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Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

Author: John Milton
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Word Count: 6005    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

st Disobedienc

idden Tree, wh

into the World,

f EDEN, till

and regain the

y Muse, that o

r of SINAI,

who first taugh

ning how the H


ore, and SILOA'S

e Oracle of

aid to my adv

middle flight

NIAN Mount, wh

empted yet in

hou O Spirit, t

ples th' upright

r Thou know'st; T

and with might

tst brooding o

t pregnant: Wh

at is low rais

highth of this

rt th' Etern

e the wayes o

r Heav'n hides no

ract of Hell, sa

nd Parents in t

Heav'n so high

eator, and tran

int, Lords of th

uc'd them to th

Serpent; he it

h Envy and Rev

Mankinde, what

ut from Heav'n,

gels, by whos

lf in Glory ab

o have equal'd

'd; and with

Throne and M

s War in Heav'n

tempt. Him the

g flaming from

s ruine and c

ss perdition,

ine Chains a

efie th' Omni

Space that meas

en, he with h

t, rowling in

hough immortal

o more wrath; fo

t happiness a

round he throws

'd huge afflic

urate pride and

far as Angels

Situation was

orrible, on a

rnace flam'd, yet

ut rather dar

to discover

row, doleful sha

never dwell,

o all; but tor

s, and a fie

urning Sulphu

Eternal Justi

llious, here the

kness, and the

d from God and

enter thrice to

the place from

panions of his

d Whirlwinds of

erns, and welt

elf in power, a

nown in PALEST

To whom th'

eav'n call'd Sata

e horrid sile

he; But O how fa

o in the happy

anscendent bright

bright: If he w

hts and counse

in the Glorio

e once, now mi

in: into what

h fal'n, so much

hunder: and til

hose dire Arms?

e Potent Vict

flict do I re

in outward lust

in, from sence o

mightiest rais

ierce contenti

e force of S

like his reign,

wer with advers

attel on the P

rone. What though

ost; the uncon

of revenge,

never to sub

s else not t

ever shall his

me. To bow and

nt knee, and d

terrour of th

Empire, that w

n ignominy an

since by Fate the

yreal substanc

experience of

rse, in foresigh

more successfu

force or guil

eable, to ou

mphs, and in t

g holds the Ty

Apostate Angel,

d, but rackt wi

answer'd soon h

Chief of many

imbattelld Se

nduct, and in

anger'd Heav'ns

proof his h

by strength, or

see and rue t

ad overthrow

Heav'n, and all


Gods and Hea

or the mind and

, and vigour

r Glory extinct

ow'd up in e

he our Conquer

ieve Almighty,

hav orepow'rd su

his our spirit a

suffer and sup

so suffice his

ghtier service

arr, what e're

heart of Hell

rrands in the

then avail tho

diminisht, or

go eternal

eedy words th' Ar

rube, to be we

fering: but of

good never wil

o do ill our

e contrary to

ist. If then

vil seek to br

must be to pe

od still to fin

mes may succee

him, if I fail

unsels from the

angry Victor

rs of vengean

tes of Heav'n: T

s in storm, or

rge, that from

iv'd us falling,

ed Lightning an

spent his shaft

ugh the vast and

ip th' occasion

fury yield it

dreary Plain, f


glimmering of th

d dreadful? Thi

tossing of th

if any rest ca

bling our aff

we may hencefo

our own los

ome this di

cement we may

t resolution

talking to hi

-lift above th

blaz'd, his oth

Flood, extended

many a rood,

Fables name of



ARSUS held, or

which God of

st that swim t

lumbring on t

ome small night-

Island, oft,

Anchor in h

side under the

Sea, and wishe

huge in length t

e burning Lake,

eav'd his head,

mission of all

large to his o

reiterated c

elf damnation,

ers, and enra

alice serv'd bu

dness, grace a

im seduc't, b

ion, wrath and

ight he rears f

ature; on each

slope their point

eave i'th' mids

anded wings he

cumbent on

usual weight,

it were Land t

as the Lake wi

ar'd in hue, as

nean wind tra

LORUS, or the

g AETNA, whos

ntrals thence c

h Mineral fury

singed botto

smoak: Such rest

et. Him followe

to have scap't t

by their own re

ufferance of s

Region, this the

lost Arch Ange

ange for Heav'n,

stial light? Be

Sovran can di

right: fardest

th equald, force

quals. Farewe

ever dwells: Hai

ld, and thou p

new Possessor:

o be chang'd b

its own place,

av'n of Hell, a

where, if I be

ould be, all bu

hath made great

ree; th' Almigh

envy, will not

reign secure,

worth ambition

n in Hell, then

let we then our

es and copartn

onisht on th'

