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Reading History

Chapter 4 HELD FAST

Word Count: 2459    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ou going?" cried aged Mr. Swift, a

d who it is that Koku is chasin

oor. He stepped out on a small balcony, put his hand on the railing, an

ly in the last few months, and had been obliged to give up most o

the youth. "I'm not in much

re man. "I'd sooner have that giant loo

be heard. Koku was shouting in his hearty tones, and there was the noise

ness. There was a crescent moon, that gave a little light, and the

Ned, as he joined hi

a closer look. Here goes!"

" added Ned, a

nother voic

, I is! Ef we gits him we'll tie him

ent later the aged colored man, who had evidently started on the chase with Koku,

Tom?" asked Eradicate.

is after him. Who was

talkin' togedder, when we hears a racket neah de chicken house. I'se mighty partial t' de chickens, an' I didn't want nobody t' 'sturb 'em. Koku was jes' de same, an' when we hears dat noise, up we jumps, an' gits t' chasm.' He runned dis way, an

is mind, for, several times of late, unscrupulous persons had tried to enter h

hickens," replied Eradicat

into a run. "I want to catch whoev

ad a glimpse

ther and Mr. Period about it. Ned and I wil

?" asked

nearly complete, and it may have been some one trying to get that. I received an offer from a conce

ttered back to the house, where he found

, after he and his chum had covered

I can't hear Koku any more. St

d, a little later, they m

et away?"

, he scaped m

oku. Well, never min

f him," spoke the giant, as

who he was?"

and he gave the same descriptio

, or some one about my s

replied t

nt on to resume his talk with Eradicate, and the two chum

om's reply. "It would be just like him, but if it

n't live here any

expected a visit from Andy. I hope he doesn't come back to Shopton, even for a day, for he always tri

arked Mr. Swift, when Tom

ry window, for there was a chilly breeze blowing. "I think I will have to r

sked Mr. Period, after a pause. "You were saying, Tom, that you had made up

slowly, and with a s

f you are going to say 'no' take five minutes more, o

t your offer, and I'll get right at work on the electrical camera,

knew you would accept, but I was the least bi

began Tom, "i

inute," interrupted Mr. Period i

out a check and

other concern, and everything will be all right. Sign there," he added, pointing to a dotted line, and thrusting a fountain pen

u go?" asked Mr.

era, and then my airship needs overhauling if I am to go on such long trips

es. Now, I'm the busiest man in the world, and I believe I have lost five hundred dollars by coming here to-night. Still, I don't regret it. I'm going back now

l night?" called M

-morrow morning. I've ordered a special train to be at the Shopton station in

stler all right

"It's got to be a specially fast one, and one that can take pictur

ff on this trip. Tom?" asked

n. "I thought I could stay at hom

n my gyroscope invention," went on the aged man. "But I supp

k on my noiseless motor," spoke Tom

re you are going

se to get all the films he wants. But once I'm starte


led it. "And I'm sure Mr. Damon will go also. I ha

ow to construct it. Ned helped him, and Koku was on hand in case he was needed, but there was little he could do, as yet.

riments with different forms of electricity for operating the mechanism, and had decide

and would take pictures without any one being near it. Tom planned to have it operate at a certain set time, and stop at a certain time, and he could set the dials to make this time any mome

wires and worked by an ordinary set of batteries, or by a dynamo. This was for use on the airship, w

rt of the grounds, doing some whitewashing, which was his specialty. Ned had not come over, and Mr. Swift, having

ll the windows and doors of his shop. The young inventor was working at a bench in one corner, and near him, standin

a jar, to produce a new sort of electrical current, "I will s

in spite of this, he spilled a drop on his finger. It burn

ing it over, and spilling it into the retort where he had been mixing the first two liquids. There was a hissi

oor, and dropping across his thighs. The padding on it saved him from broken bones, but the shaft was so heavy, that after it w

was stunned, an


nt, but there wa

e odor-an odor of a choking g

ng gas! And I'm held fast here! The place is

er. Desperately the youth struggled to rid himself of the weight of the shaft, but he could

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