he dreadless
wide Champain held
circling Hours,
gates of Light.
unt of God, fas
nd darkness in
e by turns, which m
issitude, like
forth, and at
arkness enters
v'n, though darkne
here; and now we
ighest Heav'n,
om before her
th orient Beams:
hick embatteld
flaming Armes,
ze on blaze, fir
v'd, warr in pro
n what he for
orted: gladly
riendly Powers
many Myriads
lost: On to
high applaude
at supream; fro
olden Cloud thus
d, well done, wel
ght, who single
olted multitu
ord mightier the
testimonie of
eproach, far
e: for this wa
v'd in sight of
erverse: the ea
aided by this
foes more glor
hou didst depar
o reason for t
for thir Law, a
o by right of
of Celestial
in Military
forth to Batte
lead forth m
nd by Millions r
umber to tha
hem with Fire a
ult, and to the
e them out from
lace of punis
S, which rea
HAOS to recea
e Sovran voice,
l the Hill, an
thes, reluctant
't: nor with les
umpet from on
mmand the Pow
Heav'n, in migh
ir bright Legio
ntal Harmonie
dor to adve
od-like Leader
ly firm; nor
Vale, nor Wood,
anks; for high
as, and the pa
tread; as when
in orderly
ond over ED
f thee; so ove
march'd, and ma
ength of this t
Horizon to the
skirt a fierie
us aspect, an
th upright be
, and Helmets thr
h boastful Arg
Powers of SAT
s expedition;
e day by fight,
ount of God, a
nvier of his S
hir thoughts pro
y: though stran
t Angel should
hosting meet,
Festivals of
as sons of
Eternal Father
ow began, and
ed soon each m
e midst exal
in his Sun-bri
ajestie Div
Cherubim, and
rom his gorgeous
d Host but narro
interval, and
stood in t
ength: before
edge of batte
t and haughtie s
g, armd in Ad
ight endur'd no
htiest, bent on
own undaunted
at such resembla
emain, where f
erfore should no
re Vertue fails,
; though to sig
trusting in th'
y, whose Reaso
alse; nor is it
in debate of T
n Arms, in bot
brutish that co
ath to deal wit
n is that Re
ng, and from h
ng opposite, h
foe, at this
nd thus secur
ou met? thy hope
of thy aspiri
f God unguarde
t the terror
gue; fool, not
Omnipotent t
allest things c
incessant Ar
; or with s
yond all limi
have finisht t
under darkness
f thy Train; th
Pietie to Go
ot visible,
y World erron
ect thou seest,
es may know, whe
rand foe with sc
Ill for thee, bu
, first sought
seditious Ang
d reward, th
nd provok't, since
h contradictio
t of the Gods
to assert, who
ine within t
to none. But w
fellows, am
lume, that thy
o the rest: thi
st thou boast) t
ought that Libe
oules had bin a
t through sloth
rits, traind up
arm'd, the Mins
with freedo
eds compar'd this
brief thus ABDI
l thou errst, n
rom the path o
u deprav'st it
E to serve wh
God and Natur
ules is worthie
governs. This
unwise, or him
rthier, as thine
ree, but to thy
ar'st our mini
Hell thy Kingd
d ever blessed
y, worthiest
ell, not Realms e
d, as erst thou s
on thy impious
a noble stroke
, but so swift w
Crest of SATAN,
wift thought, les
intercept: t
ild; the tenth
pear upstaid;
ground or wate
push't a Mount
all his Pines.