not to share w

appy Mansion,

Arms to try w

av'n, or what m

spake, and

. Leader of tho

Omnipotent none

r that voyce, thei

ears and dange

eams, and on th

en it rag'd, i

signal, they

nd revive, thou

prostrate on y

ile, astounde

ll'n such a per

d ceas't when th

rd the shore; his

per, massy, la

ast; the broad

oulders like the

Glass the TUSC

from the to

ARNO, to des

untains in her

o equal which

WEGIAN hills,

at Ammiral, w

th to support

ing Marle, not

Azure, and th

sore besides, v

so endur'd, ti

amed Sea, he s

Angel Forms, wh

nal Leaves that

SA, where th'

h't imbowr; or

with fierce W

ed-Sea Coast, who

d his MEMPHI

perfidious hat

ners of GOSH

shore their fl

ariot Wheels, s

t lay these, cov

ent of their h

loud, that all

ounded. Princ

owr of Heav'n, onc

onishment as

ts; or have ye

toyl of Batt

vertue, for t

re, as in the V

abject postur

Conquerour? w

Seraph rowli

'd Arms and En

suers from Heav

, and descendin

g, or with lin

to the bottom

se, or be fo

nd were abasht, a

g, as when men

ping found by w

tir themselves

not perceave

ere, or the fierc

Generals Voyce

e. As when t

Son in EGY

e Coast, up call

warping on the

Realm of impi

d darken'd all t

s were those b

wing under t

nether, and su

gnal giv'n, th'

eat Sultan wa

in even ballanc

imstone, and fil

like which th

from her frozen

DANAW, when her

eluge on the So

RALTAR to the

m every Squadro

Leaders thither

mmander; Godlike

human, Princ

t earst in Heave

ir Names in hea

ial, blotted

llion, from th

y yet among t

ames, till wandr

gh sufferance for

s and lyes th

they corrup

Creator, and

, that made th

Image of a

igions full of

s to adore

y known to men

dols through th

Names then known, w

he slumber, on

Emperors call,

ere he stood on

miscuous croud

e those who fro

k their prey on

ong after next

s by his Alta

tions round, a

ndring out of

Cherubim; ye

nctuary it self

ns; and with

s, and solemn F

darkness durst

horrid King besm

crifice, and

noyse of Drums

cries unheard, tha

m Idol. Him

RABBA and he

nd in BASAN,

RNON. Nor con

ighbourhood, t

he led by f

ight against t

brious Hill, an

Vally of HINNOM

ENNA call'd, th

th' obscene dre

R to NEBO,



ale of SIBMA c

to th' ASPH

ther Name, w

TTIM on their

ton rites, whic

is lustful Org

Hill of scand

omicide, lust

IAH drove them

they, who from t

ATES to the Br

RIAN ground, ha


e. For Spirits

Sex assume, o

unded is thei

manacl'd with

n the brittle s

lesh; but in what

ondens't, brig

te their ae

of love or e

e Race of ISRA

strength, and u

us Altar, bow

ds; for which t

Battel, sunk b

le foes. With

H, whom the PH

of Heav'n, with

ght Image nigh

ins paid their

so not unsun

th' offensive

us King, whose h

y fair Idola

l. THAMMUZ cam

l wound in LE

Damsels to la

dittyes all a

ADONIS from h

o the Sea, sup

early wounded:

NS daughters w

passions in t

w, when by t

rvay'd the d

ted JUDAH.

n earnest, when

te Image, head a

Temple, on th

flat, and sham'd

ame, Sea Mons

Fish: yet had

TUS, dreaded th


and GAZA's f

RIMMON, whose

MASCUS, on th


nst the house

e he lost and

tish Conquerou

to disparag

SYRIAN mode,

offrings, and

anquisht. After

under Names o

IS, ORUS and

us shapes and

PT and her Pr

Gods disguis'd

human. Nor d

when their borro

n OREB: and

t sin in BETH

is Maker to

in one Night

rching, equal'd

born and all he

st, then whom a

Heaven, or mor

self: To him n

k'd; yet who mo

nd at Altars,

, as did ELY'S

d violence the

and Palaces

ious Cities, w

nds above thir

and outrage:

