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Reading History


Word Count: 1821    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

a strange one, the man himself-Mr. Period-was so odd, that our hero hardly knew what to think. The moving picture agent

to it. I want to stay at home and work on my noiseless motor for the airship. After that-well-I don't

visitor. There was something attractive about him-about his hasty way of talking, about his man

y as well wait until the fi

hing that he could do. Tom shook his head, and then the big man strolled over to the

hose of my friends who have read the previous books in this series need no introduction to my hero, but those

ootsteps. A Mrs. Baggert kept house for the Swifts, and another member of the household was Eradicate Sampson, an aged colored man, who said he used to "eradicate" the dirt. He had been

, and there was a girl, Mary Nestor, a daughter of Amo

t, but, of late, Koku, or August, the giant, had rather supplanted him. I must not forget Mr. Wakefield Damon, of Waterfield, a village

ed how Tom bought the cycle from Mr. Damon, after the latter had met with an accid

in a race. Next Tom built an airship, and in this he went on a wonderful trip. Returning from this he and his father heard

er that, he went on a trip in an airship, with a man who had invented a new kind. The airship was smashed, and fell to Earthquake Island, where there were some r

on that trip discovering the secret of phantom mountain. He had bad l

dentally saving his father's life. It was some time after this when he invented an elec

ures underground, while the next one tells of a new machine he invented-an air-glider-which he used

e thirteenth of the series, is called "Tom Swift in Captivity," for the giants captured him

n the mission, and the other he retained to work around his shop, as Eradicate was getting too old. It was now winter, and there had been

ns. Occasionally Ned Newton, or Mr. Damon, would come over to help them, but of late Tom

l Mr. Period that I can't undertake his commission. In the first place it isn't going to be an easy matter to make an electric mov

bout getting moving pictures of natives in battle, or wild beasts fighting, or volcanoes in action, but it isn't so easy to do it. Then,

ch, opened it quickly, snappe

so a fountain pen. I'll give you a thousand dollars now, for I know making an electric moving picture camera isn't going to be cheap work. Then, when you get re

ench, and began fi

pite of himself. "Don't sign that

man's face showed

re the time. I'm sorry, but you

lse? But wh

enty who would be

they wouldn't know enough to take pictures with it. It's got to be you or no o

can't go. My work he

e, Tom Swift! Do you know

, and one day, when he told me about you sending a wireless message from Earthquake Island, I knew you would be

Period was speaking the truth. Mr. Nestor was identif

ke to oblige Mr. Nestor, for-well, for more reasons than one," and To

n't take 'no' for an answer. You've got to go,

d smote his hands together to emphasize what he said. Then he shook h

n help me, Tom. Do go! I'll pay you well, and-oh, well, I know

aid his hand on Tom's arm. The

he grasped Mr. Period by the coat collar, lifted him off his feet with one ha

eman out into a snow bank, while Tom looked on, too su

under snow!" cried the giant, while Mr. Period kicked and squirme

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