rones, but gre
mightiest, ours j
Victorie and
whereat MIC
trumpet; through
and the faithf
he Highest: no
egions, nor les
hock: now stor
uch as heard in
rms on Armour
cord, and the
riots rag'd; di
; over head t
rts in flamin
aulted either
erie Cope to
maine, with r
guishable rag
d had Earth bin
enter shook. W
ierce encountri
e, the least of
ts, and arm hi
egions: how muc
st Armie numb
bustion warrin
stroy, thir hap
' Eternal Ki
g hold of Heav'n
hir might; thou
ided Legion m
st, in strength
d in fight, ye
r single as in
ce, or stand, o
open when, an
grim Warr; no th
treat, no un
fear; each on
n his arm th
e; deeds of
t infinite: fo
various; somtime
ght, then soari
l the Air; all
Fire: long tim
ung; till SATA
wer had shewn,
unging through
Seraphim confu
Sword of MICHAEL
once, with huge
oft the horrid
such destructi
and oppos'd t
Adamant, hi
umference: At
h-Angel from hi
nd glad as hop
in Heav'n, the
g'd in Chains, w
ll enflam'd fi
evil, unknown
v'n, now plenteo
hateful strife
st by just meas
rents: how has
d peace, and int
uncreated t
lion? how hast
into thousand
ow prov'd false.
ly Rest; Heav'n
onfines. Heav'n
he works of vi
and evil go
, to the place
icked crew; ther
nging Sword be
udden vengeance
thee with au
e Prince of Ang
ie. Nor think
eats to aw who
Hast thou turnd
if to fall, bu
easier to tra
dst hope, imperio
ence? erre not
h thou call'st ev
Glorie: which
Heav'n it sel
, here however
gn: mean while
t have sought th
arle, and both a
for who, though
an relate, or
th conspicuous
gination to
wer: for likest
mov'd, in stat
e the Empire o
r fierie Swords
rcles; two broad
ite, while exp
om each hand wi
thickest fight, t
e field, unsafe
motion, such
y small, If Natu
nstellations w
rushing from
t opposition
and thir jarring
h with next to
minent one st
termine, and no
wer, at once;
wift prevention
from the Ar
temperd so, th
ght resist tha
SATAN with stee
d in half cut sh
wheele reverse, d
side; then SATAN
im to and fro c
sword with dis
im, but th' Ethere
visible, and
Nectarous humo
as Celestial S
mour staind ere
all sides to
ny and strong,
others bore him
hariot; where i
iles of warr; th
anguish and d
lf not matchles
such rebuke,
nce to equal
'd; for Spirits th
ery part, not
Heart or Head,
t by annihi
liquid textu
more then can
live, all Head, a
, all Sense, an
selves, and colo
kes them best,
n other parts li
re the might of
e Ensignes pierc
rious King, w
ariot wheeles t
r from the Holi
s tongue blasp
o the waste, wi
ine fled bellowi
and in a Rock o
rones, that to
eaner thoughts lea
stly wounds throu
unmindful AB
crew, but with
ARIOC, and
orcht and blas
e of thousands,
re on Earth;
nted with thir
praise of men
gh wondrous and
wn less eager
m Heav'n and
dark oblivion
rom Truth divide
naught merit
nie, yet to
and through inf
ernal silence
ightiest quelld, t
inrode gor'd;
foul disorder
armour strow'
d Charioter
ming Steeds; wha
through the fa
se, or with pale
fear surpris'd a
nious, to suc
to fear or fl
ise th' invi
alanx firm ad
ble, impeni
advantages t
ve thir foes, n
disobei'd; in
h from thir place
er course began
kness, gratefu
on the odiou
loudie covert
nquisht: on the
nd his Ange
c'd in Guard thi
ing fires: on
his rebelliou
rk dislodg'd, a
es to Councel
midst thus un
nger tri'd, now
verpowerd, Co
hy not of Li
ense, but what
inion, Glorie
aind one day in
day, why not E
Lord had powe
om about his Th
to subdue u
t so: then fall
may deem him,
ught. True is, l
antage we end
nown, but known
find this our
le of mor
and though pei
, and by nativ
en so small
; perhaps mor
violent, when
