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Reading History


Word Count: 1759    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

a quick lurch toward the earth. "Things are always happenin

m had a chance to answer. "There's a

ward it could be seen that he was a fellow d

ficantly. "It was deliberately set. Oh, if we can

aimed Koku, shaking his big fist at

suddenly turned the lens of his Wizard Camera toward him. The mechanism inside, which had

e guided the airship toward the shop,

plied Tom. "It may come

r must have suspected what was going on. He quickly made a dive fo

e comes your father, Tom, and Mrs. Baggert! They'

ically driven pump. "The hose! The hose, dad!" shouted Tom, but it is doubtful if his father or Mrs. Baggert heard him, for the en

s got the hose all right!" The colore

laimed Tom. "Now there's so

hand in a few seconds!" cried Mr.

and those back of him, ought to be imp

n an instant the occupants of the craft had leaped out, and Tom, after a hasty g

here's a nozzle at the back door. Go around

nto the shop through the front door, and the others

ng much, Rad

colored man. "Dere's a heap of suffin in de middle

e floor of the shop. Eradicate turned his hose on it, there was a hissing sound, a

had partly cleared away. "No damage done at all, as far as I can see. I wonder what

Mrs. Baggert. Suddenly she called my attention t

. "I was doin' some whitewashin',

and he told how he had taken pictures of him. "I don't

urried off in the direction taken by the tra

almed down, and the pile of burned rags had been removed. It was fou

d the young inventor. "They are evidently watching me, and when they saw u

ould they s

wanted to draw those in the house out to the shop, so he could have a clear field to search in my room for any drawings that would give him a clew as to how my machine works. T

op those pictures, Tom, and I'll take the matter up with the p

iews he took, giving the spectators the impression that they were going up in an airshi

, and declared it was his belief that his rivals, Turbot and Eckert, had had a hand in the matter. But

India at once," suggested the picture man. "They won't follow you there. Get me some pi

my-" be

es, earthquakes-anything that you think would be interesting. I'll keep in touch

side of two wee

d, meanwhile, b

o go on the same steamer as themselves, and of course the Wizard Camera would accompany Tom. He took along many rolls of films, enough, he thought, for many views. He was also to send back to Mr. Period from time to time, the exposed rolls of film, so they could be dev

to start for India. Tom said good-bye to Mary Nestor, of course, and her father accompanie

ye, and there was moisture in the eyes of

ing picture taking isn't as easy as it sounds. It's more than just pointin

. Damon, who blessed everything he saw, and some things he did not, Ned, Mr. Nesto

et them at the steamship dock, after Tom had seen to it that

he time. I'm the busiest man in the world. I lose about a thousand dollars just coming down to see you off,

-" began

u'll do it, of course. Well, I must be going. I will- Great Scott!"

" ask

see what he means!" and with this, the excited Mr. Period rushed down the gangplank, toward t

drawn in, and the vessel began to move away from the dock. Tom and his friends were on their way to In

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