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Word Count: 7964    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

rone of Royal

wealth of OR

gorgeous East w

r Kings BARBAR

ted sat, by

eminence; an

plifted beyon

high, insati

Heav'n, and by

maginations t

Dominions, De

deep within h

or, though opp

av'n for lost.

ertues rising

and more dread t

mselves to fear

right, and the f

te your Leader,

sides, in Coun

ievd of merit,

least recover'd

in a safe u

full consent. T

ich follows dig

ach inferior;

om the highest

and against the

and condemns t

in? where there

trive, no strife

for none sure wi

one, whose port

ain, that with

ore. With this

d firm Faith,

n be in Heav'n

r just inheri

prosper the

sur'd us; and b

open Warr or

e; who can adv

nd next him MOLO

strongest and th

Heav'n; now fie

with th' Etern

ength, and rat

be at all; with

fear: of God, o

and these words

e is for open

t, I boast not

eed, or when the

sit contriving,

stand in Arms,

to ascend, si

ves, and for thi

dark opprobrio

of his Tyra

y? no, let us

ll flames and f

igh Towrs to for

Tortures int

orturer; when t

ighty Engin

under, and fo

nd horror shot

gels; and his

AREAN Sulphur, a

ented Torment

s difficult an

t wing agains

ink them, if th

etful Lake ben

r proper mot

ative seat: d

verse. Who bu

ce Foe hung on

d pursu'd us th

mpulsion and l

low? Th' ascent

fear'd; should

some worse way h

ruction: if t

rse destroy'd:

re, driv'n out fro

horred deep

of unexting

ise us witho

of his anger,

, and the to

enance? More de

e quite aboli

then? what doub

e? which to the

quite consume

this essentia

ble to have e

ubstance be i

cease to be,

nothing; and

ficient to dist

rpetual inrod

cessible, his

ot Victory i

owning, and his

evenge, and B

Gods. On th' ot

ct more gracef

son lost not H

compos'd and

lse and hollow;

and could make

reason, to pe

sels: for his t

strious, but t

lothful: yet he

rswasive acce

e much for ope

d in hate; if

to perswade

wade me most,

ecture on the

most excels in

counsels and

grounds his cou


im, after some

enge? the Towrs o

atch, that ren

; oft on the

Legions, or wi

d wide into the

rize. Or could

at our heels all

st Insurrecti

st Light, yet

ptible would

ted, and th'

of stain wou

, and purge of

Thus repuls'd,

spair: we mu

Victor to spe

end us, that m

; sad cure; for

f pain, this in

s that wander t

ather, swallo

e womb of un

nse and motion

good, whethe

, or will eve

that he never

ise, let loose

ugh impotence

Enemies thir

anger, whom

less? wherefore

counsel Warr,

d destin'd to

ng, what can w

uffer worse? is

thus consultin

fled amain, pur

afflicting Thun

helter us? this

m those wounds

burning Lake? tha

eath that kindl'

blow them into

s in the Flame

rmitted venge

hand to plague

ere op'n'd, an

d spout her Cat

rrors, threatn

our heads; wh

r exhorting g

fierie Tempest

ck transfixt, th

whirlwinds, o

yling Ocean, w

verse with eve

d, unpitied

less end; this

re, open or co

ades; for what c

who deceive his

at one view? he f

motions vain,

mighty to res

rustrate all our

live thus vile,

, thus expell'd

Torments? bette

ce; since fa

, and Omnipo

will. To suf

is equal, nor

ns: this was at

wise, against

nd so doubtful

those who at t

if that fail them

y know must fo

gnominy, or b

of thir Conquer

ch if we can su

Foe in time

nd perhaps thu

s not offend

unish't; whence

f his breath stir

essence then

vapour, or en

length, and to t

nd in nature,

fierce heat, an

l grow milde, thi

hope the neve

may bring, what c

, since our pre

ugh but ill, fo

e not to our s

ith words cloath'

oble ease, and

d after him thu

disinthrone th

warr be best

lost: him to u

n everlasting F

nce, and CHAOS

vain to hope

for what place

bound, unless Hea

r? Suppose he

Grace to all,

ction; with wh

presence humb

mpos'd, to cele

Hymns, and to h

luiah's; while

ovran, and his

dours and Amb

fferings. This

his our deligh

so spent in

hate. Let us

possible, by

, though in He

vassalage, b

rom our selves,

lves, though in

none accounta

ty before th

omp. Our great

icuous, when grea

rtful, prosper

e, and in what

evil, and work

r and endurance

do we dread?