better us, and
at between us
one: if other
periour, while
ndes, and under
nd consultatio
d in th' assem
ood escap't fr
his riv'n Arme
n aspect thus a
om new Lords,
our right as
nd too unequa
ual armes to f
nd, impassive;
eeds ensue; f
th, though matchle
dues, and makes
Sense of pleas
life perhaps,
ent, which is t
perfet miser
and excessiv
. He who there
ore forcible
wounded Enem
th like defence
for deliveran
h look compos'd
ted that, whi
main to our su
who beholds th
reous mould wh
nt of spacious
it, Flour Ambrosi
so superfici
s not to mind fro
ound, materials
and fierie sp
ay, and temperd
op'ning to the
ir dark Nativ
s, pregnant wit
hallow Engins
th' other bore w
infuriate sh
thundring nois
nts of mischie
and orewhelm
they shall fea
er of his onl
l be our labour
end our wish. M
to strength an
hard, much les
his words thir
nd thir languis
all admir'd, a
enter miss'd, s
h yet unfound most
e: yet hapl
yes, if Malice
ent on mischie
sh machinatio
ent to plague
arr and mutual
m Councel to th
g stood, innu
in a moment
estial soile,
ls of Nature
Sulphurous and
ey mingl'd, and
and adusted
grain, and int
ins diggd up (no
like) of Mine
und thir Engins
ruin; part
icious with one
y spring, under
finish'd, an
t circumspec
Morn Orient in
Victor Angel
umpet Sung: in
Panoplie, re
others from t
Scouts each Coast
, to descrie t
or whither fled,
r in alt: him
Ensignes movin
alion; back wit
Cherubim the
nd in mid Aire a
rs, Arme for figh
hought, will sav
not his flight;
nd settl'd in
tion and sec
ine coat gird
elme, gripe fast
igh, for this da
ure aught, no
torm of Arrows
hem aware thems
quit of al
out disturb th
move Embattel
far with heavi
gross and huge
s devilish En
with shaddowin
fraud. At inte
t suddenly at
hus was heard
Right and Left t
see who hate
mposure, and w
to receive th
, and turn not
oubt, however
s thou anon, wh
art: yee who a
e in charge, an
und, and loud t
in ambiguous w
en to Right and
d to either F
eyes discoverd
ounted row o
like to Pillars
bodies made
lopt, in Wood or
tonie mould, had
s orifice gap
hollow truce;
ood, and in h
ipt with fire; w
od within our t
sudden all at
and to a narr
touch. Immedia
'd with smoak, al
-throated Engins
th outragious
ntrails tore, d
glut, chaind Thun
es, which on t
h such impetuo
hit, none on thir
else as Rocks, b
, Angel on Arc
r thir Arms, un
y as Spirits
ntraction or
tion follow'd a
t to relax thi
ey do? if on the
and indece
d render them y
foes a laughte
t of Seraphi
to displode t
: back defea
orr'd. SATAN beh
ates thus in d
y come not on the
fierce were com
n them fair w
t could we more?)
, strait they ch
d into strange
dance, yet for a
ravagant and
offerd peace:
osals once ag
mpel them to a
s BELIAL in lik
rms we sent were
ts, and full of
ight perceive
many, who recei
head to foot w
d, this gift th
when our foes w
ng themselves i
highthn'd in thi
of Victorie,
thir invention
d of his Thund
Host derided,
ouble; but they
them at length,
hellish mischie
hold the excell
h in his mighty
y they threw, a
ath this varie
situate in H
ghtning glimps th
undations loos
e seated Hills w
, Woods, and by
ore them in th
terrour seis'd
towards them s
f the Mountain
se cursed Eng
whelmd, and al
ight of Mounta
nvaded next, a
ories flung, w
, and opprest wh
'd thir harm, cru
ance pent, which
and many a d
underneath, ere
son, though Spiri
st, now gross b
n imitation
nd the neighbour
id the Air en
nd fro with j
und they fought
se; Warr seem'
oar; horrid c
ion rose: and
wrack, with
Almightie Fath
s Sanctuarie of
n the sum of t
and permitted
t purpose he mi
