img Paradise Lost  /  BOOK VIII | 80.00%
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Word Count: 9066    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

alk where God

with his Friend

lgent, and wi

t, permitting

rse unblam'd: I

Tragic; foul di

n the part o

ience: On the

ed, distance

t rebuke, and j

into this World

er shadow Dea

nger: Sad task

more Heroic t


ive about TROY


ire or JUNO'

he GREEK and

able style

tial Patrones

y visitation

to me slumbri


this subject f

ng choosing, an

ous by Natu

herto the on

d, chief maist

d tedious havo

eign'd; the be

ce and Hero

to describe R

urniture, embl

aint, Caparis

sel Trappings,

Torneament; the

Hall with Sewer

f Artifice or

ich justly gi

or to Poem.

or studious, h

fficient of it

nless an age t

Years damp my

much they may,

brings it nig

sunk, and afte

, whose Offic

on the Earth,

Night, and now

ere had veild th

o late fled bef

out of EDEN

ed fraud and

ruction, maugr

n himself, fea

fled, and at M

ng the Earth, c

Regent of th

, and forewarn

atch; thence full

seven continu'd

s, thrice the

ur times cross'd

Pole, travers

return'd, and on

or Cherubic Wa

ected way. The

in, not Time, first

IS at the fo

shot under gro

ountain by th

River sunk, an

'd in rising M

hid; Sea he had

over PONTUS,

up beyond t

farr Antartic;

RANTES to the

hence to the L

NDUS: thus the

earch; and with

every Creatur

might serve his

uttlest Beast o

long debat

volv'd, his fina

fittest Imp of

nd his dark s

sight: for in

ghts none would

s wit and na

which in other

t beget of D

n beyond the s

'd, but first fr

assion into plai

like to Heav'n,

Seat worthier o

houghts, reform

after better wo

v'n, danc't round

bear thir bright

ight, for thee

ntring all thir

nfluence: As

yet extends t

v'st from all th

ves, all thir kn

Herb, Plant, a

s animate wit

se, Reason, all

ght could I have

oy in aught, s

llie, Rivers, Wo

Sea, & Shores wi

nd Caves; but I

r refuge; and

bout me, so m

n me, as from t

es; all good

av'n much worse w

here seek I, n

ss by maistring

be my self l

eek, but othe

thereby worse

in destroyin

ess thoughts; a

hat may work

his was made, al

to him linkt

hat destruction

l be the glor

owers, in one da

HTIE styl'd, si

king, and who

in contriving,

hen since I in

ude ingloriou

ame, and thinne

rers: hee to

re his numbers

vertue spent

to Create, i

eated or to

to advance

orm'd of Earth

from so ba

poils, our spoils

Man he made, an

his World, and

onounc'd, and

o his service

Ministers to

Charge: Of the

to elude, thu

vapor glide ob

and Brake, whe

leeping, in who

and the dark i

nt! that I who

it the highest,

, and mixt wit

e to incarnat

e hight of D

ll not Ambiti

who aspires mu

oard, obnoxiou

s. Revenge, at fi

ong back on it

k not, so it li

I fall short,

y envie, thi

is Man of Clay,

more to spite

te then with spi

hrough each Thic

mist low cree

arch, where soone

him fast sleepi

of many a rou

dst, well stor'd

horrid Shade

et, but on the

eard he slept:

nterd, and hi

head, possessi


aiting close th'

sacred Light

he humid Flour

cense, when all t

great Altar send

tor, and his

Smell, forth ca

ir vocal Worsh

anting voice, th

ime for sweetest

how that day th

work: for much

patch of two Ga

t to her Husba

may we labour

ill to tend Plant

ask enjoyn'd, bu

work under our

y restraint;

n, or prune, o

two with wanton

lde. Thou there

o my mind first

our labours, t

where most need

round this Ar

Ivie where to

Spring of Ro

find what to re

near each oth

choose, what w

ene and smiles

urse draw on,

brought to litt

' hour of Suppe

ld answer ADAM

ssociate sole

e all living C

motion'd, wel thy

best fulfill th

ign'd us, nor

r nothing lovel

hen to studie

kes in her Hus

trictly hath o

to debarr u

whether food, o

ind, or this sw

iles, for smiles

i'd, and are o

e lowest end

irksom toile,

and delight to

d Bowers doubt n

m Wilderness wi

lk, till younge

But if much c

to short absen

e somtimes is

tirement urges

ubt possesses

ever'd from me;

