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Word Count: 5606    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

ht, ofspring of H

Eternal Co

thee unblam'd? s

but in unapp

ternitie, dwel

nce of bright e

ou rather pure

who shall tell?

vens thou wert,

with a Mantle

orld of waters

void and form

isit now with

YGIAN Pool, thou

re sojourn, whi

and through midd

otes then to t


heav'nly Muse

scent, and up

and rare: thee

sovran vital

t these eyes, t

iercing ray, an

p serene hath qu

sion veild. Ye

wander where

or shadie Grove,

love of sacred

d the flowrie

hallowd feet, an

visit: nor s

two equal'd wi

qual'd with t

YRIS and bli


thoughts, that

numbers; as t

ng, and in sha

turnal Note. Th

urn, but not

weet approach o

vernal bloom,

r herds, or hu

stead, and ev

from the chear

for the book

with a Uni

rks to mee expu

t one entrance

rather thou

nd the mind throu

e plant eyes, all

perse, that I m

invisible to

e Almighty Fat

ure Empyrean

ove all highth, b

and their works

ll the Sancti

Starrs, and from

ast utterance

t image of h

on; On Earth

t Parents, yet

in the happie

rtal fruits of

pted joy, u

solitude; he

Gulf between,

all of Heav'n on

Air sublime,

wearied wings,

tside of this Wo

mbosom'd with

which, in Oc

lding from his

, present, fut

onely Son fo

tten Son, sees

ur adversarie,

barrs of Hell,

there, nor ye

pt can hold; s

revenge, tha

n rebellious

traint broke loos

eav'n, in the Pr

wards the new

plac't, with p

rce he can des

uile pervert; an

heark'n to hi

transgress th

of his obedien

aithless Progen

s own? ingrate

have; I made hi

have stood, thou

ted all th' E

th them who stood

ood who stood, a

proof could they

iance, constant

hat they needs

uld? what praise c

e I from such

Reason (Reason

ain, of freedom

both, had ser

therefore as t

ated, nor can

or thir making


dispos'd by a

owledge; they th

volt, not I:

had no influence

less prov'd cer

ast impulse or

y me immutab

, Authors to th

judge and what th

free, and free

all themselves: I

, and revoke

e, Eternal, w

hey themselves or

t by thir own s

self-deprav'd: M

rst: Man therefor

ne: in Mercy a

and Earth, so sha

t and last shall

d spake, ambrosia

nd in the bless

ew joy ineff

are the Son o

s, in him all

y express'd, a

passion visi

end, and withou

g thus he to hi

acious was that

tence, that Man

Heav'n and Earth

, with th' in

acred Songs, whe

shall resound

an finally be

late so lov'd,

nted thus by fr

folly? that be

from thee, Fath

made, and judg

he Adversari

rustrate thine,

nd thy goodness

rn though to hi

enge accomplis

im the whole R

upted? or wil

hy Creation

for thy glorie

goodness and t

and blaspheam'd

e great Creato

om my Soul hat

bosom, Son w

wisdom, and ef

spok'n as my t

nal purpose

quite be lost, b

will in him,

saft; once mo

ers, though forf

foul exorbit

, yet once mor

und against h

, that he may

condition is,

v'rance, and t

e chosen of

e the rest;

l hear me call,

state, and to

d Deitie, whi

I will cleer th

fice, and soft

ent, and bring

epentance, and

ndevord with s

l not be slow, m

place within

SCIENCE, whom i

ght well us'd th

end persistin

sufferance and

ct and scorn, sh

ard'nd, blind b

y stumble on,

t such from m

is not don;

eaks his feal

high Suprema

od-head, and

is Treason hat

ruction sacre

whole poster

Justice must;

able, and as

tisfaction, de

wers, where shall

e will be mo

ime, and just th

l Heaven char

all the Heav'nly

was in Heav'n:


t durst upon hi

forfeiture, a

hout redempti

lost, adjudg'd t

ere, had not

fulness dwels

t mediation

ord is past, man

not find means,

st of thy win

l thy creatur

ented, unimplo

man, so comin

k, once dead in

or himself or

d undon, hath

en, mee for him

mee let thin

man; I for his

and this glor

off, and for

n me let Death wr

oomie power I

; thou hast giv

elf for ever,

Death I yeild,

e can die, yet

leave me in th

or suffer my

h corruption t

rise Victori

, spoild of his

s wound shall the

of his mortall

he ample Air

ll Captive maug

darkness bound.