reets, then wand

lown with inso

treets of SODOM

, when hosp

Matrons to prev

e prime in orde

long to tell, th

Gods, of JAVA

fest later then

arents; TITAN He

ous brood, and b

ATURN, he from

RHEA'S Son lik

ng reign'd: thes

wn, thence on

YMPUS rul'd

eav'n; or on the

, and through

nd; or who wi

RIA to th' HES

ELTIC roam'd th

more came flocki

damp, yet such

mps of joy, to ha

to have found th

f; which on his

l hue: but he

ting, with high

orth not substan

courage, and dis

mmands that at t

loud and Clari

ndard; that prou

his right, a

from the glitter

Ensign, which f

Meteor streami

d Golden lustre

s and Trophies

ttal blowing

he universal

tore Hells Conc

Reign of CHAO

nt through the

d Banners ris

Colours waving

e of Spears: an

serried Shield

measurable: A


soft Recorders

f noblest tem

attel, and in

lour breath'd,

death to flight

power to mit

ches, troubl'd th

ubt and fear and

or immortal mi

ited force wit

lence to soft Pi

teps o're the bu

iew they stand,

ength and dazli

d with order'd S

at command th

e: He through

erienc't eye, a

ttalion views,

es and statu

ast he summs. A

ride, and hardnin

r never since

died force, as

more then that

ranes: though al

th th' Heroic R

t THEB'S and IL

xiliar Gods; a



since, Bapti



ERTA sent fro

AIN with all h

BIA. Thus far

mortal prowes

Commander: he

nd gesture p

Towr; his form

inal brightnes

ch Angel ruind

ur'd: As when t

gh the Horizo

Beams, or from

ps disastrous

ations, and wit

narchs. Dark'n

l th' Arch Ange

Thunder had in

aded cheek, bu

courage, and co

nge: cruel his

morse and pas

his crime, the

nce beheld in

w to have the

Spirits for hi

d from Eternal

t, yet faithful

itherd. As whe

e Forrest Oaks, o

p their stately

blasted Heath.

eat their doubl'

Wing, and half

Peers: attentio

yd, and thrice i

Angels weep, bur

e with sighs fou

of immortal Sp

with th' Almighty

ious, though th'

testifies, and

tter: but what

or presaging,

ast or present,

ited force of

these, could e

et beleeve, tho

e puissant Legi

Heav'n, shall f

and repossess t

itness all the

different, o

ost our hopes.

eav'n, till th

hrone, upheld

custome, and

l, but still his s

our attempt, and

might we know,

ither to prov

vok't; our bett

lose design, b

ffected not: t

om us may find

th overcome bu

duce new Worlds

fame in Heav'n

create, and

on, whom his

r equal to the

but to prie, s

uption, thithe

fernal Pit sh

irits in Bondag

rkness cover. B

must mature: Pe

hink Submission

derstood mus

d to confirm his

ming swords, draw

Cherubim; th

umin'd hell: hi

hest, and fierce

r sounding shield

nce toward the

a Hill not far w

nd rowling smoak

glossie scurff

womb was hid

lphur. Thither w

rigad hasten'd

with Spade an

Royal Camp, to

ampart. MAMMO

least erected

ev'n in heav'n hi

downward bent,

Heav'ns paveme

divine or hol


nd by his sug

Center, and wi

bowels of thi

better hid. So

the Hill a

ribs of Gold.

row in Hell; th

retious bane. A

mortal things,

d the works of

ir greatest Mo

h and Art are


ge they with i


Plain in many

ath had veins

the Lake, a se

s Art founded

inde, and scum'd

on had form'd w

ld, and from th

veyance fill'd e

gan from one

of Pipes the sou

f the earth

n Exhalation,

ymphonies and

Temple, where

and Doric pi

Architrave; no

eze, with bossy

s fretted Gol


ll thir glorie


hen AEGYPT with

d luxurie. Th'

stately highth, a

brazen foulds

ample spaces,

vement: from t

suttle Magi

mps and blazin


sky. The has

er'd, and the

Architect: hi

many a Towred

'd Angels held

rinces, whom t

uch power, and

Herarchie, the

s name unhea

Greece; and i


hey fabl'd, thro

Chrystal Battle

fell, from No

ay; and with

he Zenith like


he with this r

ore; nor aught

Heav'n high Towrs

ngins, but was

strious crew to

he winged Hara

power, with

ound throughout

uncel forthwi


his Peers: thir

and Band sq

hoice the worth

and with thousan

access was thr

ide, but chief

cover'd field, wh

arm'd, and at t

e best of P

ombat or carr

both on the groun

e hiss of russli

, when the Sun w

ir populous yout

hey among fresh

fro, or on the

f thir Straw-b

th Baume, expa

fairs. So thick

e straitn'd; till

nder! they bu

to surpass Ea

smallest Dwarf

rless, like th

NDIAN Mount, o

ht Revels, by

fome belated

sees, while ove

ess, and neer

course, they on

jocond Music

joy and fear hi

real Spirits t

hapes immense, a

t number still

ernal Court.

own dimensions

eraphic Lords

cess and secr

Demy-Gods on

full. After sho

read, the grea


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