warn'd us, wha

happiness, a

seeks to work

lt; and somwhe

oubt, with gree

best advantag

ircumvent us jo

edie aide migh

first design

e from God,

e, then which

us excites hi

rse, leave not t

eing, stil shades

ere danger or

emliest by her

, or with her th

he Virgin Maj

ves, and some u

usteer composu

av'n and Earth, an

n enemie we h

th by thee inf

e parting Ang

adie nook I

urnd at shut of

houldst my firmne

hee, because

t, I expected

thou fearst n

capable of d

not receave,

hen thy fear, wh

ar that my fir

fraud be shak

how found they har

ught of her to

th healing wor

God and Man,

art, from sin

ent of thee

from my sigh

it self, inten

ts, though in vain

with dishonour

ptible of Fai

ation: thou thy

ldst resent the

ctual found: mi

ffront I la

one, which on

though bold, w

st on mee th' as

malice and fals

eds must be, w

think superflu

nfluence of th

every Vertue

e watchful, stro

ngth; while shame

e overcome o

vigor raise, an

t thou like sense

resent, and t

t witness of t

domestick ADA

ial Love, but

uted to her F

ly with accent

our condition

ircuit strait

violent, w

like defence

appie, still i

cedes not sin:

ronts us with

egritie: his

shonor on our

lf; then wherfo

rather double

e prov'd false, f

av'n, our witnes

Faith, Love, V

out exterior

hen suspect ou

perfet by th

ure to singl

ur happiness,

ere no EDEN

hus ADAM ferv

t are all thin

ind them, his

perfet or de

he Created,

might his happ

outward force;

es, yet lies wi

will he can re

free the Will,

ree, and Reaso

well beware, a

faire appeerin

alse, and missi

God expresl

rust, but tende

mind thee oft, a

ist, yet possi

on not impos

s object by th

into decept

rictest watch, a

ptation then,

and most like

ot; Trial will

approve thy con

dience; th' oth

thee attempte

hink, trial uns

er then thus wa

ay, not free, ab

native inn

hast of vertu

thee hath done h

e Patriarch of

t submiss, thou

mission then, an

at thy own last

that our trial,

both perhaps fa

ger I goe, n

ud will first

ore shall shame

from her Husban

rew, and like a

YAD, or of DE

o the Groves,

ass'd and Godd

shee with Bow

Gardning Tools

ire had formd, o


seemd, POMONA

or to CERES


h ardent look

but desiring

r his charge o

shee to him

nd by Noon am

ngs in best o

past, or Afte

'd, much failin

um'd return!

