rob McClure. They nettled him. He r
a tragic weariness in it. A close observer wondered at the acute pain that would glance at times from the clear eyes. Neither the beauty of her fragile person nor the remarkable dig
to the newcomer she smiled brightly, inviting
ained s
" said McC
ess will be brief. Man to man I want to know whether
swift look into
a deprecatory gesture. "Butte is s
me to hear you say it. You positive
cky breaks," re
breast pocket. Reaching forward he placed the bundle on the desk before
to take up your bet. There is your cash. I will not touch the winnings. Gaming is the expedient of a lazy thief willing t
a full minute he stared at the wad of ragged edged bills. Then into his face flo
opened a drawer and snatching out a revolver broke open its blue chambers. There was a gleam of brass rims. It was loaded. With a menacing cry he stepped to the window and threw up the sash. He was dropping the sight on the tall figure when his ear caught the tripping of light feet along the hall. It was Mary coming to his room. He held the gun on his target for the briefest instant, then
orious ride. Bobs pranced down the trail a thing of wildest
r will. For the first time in years she felt the absence of chilling repulse. Holding him close in her ecstasy she kissed his forehead again and again.
The "feel" of her soft, tender touch was there. For some strange reason the memory of it sank deep. The sound of her footsteps had scarcely died away, however, when the old ruthlessness returned. The relief he now felt was that of one who had been saved from committing a violent inexpediency. Glancing through the window he saw the horseman cantering
break you, Pullar
large drawer and deposited the
the purpose of his visit. She regretted missing a meeting with him, but reflected with deepest happi