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Reading History


Word Count: 2185    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

or was working. He looked up quickly to behold Mr. Nestor, father of Mary, in which young

new you all right. I told him to let in any of my

ot in the other night, but I he

ne is a success, even if we didn


and went to the police. They said it was rather flimsy evidence on which to arrest anybody, and so they didn't act. However, we sent copies

. Nestor with a laugh. "But

to understand that he'd be blown up with dynamite, or kicked by Boomerang, if he ever came around here again, a

m. But how is the

in readiness for the trip in about a week, and then I'll try taking pictures from

a vacation. Mary and her mother are going away this Spring for a long visit, and I was wondering i

Mr. Nestor. I'll

got a good deal of my fortune tied up in this moving picture affair.

't get ahe

large chain of moving picture theatres throughout the United States. These theatre men are watching us both, and the contracts for next season will go

very best," ans

amon goin

tten to ask him. I sen

now what you

that I didn't get a chance to tell him. He's been away on business ever since, but returned yesterday. I certain

re going to

men might do, and if I get into trouble with them, my giant helper would com

tor, with a laugh. "But I hop

. "Bless my bookcase! but there always seems to be

ized his odd friend. "We were just talking about moving p


you going

t, for mercy sakes, don't tell my wife! She mustn't know about it until the last minute, and then

hree began talking of the prospective tri

nts on it since the first pictures were taken, and now it was almost perfect. M

rown on a screen. My fortune will be made, Tom, and yours too, if you can only get pictures th

" spoke To

oing to say that you've gone through some strenuous times already. I know you h

r. Period had spoken of that as

s of the big beasts in a stampede, so much the better. Then, too, the Durbar i

"That will take about three weeks. The camera is pra

r by that time. Are you going

t way ourselves. I can put the airship together in India, and then use it to ge

o work now, and I'

ip, in the way of overhauling it. This craft was Tom's largest, and was almost like the one in w

ed as either. There was a machine on board for generating gas, to use in the ballo

as he looked at Koku. "If we take him along i

to take along a very large party, and the camera is not heavy. Oh, w

row? Wh

expect to make some films from high in the air, as well as some in the regular way, on the gro

up in an airship again. She's read of so many accidents

n ever, for there were many little details to perfect. The weather was now g

on hand, and the big airship, in which they were to go up, for their first te

ventor thought that Mary's father was a trifle nervous. He had not mad

e I want to get pictures that will be larg

his voice. "Though I suppose to fall a thousand feet isn't much

admitted T

Please don't talk of falling, when we're g

l!" declared T

nt. He, however, wished Tom all success. Tom's first effort was to sail along, with the lens of the camera pointed straight toward the earth. He would thus get, if successful, a picture that, when thro

been put aboard, and the lens pointed toward earth through a hole in the main cabin floor. All who were expected to make the t

ower, with his hand on the starting lever, while To

, and, an instant later, they shot upwar

a perfect idea of how it looked to go up in a balloon, leaving the earth behind. Then as the Flye

to whom air-riding was much of a novel

eems to be working all right. I'm going to sail back n

o the neighboring villages, over woods and fi

Mr. Damon, who was looking toward t

up from the picture machine, the regi

Tom! There seems to be a lo

and, as Mr. Damon had said, there wa

urning up papers and tr

he was right over his shop now, and coul

I've got to make a quick drop, and save it! There are a lot of valuable

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