from that hou

r sweet repast,

id among sweet

h hellish ra

t thy way, or

Innocence, of

nce first break o

in appearance,

st, where likeli

wo of Mankind

cluded Race, h

Field he sought

Garden-Plot mo

e or Plantatio

in or by sh

both, but wish'd

, he wish'd, b

ldom chanc'd, w

hope, EVE sep

ud of Fragrance,

o thick the Ros

owd, oft stoop

lender stalk, who

rple, Azure, or

unsustaind, th

irtle band, min

ugh fairest uns

prop so farr, an

w, and many a

Covert, Cedar,

and bold, now

-wov'n Arbore

each Bank, th

cious then those


host of old

Mystic, where t

with his faire

Place admir'd,

long in popul

thick and Sewer

on a Summers M

leasant Villa

each thing met c

Grain, or tedde

h rural sight, e

Nymphlike step

seemd, for her n

in her look su

e took the Ser

Plat, the swe

thus alone; her

t more soft,

l Innocence,

e or lest a

and with rapin

of the fierce i

he Evil one ab

evil, and for t

ood, of enmi

hate, of envi

ell that alwaye

Heav'n, soon e

him now more, t

ot for him orda

recollects, and

, gratulating

ther have he led

thus transpor

ought us, hate,

for Hell, hope

but all pleas

s in destroyi

st. Then let

ich now smile

opportune to

for I view far

r intellectua

of courage hau

, though of te

rmidable, exem

h hath Hell deb

e, to what I

vinely fair, fi

e, though ter

not approacht b

under shew of L

ch to her rui

he Enemie of M

Inmate bad,

s way, not wit

round, as since,

of rising foul

fould a surgin

ft, and Carbu

t Neck of verd

rcling Spires,

dant: pleasing

never since

those that in


S; nor to whi


MPIAS, this wi

ghth of ROME. W

one who sought

, side-long he

p by skilful St

outh or Forelan

ft so steers, and

e, and of his

wanton wreath i

ye; shee busied

eaves, but min

rt before her t

ast, more duteo

EAN call the H

ow, uncall'd be

gaze admirin

rest, and slee

ick'd the ground

umb expression

VE to mark his

ion gaind, with

or impulse

ent temptatio

, sovran Mistr

o art sole Wonde

Heav'n of mildn

t I approach the

thus single;

ow, more awful

emblance of t

g things gaze on

thy Celestial

ent beheld, th

ersally admi

sure wild, thes

ude, and shal

thee is fair,

and what is one?)

mong Gods, ad

umberless, th

he Tempter, and

rt of EVE his

voice much mar

d she thus in

mean? Language o

Brute, and huma

lest of these I

hom God on the

te to all ar

I demurre, fo

and in thir act

suttlest beast

not with human

hen this mir

hou speakable

iendly grown

nd, that daily

h wonder claim

guileful Tempt

is fair World,

ee it is to

dst, and right tho

st as other Be

erb, of abject

d, nor aught bu


y roaving the

ree farr dis

fruit of faire

Gold: I neare

boughes a savo

ppetite, more p

f sweetest Fen

at dropping wi

mb or Kid, that

e the sharp

hose fair Appl

r; hunger and

swaders, quick

ring fruit, ur

ossie Trunk I

ground the branc

each or ADAMS:

sts that saw, w

vying stood, but

e now got, whe

nigh, to pluck

for such pleasur

Fountain neve

gth, ere long

teration in

my inward Pow

g, though to thi

to Speculation

oughts, and wit

ll things vis

iddle, all thing

fair and good

d in thy Beauti

beheld; no

or second,

ugh importune p

worship thee o

Creatures, u

he spirited sly

az'd unwarie

y overpraising

that Fruit, in t

grows the Tree, f

e the Trees o

, and various

ch abundance l

reater store of

ng incorrupti

hir provision,

burden Nature

wilie Adder, b

way is readie

ow of Myrtle

untain, one sm

yrrh and Balme

I can bring th

aid EVE. Hee lea

nd make intrica

swift. Hope el

Crest, as when

nctuous vapor,

and the cold

ough agitatio

y say, some evil

blazing with

maz'd Night-wand

ires, & oft thro

d up and lost, f

the dire Snak

credulous Moth

tion, root o

saw, thus to he

ight have spar'd

e, though Fruit

f whose vertue

eed, if cause

ree we may not

anded, and le

of his voice;

elves, our Rea

e Tempter guil

God then said t

Garden Trees ye

lar'd of all in

s EVE yet sinle

e in the Gard

ruit of this f

od hath said, Y

shall ye touch

said, though brief,

but with shew o


s on, and as t

sturbd, yet co

f som great ma

f old som O

r free ROME,

e mute, to som gr

elf collected,

act won audienc

highth began

oking through hi

moving, or to

all impassio

Wise, and Wisd

cience, Now I

leere, not on

r Causes, but t

Agents, deemd

is Universe,

reats of Death;

by the Fruit? i

By the Threatn

ouch'd and taste

perfet have at

y ventring hig

shut to Man, w

r will God i

retty Trespass

auntless vertue

unc't, whatever

rom atchieving

fe, knowledge o

just? of evil,

not known, sinc

e cannot hurt

God; not feard

self of Death re

this forbid?