his Anointed
enemies, an
im transferr'd:
of his Throne
e of my Glori
e face invisi
what by D
e hand what b
potence, two
we compute the
and his Powers w
ient; sore hath
as, when two suc
ves I left them,
ir Creation th
ath impaird, whic
, for I susp
etual fight they
d no solution
hath perform'd
er'd rage let l
as with Weapons a
eav'n, and dange
herefore past, th
ave ordain'd i
, that the Glo
great Warr, sin
nto thee such V
e transfus'd, t
Hell thy Power
verse Commotio
thee worthie
s, to be Heir
nction, thy d
Mightiest in th
ariot, guide t
'ns basis, bring
Thunder, my A
Sword upon thy
sons of Darknes
'ns bounds into
learn, as likes
SSIAH his an
d on his Son wi
e all his Fath
into his f
filial Godhead
O Supream of h
Holiest, Best, t
e thy Son, I
ust; this I my
ion, and my
e well pleas'd,
ich to fulfil i
Power, thy giv
shall resign,
be All in All
d in mee all w
hat'st, I hate
, as I put th
in all things;
ight, rid heav'n
ar'd ill Mansi
Darkness, and t
y just obedien
bey is happ
Saints unmixt, an
te, circling
praise, and I
o're his Scept
t hand of Glori
d sacred Morn
eav'n: forth rush'd
ot of Pater
lames, Wheele with
inct with Spir
ubic shapes, f
as with Starrs
set with Eyes, wi
nd careering
eads a chryst
phir Throne, i
colours of th
estial Panop
URIM, work di
at his right
ing'd, beside
th three-bolted
ut him fierce
ickering flame,
ten thousand t
me, farr off h
thousand (I th
od, half on eac
wings of Cher
allin Skie, in
farr and wide,
them unexpecte
eat Ensign of
els born, his
Conduct MICHAE
circumfus'd o
Head imbodi
ower Divine hi
nd the uproote
ace, they heard
Heav'n his won
Flourets Hill a
hapless Foes, b
ious fight rall
ope conceiving
rits could such p
ce the proud wh
move th' obdu
more by what mi
see his Glorie
and aspiring
tell'd fierce,
rosper, and at
d and MESSIA
sal ruin la
tel drew, disd
eat; when the g
ost on either
n bright array ye
'd, this day fr
been your Warf
arless in his
ave receivd,
; but of thi
ent to other
his, or whose h
is dayes work
de, stand one
ation on thes
ou but mee they
against mee is
ather, t' whom
Power and Glor
d me accordin
mee thir doom h
have thir wish,
h the stronger p
gainst them, s
e all, of oth
, nor care wh
rife with them
e Son, and into
ance too seve
wrauth bent
our spred out t
shade contiguo
Chariot rowld, a
loods, or of a
pious Foes righ
ght; under his
t Empyrean sh
hrone it self o
e arriv'd; in
thousand Thunde
such as in thi
astonisht all
down thir idle
d Helmes, and hel
nd mighty Sera
he Mountains no
em as a shelte
either side te
rom the fourfol
eyes, and from t
ike with mult
in them rul'd
ng, and shot for
st, that witherd
onted vigour le
piritless, aff
rength he put not
in mid Volie
y, but root the
wn he rais'd,
imerous flock t
fore him Thunde
and with furi
all of Heav'n, wh
, and a spacio
tful Deep; the
th horror backwa
ind; headlong th
verge of Heav'
them to the
th' unsufferabl
from Heav'n and
ut strict Fate
dations, and to
ey fell; confou
nfold confusi
wilde Anarchie
im with ruin:
d them whole, an
t habitation f
, the house of
av'n rejoic'd,
ach, returning
from th' expul
s triumphal
ll his Saints,
ses of his A
advanc'd; and
anching Palme, e
and him sung V
nd Lord, to him
o Reign: he c
ough mid Heav'n,
f his mightie
o into Glorie
sits at the rig
things in Heav'n
st, and that t
ast, to thee I
ve else to huma
hich befel, and
elic Powers, an
o high aspiri
hee who envies
plotting how
rom obedience
happiness tho
hment, Eter
be all his sol
e don against
gaine Compani
ot to his Temp
et it profit th
ble Exampl
ce; firm they m
ember, and fear