Heaven shalt loo

e rais'd I rui

d with his Carca

he multitude

eaven long abse

ee thy face, w

ll remain, but

ement; wrauth

but in thy pres

ere ended, but

ake, and breath

men, above w

edience: as

offer'd, he a

t Father. Adm

at this might me

soon th' Almig

eav'n and Earth

r mankind unde

cence! well thou

l my works, no

created, that

bosom and right

ee a while, the

e whom thou onl

also to thy

self Man amon

en time shall be

birth: Be thou

all mankind, t

perish all m

cond root shal

e restor'd, wit

s guiltie all hi

ll absolve th

righteous and un

hee transplante

life. So Man,

ie for Man, be

se, and rising

ransomd with h

love shal outd

eath, and dyi

o redeem what

stroy'd, and s

when they may, a

hou by descen

less'n or deg

st, though Thron'

od, and equa

uition, quitt

utter loss, and

e then Birthri

iest to be so

n Great or High

unded more then

hy Humiliatio

y Manhood also

u sit incarnate,

Man, Son both

niversal Kin

, reign for e

under thee a

edoms, Powers, D

hee shall bow, o

Earth, or unde

tended gloriou

Skie appeer, an

ng Arch-Angel

bunal: forthwit

and forthwith

t Ages to th

uch a peal shall

aints assembl'd,

ngels, they arr

entence; Hell,

all be for ever

l burn, and from

Earth, wherein th

all thir tri

ays, fruitful

Love triumphing

y regal Scepte

epter then no

All in All. B

ho to compass

on, and honou

ad th' Almighty

ude of Angel

numbers witho

voices, uttering

e, and loud H

l Regions: l

Throne they bow

n adoration

inwove with Am

marant, a Fl

, fast by the

om, but soon f

'd where first it

oft shading the

iver of Bliss thr

ISIAN Flours he

at never fade t

endent locks inwr

rlands thick thro

at like a Sea

ith Celestial

gain thir gold'n

'd, that glitter

hung, and with

g symphonie

Song, and wake

t, no voice but

rt, such conco

r first they s

e, Immorta

g; thee Autho

Light, thy s

rious brightness

essible, but wh

of thy beams, a

bout thee like

essive bright t

av'n, that bri

ut with both wing

ey sang of all

Son, Divine

icuous count'nan

, th' Almighty

Creature can

effulgence of h

n thee his amp

Heavens and all

ated, and by

g Dominations

readful Thunder

laming Chariot w

sting Frame, whi

of warring An

uit thy Powers w

old, Son of thy

ierce vengeanc

him through the

ie and Grace, th

but much more t

did thy dear

purpos'd not t

but much more t

thy wrauth, an

Justice in thy

of the Bliss

hee, offerd h

ffence. O un

to be found le

God, Saviour o

e copious mat

d never shall my

rom thy Fathers

Heav'n, above t

ours in joy and

upon the firm

World, whose fir

us inferior

nd th' inroad

ted walks: a

ow seems a bou

nd wild, under t

s'd, and ever-t

string round,

ide which from t

farr som small

air less vext wi

Fiend at large i

Vultur on

ridge the rovin

from a Region

flesh of Lambs

ocks are fed, flies


y lights on the

NA, where C

d Wind thir can

indie Sea of L

d down alone b

other Creatur

veless to be f

store hereafte

like Aereal

transitorie an

had filld th

s vain, and all

d hopes of Glori

s in this or

thir reward on


but the praise

tion, emptie

omplisht works

onstrous, or

arth, fleet hit


hbouring Moon, as

Fields more l

aints, or midd

Angelical an

-joynd Sons and

ancient World t

in exploit, thou

s next of BAB

and still wi

d they wherewith

single; hee

'd fondly int

S, and hee

SIUM, leap'd

S, and many

d Idiots, Ere

nd Grey, with al

roam, that stray

him dead, who

ho to be sur

on the weeds

SCAN think to

Planets seven, a

lline Sphear whos

on talkt, and t

PETER at Heav'

with his Keys,

ent they lift th

ross wind fro

nsverse ten thou

vious Air; th

and Habits with

nto Raggs, then

, Dispenses,

Winds: all thes

backside of the

large and bro

e of Fools, t

now unpeopl'