keep ye low

ers; he knows

f, your Eyes tha

dim, shall p

eerd, and ye s

Good and Evil

ld be as Gods,

n, is but pro

human, yee

die perhaps,

t on Gods, dea

, which no worse t

Gods that Man

rticipating G

first, and th

, that all from

t, for this fa

e Sun, produci

If they all thin

Good and Evil

ats thereof, f

t their leave?

at Man should thu

knowledge hurt h

nst his will

nvie, and ca

ests? these, the

your need of t

e, reach then,

nd his words re

art too easie

ruit she gaz'd,

lone, and in he

is perswasive w

to her seeming,

hour of Noon d

petite, rais'

that Fruit, wh

now grown to

her longing e

le, thus to her

Vertues, doubtle

rom Man, & wort

too long forbor

ion to the mu

made for Speech t

ee also who fo

from us, namin

knowledge both o

en to taste, bu

more, while it


nown, sure is

nown, is as n

, what forbids

good, forbids

tions binde no

after-bands, wh

freedom? In t

ruit, our doom i

erpent? hee hath

speaks, and reaso

till then.

invented? or

tual food, for

eems: yet that on

envies not, but

all'n him, Aut

an, farr from d

hen, rather wha

ignorance of

Death, of La

Cure of all, th

Eye, invitin

make wise: wh

feed at once bot

, her rash ha

to the Fruit, she

wound, and Natu

h all her Works

lost. Back to t

erpent, and wel

olly on her tas

h delight till

e never taste

so, through e

or was God-head

ingorg'd with

eating Death: S

as with Wine, j

self she ple

ertuous, precio

se, of oper

hitherto obsc

Fruit let han

t henceforth

ng, each Morning

ee, and the fer

branches offer

ed by thee

as the Gods who

s envie what t

ift bin theirs,

xperience, next

ot following th

e, thou op'ns

cess, though se

s am secret; H

Earth; and oth

verted from c

bidder, safe wi

But to ADAM

er? shall I to

ange, and give

ess with mee,

odds of Knowl

artner? so to

, the more to

me more equal

ot undesire

for inferior

ell: but what i

sue? then I sh

wedded to a

ith her enjoyi

ink. Confirm'd

hare with me i

e him, that wit

re; without hi

rom the Tree her

Reverence don,

thin, whose pre

ant sciential

drink of Gods

irous her ret

Flours a Gar

and her rural

t are wont thir

romis'd to his t

er return, so

heart, divine

hee the faultri

meet her went,

n first they pa

he must pass, t

he Tree returni

irest fruit tha

and ambrosial

hasted, in he

ue, and Apolo

nd words at will

not wonderd, A

sst, and thought

e, agonie of

shall be twice

e, what rash un

bsence from thy

cause, and wond

s not as we a

asted, nor to

way, but of

and make them

tasted such; th

aind as wee, o

of the fruit,

e are threatn'd,

human voice an

o admiration,

y hath so pre

asted, and ha

o correspond, o

ilated Spirits

up to Godhead;

ght, without th

thou hast part

ar'd with thee,

re also taste,

s, equal Joy,

ot tasting, di

and I then to

ee, when Fate w

Countnance blith

heek distemper

side, ADAM, s

respass don b

d and Blank, wh

veins, and all h

hand the Garlan

and all the f

tood and pale, ti

self he inward

of Creation,

orks, Creature

to fight or t

e, good, amia

lost, how on

ourd, and now t

ast thou yeeld


uit forbidd'n!

th beguil'd th

thee hath ruind

y resolutio

ive without t

verse and Love

in these wilde

create anot

b afford, ye

from my heart;

ature draw me:

ne thou art, an

hall be parted

said, as one f

and after tho

to what see

mood his Words

ou hast presum'd

at provok't, wh

n onely cov

Fruit, sacred

taste it under

o can recall,

nipotent, fo

shalt not Die,

inous now, for

t by the Serpen

and unhallowd:

