eets, alarming the village with their wild whoops. At twelve they scrambled into their grain wagon and tore
em ride into the barnyard. In the light of the moon the two men could see the
rses," said Easy. "He niver goes
then," whispered Ned. "We are in lu
ay, they arrived at
Clure's caboose. They carried planks, ropes, hammers and spikes, while Easy Murphy brought up the rear with his huge span of grays. The team was shrouded in great dark blanke
relsome men. A confusing dialogue of altercations was in progress. After a time the men settled into their bunks, where
ith a bow roof. At the tongue end was a door. In the other end near the roof was a tiny window, too small for the exit of a man's body. Andy and his men stole around to the rear of the caboose. Striking one end of the plank solidly into the ground, they placed the other against the middle of the door. Two men held
's heavy voice, disclosing in the angry vehemence of his curses a swift conclusion as to the identity of the assailants. Outside in the moonlight frolicked
whispered to Jean Benoit. "'Tis the hap
n and pulled out of the barnyard. Long before Smithers and his men could wake and realize what had happened
and stones to the fierce accompaniment of the pandemonium from within. Once a head unwisely pro
Ned. "We'll run them up on Bald Hill, wh
Cut was reached Easy
loud whisper to Ned, "or shall we bounce st
cky road," was Ne
a muffled whoopee as he swung the grays
urning up its human contents. The little bunkhouse became hideously vocal as execrations came forth, vengeful chorus from its tormented interior. Easy's eyes seemed to have unca
at length accomplished, winding u
y to look into from here," said Andy with a gr
Easy. "Rob wull be chargin' a nicke
darting mischief. "We are not going to leave
not going to leave them here, why u
den inspiration. He had tumbled to Ned's dark design. "Ye wull be afthur
boss!" cried Andy softly
g eggspress! Ha!" Jean forthwith "went up" v
ly hundreds of feet to the sandy shingle of the beach over a quarter of a mile away. Through a wide gap in the shore bluffs could be se
nhitched, the tongue of the caboose was roped high and locked firmly so that it c
u lads had better pull a watch on this thi
above the noise emanating from t
s Ned's low order. "Now, all
ng in its course like a drunken man, but heading straight for the water. In fearfully accelerated speed it shot over the short sand beach and crashed in the gleaming waves. Carried along by its great momentum it
the deed watched its flight in breathless interest. As it
e bed of the lake. Looking up the moonlit hill he could plainly see the group of men crowning its height and caught the cheer that swept down. No word, however, escaped him. Thoroughly sobered, the full signif
d Jean Benoit, shaking with laughter
r came the answer. I
s nothing else f
shes followed and then could be seen a stragglin
em have it,
een pairs of powerful lungs t
e have licked the whole gang without anybody gettin
ald Hill was bar