d dark doth Heav'

eside, his Gl

e Majesty of

ne; from whence d

rage, and Heav'

arkness, cann

we please? Th

hidden lustre,

ill or art, from

and what can H

s also may in

lements, these

ow severe, our

emper; which m

e of pain. Al

ounsels, and th

how in safet

present evil

re and where,

of Warr: ye hav

d finisht, when

, as when holl

ustring winds, wh

Sea, now with h

orewatcht, whos

anchors in

mpest: Such ap

ded, and his S

ace: for such

orse then Hell:

and the Swo

within them; a

nether Empire,

and long pro

ion opposit


, none higher

se, and in his

tate; deep on h

on sat and p

counsel in hi

hough in ruin

TEAN shoulde

mightiest Mona

e and attentio

n-tide air, whil

perial Powers, off

rtues; or the

ce, and changing

ell? for so th

e to continue,

ire; doubtless;

hat the King of

r dungeon, not

Potent arm, t

high jurisdicti

st his Throne,

ondage, though t

inevitable c

multitude: F

pth, still first

d of his Kingdo

olt, but ove

and with Iro

ith his Golden

hen projecting

ermin'd us, and

; tearms of p

ught; for what pe

av'd, but cu

, and arbitra

nd what peace

power hosti

tance, and reve

tting how the

conquest, and m

t we most in s

asion want, no

rous expedit

igh walls fear no

om the Deep. W

enterprize? Th

and prophetic

other World,

ce call'd MAN,

ed like to us

excellence, b

rules above;

mong the Gods,

'ns whol circumfe

bend all our th

s there inhabit

how endu'd, and

r weakness, how

uttlety: Though

high Arbitra

ength, this plac

border of his

ence who hold

agious act m

nset, either

s whole Creat

n, and drive as

abitants, or

to our Party

r foe, and with

own works. Thi

nge, and inte

usion, and ou

rbance; when h

g to partake wit

Originals, an

on. Advise if

or to sit in

in Empires. T

evilish Counsel

in part propos

Author of all i

alice, to con

one root, and

d involve, don

tour? But thir s

o augment. Th

y those inferna

ll thir eyes; w

ereat his speec

judg'd, well en

ds, and like

solv'd; which fro

e lift us up, i

ncient Seat; p

onfines, whence wit

ne excursion

'n; or else in

visited of Hea

at the brightn

s gloom; the so

scarr of these

balme. But first

his new world, w

o shall tempt wi

nbottom'd in

the palpable o

ay, or spread h

th indefati

ast abrupt,

what strength,

what evasion

rict Senteries a

tching round?

pection, and

suffrage; for

all and our la

he sat; and e

pence, awaitin

or oppose,

s attempt: bu

danger with deep

unt'nance red

one among the

n-warring Champi

as to prof

readful voyag

now transcende

ellows, with

ighest worth, un

of Heav'n, Emp

hath deep sile

ough undismaid:

t out of Hell l

rong, this huge

to devour, im

nd gates of b

r us prohibi

if any pass, t

ial Night rec

and with utte

, plung'd in th

scape into wh

egion, what re

dangers and a

ill become this

mperial Sov'

arm'd with power,

f public momen

ty or danger

mpting. Wheref

ies, and not r

o accept as

as of hono

eigns, and so

more, as he

sits? Go therfo

'n, though fall'

ll be our home,

t misery, an

ble; if there

r deceive, or

Mansion: int

akeful Foe, w

e coasts of dark

for us all:

rtake with me.

, and prevent

st from his re

g the chief m

e refus'd) what

s'd might in

winning cheap

gh hazard huge m

ore th' adventu

nd at once with

all at once wa

rd remote. Towar

everence prone

qual to the hi

to express how m

e general saf

neither do th

vertue; least bad

eeds on earth, wh

ition varnisht

ir doubtful co

ing in thir ma

mountain tops t

e the North wind

rful face, the

dark'nd lantski

radiant Sun wi

'ning beam, the

notes renew, an

oy, that hill a

men! Devil wi

d holds, men

rational, tho

race: and God p

hatred, enmi

lves, and levi

Earth, each ot

h might induc

hellish foes

night for his d

Councel thus dis

me the grand

ir mighty Param

tagonist of He

ead Emperour wi

e imitated St

fierie Sera

imblazonrie, a

r Session end

regal sound th

our winds four

mouths the sou

ice explain'd:

d wide, and all

shout, return'd

ease thir minds a

umptuous hope,

wandring, each


lext, where he m

restless though

urs, till his gr

Plain, or in t

g, or in swift

mpian Games or

fierie Steeds,

eels, or fronte

arn proud Citi

troubl'd Skie,

the Clouds, b

Aerie Knights, an

Legions close; w

nd of Heav'n th


ocks and Hills,

ell scarce holds

CIDES from O

felt th' enveno

p by the roots T

from the top

BOIC Sea. Oth

in a silent

Angelical t

roic deeds an

attel; and com

ould enthrall to

as partial, b

less when Spiri

ll, and took w

audience. In dis

the Soul, Song

rt sat on a

ore elevate, an

, Foreknowledge

ee will, forekn

end, in wandr

evil much th

ness and f

Apathie, and g

all, and fal

leasing sorcer

while or angu

ope, or arm th

patience as wi

in Squadrons

venture to d

world, if an

them easier ha

r flying March,

ernal Rivers

ing Lake thir b

YX the flood

of sorrow, b

am'd of lame

ruful stream; f

torrent fire in

these a slow a

River of Obl

abyrinth, wher

former state a

oy and grief, pl

s flood a fr

wilde, beat with

nd dire Hail, wh

t gathers heap,

le; all else de

ound as that

IATA and moun

hole have sunk:

d cold performs t


revolutions a

nd feel by turns

ams, extreams by

raging Fire t

ereal warmth, a

infixt, and

me, thence hurr

over this L

fro, thir sorr

struggle, as th

ream, with one sm

getfulness all

oment, and so

tands, and to op


d of it self t

living wight,


rch forlorn, th'

ng horror pale

thir lamentable

gh many a dark a

and many a Re

Frozen, many

s, Fens, Bogs, Dens,

of death, whi

vil, for ev

ies, death lives,

monstrous, all p

, inutterabl

t have feign'd,

HYDRA'S, and C

the Adversary

ughts inflam'd o

ings, and toward

s solitary fl

ight hand coast,

h level wing the

iery concave

off at Sea a

Clouds, by AE

ng from BENGA

d TIDORE, whenc

rugs: they on t


ightly toward th

flying Fiend:

igh reaching to

fold the Gates; th

three of Ada

, impal'd with

'd. Before the

side a formi

d Woman to the

foul in many

and vast, a

sting: about h

l Hounds never

EREAN mouths ful

yet, when they l

rb'd thir noyse,

e, yet there stil

. Farr less abh

bathing in th

m the hoarce T

llow the Night-

ding through th

smell of infant

itches, while th

thir charms. T

ght be call'd th

ble in member,

ight be call'd t

d either; black

en Furies, te

eadful Dart; wha

s of a Kingly

w at hand, and

moving onwar

rides, Hell trem

Fiend what this

fear'd; God and

naught vallu'd

dainful look t

what art thou,

hough grim and t

ated Front a

es? through the

'd, without lea

te thy folly, an

to contend with S

Goblin full of

t Traitor Ange

peace in Heav'n an

nd in proud r

m the third par

t the highest, fo

ast from God, a

ernal daies i

hou thy self with

breath'st defian

King, and to e

Lord? Back to

e, and to thy s

a whip of Sco

or with one st

seise thee, and p

grieslie terrou

nd so threatnin

and deform: on

th indignatio

, and like a

the length of

Sky, and from

ence and Warr.

deadly aime; t

roke intend, a

h' other, as whe

rtillery fraught

IAN, then stand

ace, till Winds

r dark Encoun

e mighty Comba

thir frown, so

ut once more

eat a foe: and

ev'd, whereof a

Snakie Sorce

Gate, and kep

h hideous outcry

hat intends thy

only Son? Wh

hee to bend t

thers head? and

its above and l

ain'd his dru

rath, which he ca

ch one day will

nd at her words

n these to her

y outcry, and thy

osest, that m

ares to tell t

ds; till first

u art, thus doub

nal Vaile first

d that Fantasm

not, nor eve

etestable then

the Portress of H

orgot me then

eye so foul, on

en at th' Assem

Seraphim with

piracy against

sudden mi

, dim thine eyes

ile thy head flam

ill on the left

in shape and co

heav'nly fair,

ead I sprung:

Heav'n; back the

call'd me SIN,

held me; but

nd with attrac

se, thee chiefl

me thy perfect

our'd, and such

ecret, that my

rden. Mean whi

fought in Heav'n

uld else) to o

y, to our part

the Empyrean:

g from the Pitch

eep, and in t

which time th

was giv'n, with

r ever shut, whi

op'ning. Pens

long I sat no

thee, and now

otion felt and

odious offsprin

gotten, breaki

entrails, that w

ll my nether s

d: but he my

, brandishing

oy: I fled, and

at the hideous

Caves, and back

pursu'd (though

lust then rage)

k his mother

races forcib

with me, of t

Monsters that

as thou sawst,

born, with so

when they lis

they return, an

eir repast; the

onscious terrou

r intermissio

e eyes in op

Son and foe, w

arent would fu

other prey, bu

mine involvd; a

a bitter Morsel

t shall be; so

ather, I forew

arrow; neithe

erable in thos

d heav'nly, for

reigns above,

d, and the sutt

w milder, and thu

since thou claim'

n here showst me

ad with thee in

sad to mention,

nforeseen, unt

enemie, bu

dark and disma

thee, and all t

at in our just

from on high:

errand sole,

se, with lonel

deep, & through

wandring quest

d, by concurrin

and round, a

ues of Heav'n, a

pstart Creatu

acant room, tho

surcharg'd with

ove new broiles:

e secret now de

his once known,

o the place wher

t ease, and up

ly the buxom

there ye shall

all things sha

both seemd highly

ible a gastly

uld be fill'd, a

hat good hour:

ad, and thus b

f this infern

d of Heav'ns al

him forbidd

tine Gates; ag

stands to inte

be o'rematcht

w I to his c

and hath hithe

loom of TARTA

ateful Office

f Heav'n, and

rpetual agon

and with clamor

brood, that on

Father, thou m

v'st me; whom

follow? thou wi

orld of light a

ive at ease, whe

hand voluptuo

and thy darli

, from her side

nt of all our

e Gate rouling h

e huge Porcull

self not all t

mov'd; then in t

wards, and eve

ron or sollid

: on a sudd

us recoile and

dores, and on t

, that the lowe

. She op'nd

ower; the Gates

xtended wings

nsigns marching

d Chariots rank

stood, and like

dounding smoak

eyes in sudd

of the hoari

le Ocean wi

n, where length, b

lace are lost; w

Ancestors o

ARCHIE, amid

arrs and by co

oist, and dry, fou

or Maistrie, an

Atoms; they a

action, in thir

heavy, sharp, smo

ous, unnumber


e with warring

ings. To whom th

moment; CHAO

sion more imb

Reigns: next h

ns all. Into t

nature and per

a, nor Shore, n

e in thir preg

nd which thus m

Almighty Make

erials to crea

ilde Abyss th

rink of Hell and

s Voyage; for

ss. Nor was his

loud and ruino

th small) then wh

battering Engin

ity, or less th

re falling, an

e had from

rth. At last his

flight, and in

s the ground, th

oudy Chair a

t that seat soo

acuitie: a

pennons vain plu

fadom deep, a

falling, had n

ebuff of som t

h Fire and Nit

es aloft: tha


Land: nigh foun

crude consisten

hoves him now bot

ryfon through

ourse ore Hill


s wakeful cus

Gold: So eag

through strait, ro

s, wings, or feet

nks, or wades, or

a universal

sounds and voi

he hollow dark a

vehemence: th

o meet there

of the net

t noise reside

neerest coast

ght; when strait

nd his dark P

asteful Deep; w

sted Night, el

f his Reign; an

ADES, and th

ON; Rumor nex

and Confusion

ith a thousand

N turning boldly

of this neth


e to explore

f your Realm, b

s darksome des

our spacious Emp

thout guide, ha

ath leads where y

Heav'n; or if

minion won, th

lately, thit

s profound, di

o mean recomp

oof, if I tha

ion thence ex

inal darkness

present journey

anderd there o

advantage all,

; and him thus

g speech and vi

ow thee, strange

leading Ange

st Heav'ns King,

ard, for such

ilence through

upon ruin, r

se confounded;

millions her

I upon my Fr

ce; if all I c

which is lef

till through our

Scepter of old

stretching far

eaven and Eart

ealm, link'd in

av'n from whence

e your walk, yo

neerer danger;

spoil and rui

and SATAN sta

now his Sea shou

alacritie and

ard like a Py

e expanse, and

Elements, on a

wins his way

anger'd, then

RUS betwixt the

SSES on the L

d by th' other

difficulty an

th difficulty

past, soon afte

eration! Sin

rack, such was th

him a broad

rk Abyss, who

'd a Bridge of

tinu'd reaching

orld; by which th

intercourse p

punish morta

Angels guard by

last the sa

rs, and from the

into the bos

dawn; here Natu

verge, and C

outmost work

ess and with le

th less toil, a

calmer wave b


t, though Shroud

ptier waste, r

read wings, at

Empyreal Heav'n

undetermind sq

owrs and Batt

phire, once hi

hanging in a

world, in big

Magnitude clos

raught with misc

d in a cursed



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