im found deadl

saidst, and gai

e of Life, ind

likely tasti

al ascent, w

Gods, or Ang

hink that God

ning, will in e

Creatures, di

his Works, wh

ed, needs with

ade; so God s

, do, undo, an

av'd of God, who

ld repeate, ye

ish, least t

ay; Fickle thei

ho can please hi

w Mankind; who

orne, not to b

ith thee have

undergoe like

thee, Death is

e within my

Nature draw

ee, for what t

annot be seve

loose thee were

and thus EVE

trial of ex

s evidence,

me to emula

ection, how s

se deare side I

f our union he

Soul in both; w

ords, declarin

ath or aught the

te us, linkt i

with mee one G

of tasting th

for of good stil

by occasion h

trial of thy L

tly never h

ught Death mena

empt, I would

d not perswade

hen oblige th

o thy Peace, c

so late of

Love unequal

e th' event, no

'nd Eyes, new H

ine, that what

ense, flat seems t

ience, ADAM,

Death deliver

she embrac'd

t, much won th

l'd, as of ch

easure for her

ce (for such

ce best merits)

of that fair

hand: he scru

etter knowledge

overcome with

'd from her en

d Nature gave

d muttering Thund

pleating of t

hile ADAM too

fill, nor E

spass fear'd, th

r lov'd socie

ew Wine int

mirth, and fans

within them

orn the Earth: bu

operation f

ire enflamin

st lascivious

repaid; in L

us 'gan EVE to

see thou art

, of Sapience

ch meaning sa

call judiciou

well this day t

we have lost, wh

ghtful Fruit, no

tasting; if s

s forbidden, it

Tree had bin

well refresh't,

after such d

id thy Beauti

irst and wedde

fections, so e

to enjoy th

ountie of this

and forbore no

intent, wel

e Eye darted c

seis'd, and to

ad with verdan

hing loath; Flou

nd Violets,

, Earths fresh

r fill of Love a

of thir mutual

f thir sin, ti

, wearied with t

orce of that fa


rits had plaid,

s now exhal'd,

dly fumes, with

ow had left th

t, and each the

r Eyes how op'nd

; innocence,

them from knowi

nce, and nativ

from about th

hame hee cover

re. So rose th



trength, They de

vertue: sile

ng they sate, a

ough not less t

utterance to thes

evil hour thou

e Worm, of who

Mans voice, tr

promis'd Rising

nd indeed, an

Evil, Good los

Knowledge, if t

us naked thus,

ce, of Faith

rnaments now s

Faces evide

upiscence; whe

he last of evil

. How shall I

f God or Angel

oft beheld? tho

w this earthly,

ly bright. O

live savage,

ere highest Wo

-light, spread th

Evening: Cove

with innume

re I may never

ow, as in bad

for the presen

each from other

oxious, and un

broad smooth Lea

n our loyns, m

arts, that this

t, and reproac

'd hee, and bo

kest Wood, ther

ot that kind for

at this day to

or DECAN sp

broad and long,

gs take root, an

other Tree, a

't, and echoing

INDIAN Herdsma

ole, and tends h

through thickest

d, broad as A

skill they had

waste, vain Cov

nd dreaded sha

t naked Glorie

ound th' AME

Cincture, nake

ees on Iles an

as they thought,

not at rest or

m down to weep,

Eyes, but high W

e, high Passio

picion, Discord

tate of Mind, c

Peace, now tos

nding rul'd no

r lore, both i

Appetite, who

ver sovran R

y: From thus d

g'd in look an

rmitted thus

dst heark'nd to m

besought thee, w

andring this

ence possessd t

l happie, not

ood, sham'd, n

orth seek needles

y owe; when ear

nclude, they the

mov'd with touch

ve past thy Lip

u that to my d

s thou call'st it

ill have happ'n

f perhaps: hads

empt, thou coulds

Serpent, speaki

f enmitie bet

d mean me ill,

e never parted

rown there still

m, why didst n

e absolutel

such danger a

n thou didst no

rmit, approve,

n firm and fixt

transgress'd, no

en first incen

e Love, is t

hee, ingratefu

hen thou wert

e liv'd and joy

chose rather D

ow upbraided

gressing? not

hy restraint: wh

e, I admonish'

, and the lu

ait; beyond thi

n free Will hat

ce then bore t

eet no danger

lorious trial

r'd in over

thee so perfet

st attempt th

now, which is

accuser. Thus

worth in Wome

ule; restraint sh

er self, if evi

s weak indulgen

in mutual ac

hours, but neith

vain contest a



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