lobe the Fiend fo

wanderd, till

ght turnd thith

steps; farr dist

by degrees

ll of Heaven a

of, but farr m

s of a Kingl

ispice of Di

ick with sparkli

shon, inimi

r by shading

ere such as wh

nding and des

bright, when he

RAM in the f

night under

i'd, This is th

steriously was

but drawn up to

underneath a b

or of liquid

e from Earth, s

ngels, or fle

ariot drawn by

e then let down,

y easie ascen

usion from the

st which op'nd

e blissful sea

n to th' Earth,

rr then that

ON, and, though


visit oft tho

ests his Ange

t, and his eye w

the fount of

BA, where t

EGYPT and the

'ning seemd, whe

such as bound

hence now on

y steps of Gold

ith wonder at

World at once.

and desart waye

last by break

row of some hig

is eye disco

prospect of s

or some reno

ng Spires and P

Rising Sun guild

eis'd, though a

ligne, but much

ll this World b

ys, and well mig

ove the circ

ended shade; fr

the fleecie St

farr off A

ORIZON; then f

redth, and with

o the Worlds fir

ecipitant, and

ure marble Air

umerable Star

but nigh hand s

lds they seemd


ds, and Groves a

Iles, but who d

t to enquire:

un in splendor

ye: Thither his

alm Firmament;

or eccentric,

e, where the

vulgar Conste

Lordly eye kee

ht from farr; t

dance in numbe

d years, towards h

ir various motio

etic beam, th

s, and to ea


ible vertue ev

y was set his

e Fiend, a spot

in the Sun'

laz'd Optic Tub

found beyond ex

aught on Earth

s like, but al

ight, as glowing

t seemd Gold, pa

arbuncle most

paz, to the T

est-plate, and

her oft then

r like to that

in vain so lo

h by thir powerf

RMES, and ca

apes old PROTEU

h a Limbec to h

hen if fields a

h ELIXIR pure,

, when with on

mic Sun so far

ith Terrestr

dark so many p

lorious and e

new to gaze

rr and wide hi

obstacle found

hine, as when h

om th' AEQUATO

till direct, wh

dy opaque can fa

cleer, sharp'n

istant farr, w

kenn a glorio

om JOHN saw a

urnd, but not hi

sunnie Raies,

ead, nor less h

his Shoulders f

nd; on som great

or fixt in co

Spirit impure

ight direct his

e the happie

s end and our

asts to change h

ight work him

tripling Cher

rime, yet such

Celestial, an

e diffus'd, so

oronet his

ither cheek plai

ourd plume spri

t for speed su

decent steps

igh unheard, th

igh, his radian

his eare, and s

gel URIEL, on

resence, neeres

at command, an

all the Heav'ns,

ft errands ove

Land: him SATAN

u of those seav'n

's high Throne, g

wont his great

hrough highest

is Sons thy E

likeliest by

to obtain, a

t this new Cr

e desire to

wondrous works,

light and favo

works so wondr

me from the Qui

andring. Brigh

ll these shinin

at, or fixed s

shining Orbes hi

ind him, and w


great Creato

whom hath all t

him and all thi

sal Maker we

ath drivn out

ell, and to re

is new happi

better: wise ar

e false dissemb

Man nor Ange

, the only e

, except to

ve will, through

h wisdom wake,

Gate, and t

arge, while good

eems: Which now

h Regent of th

sighted Spirit


ghtness answe

thy desire whic

f God, thereb

rk-Maister, le

blame, but rath

ems excess, that

pyreal Mansio

th thine eyes w

h report heare

ul indeed are

know, and wort

brance alwayes

reated mind

r, or the wi

em forth, but hid

t his Word the

aterial mould,

rd his voice, a

stood vast infi

second bidding

nd order from d

r several Quar

lements, Earth,

ereal quintess

spirited with

rbicular, and

s thou seest, a

lace appointed,

circuit walles

on that Globe

hence, though but

Earth the seat o

h else as th' o

ade, but there th

opposite fair

poses, and her

till renewing, th

light her cou

d empties to enl

ale dominion c

o which I poi

those loftie sh

anst not miss, m

he turnd, and S

or Spirits is

due and reveren

toward the coast

Ecliptic, sped w

p flight with man

ill on NIPHATE


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