u art call'd, wh
ove th' OLYMPIA
flight of PE
not the Name
Muses nine, n
S dwell'st, but
lls appeerd, or
ernal wisdom d
ister, and wit
f th' Almightie
lestial Song.
'n of Heav'ns I
uest, and drawn
with like safe
to my Nati
s flying Steed u
, though from
on th' ALEIA
here to wander
ines unsung, bu
visible Diu
arth, not rapt
ing with mortal
ute, though fall
though fall'n, a
and with danger
e; yet not al
slumbers Night
ast: still gove
fit audience f
r off the barba
and his Revel
Rout that tore t
here Woods and
till the savag
Voice; nor could
ail not thou, w
Heav'nlie, shee
s, what ensu'd
dire examp
by what bef
states, least
se to ADAM
to touch the i
ess, and slight t
obeyd amid
else to pleas
ing. He with h
eard attentive
tion, and dee
h and strange, thi
nable as hat
neer the Peace
onfusion: but
redounded as a
t sprung, imp
ess. Whence ADA
at in his heart
sinless, with
ight concern hi
Earth conspicu
ereof created,
n EDEN or wi
memorie, as o
y'd still eyes th
murmur heard ne
us to ask his
, and full of wo
from this World,
erpreter, by
the Empyrean
hat might else h
human knowledg
o the infinit
anks, and his
h solemne pur
his sovran w
e. But since th
our instruc
arthly thought,
as to highest
scend now low
less perhaps a
an this Heav'n
igh, with movi
and this which
e ambient Aire
nd this florid
Creator in h
Eternitie so
nd the work b
unforbid thou
t to explore t
rnal Empire,
his works, the
Light of Day y
ce though steep,
ice, thy potent
ill delay to h
tion, and th
from the una
tarr of Eevni
udience, Night w
leep listning to
d his absence,
iss thee ere th
illustrous G
e Godlike Angel
hy request wi
ugh to recount
tongue of Sera
man suffice
canst attain, wh
ie the Make
ppier, shall n
, such Commis
av'd, to answ
within bounds
let thine own
eal'd, which th'
ient, hath sup
unicable in Ea
ft besides to
is as food, an
nce over Appe
hat the mind m
se with Surfet
lly, as Nouris
that after LUCI
brighter once
en that Starr t
flaming Legions
ce, and the gr
ith his Saints
her from his
de, and to his
envious Foe hath
self rebelliou
sible high str
supream, u
o have seis'd,
m thir place kno
greater part ha
, Heav'n yet p
cient to posse
and this high T
eries due and
s heart exalt
, to have disp
ondly deem'd,
ent, if such
and in a mome
rld, out of
umerable, th
ll by degrees
themselves at
under long ob
ang'd to Heavn, &
, Joy and uni
habit laxe, ye
Word, begott
rm, speak thou
ing Spirit and
, ride forth,
ted bounds be H
e Deep, becaus
, nor vacuou
ircumscrib'd m
orth my goodnes
not, Necessi
mee, and what
Almightie, and
e Filial Godhe
e the Acts of
r motion, but
ut process of
earthly notio
h and rejoycin
eard declar'd the
ung to the most
, and in thir d
im whose just
ut th' ungodly
itations of t
aise, whose wis
f evil to cr
aligne a bette
cant room, and
Worlds and A
ierarchies: Mea
t Expedition
ipotence, with
Divine, Sapi
all his Fathe
ariot numberle
eraph, Potenta
nged Spirits, and
ury of God, whe
en two brazen M
olemn day, ha
quipage; and
for within th
thir Lord: He
ring Gates, H
inges moving,
Glorie in hi
coming to cre
und they stood, a
the vast imm
a Sea, dark, w
ottom turn'd by
waves, as Moun
and with the Cen
roubl'd waves, an
Omnific Word,
but on the Wi
in Paterna
HAOS, and the
rd his voice: h
bright proce
nd the wonder
fervid Wheeles,
golden Compa
rnal store, t
se, and all c
center'd, and
the vast profu
farr extend, thus
just Circumfer
Heav'n created,
'd and void: Da
Abyss: but on
ings the Spirit
rtue infus'd,
fluid Mass, but
rtareous cold
fe: then founde
like, the rest
nd between spu
f-ballanc't on
ight, said God, a
st of things, q
e Deep, and from
hrough the air
radiant Cloud,
ee in a cloud
while. God saw t
om darkness by
ht the Day, an
was the first D
tial Quires, w
st from Darkne
av'n and Earth; w
Universal Orb
ir Golden Harps,
works, Creatou
Eevning was, and
said, let the
aters, and l
rom the Waters
nt, expanse o
t, Elemental
to the utte
Round: partiti
underneath fr
r as Earth, so
umfluous Waters
Ocean, and th
remov'd, least
ght distemper t
nam'd the Firm
s form'd, but in
Embryon immat
: over all the
ow'd, not idle,
our soft'ning
he great Moth
genial moisture
now ye Water
ce, and let dr
the Mountain
thir broad bar
ds, thir tops a
eav'd the tumi
hollow bottom
ed of Waters:
glad precipi
dust conglobin
crystal Wall, o
flight the great
flouds: as Ar
for of Armies
Standard, so t
fter Wave, where
torrent rapture,
nor withstood t
under ground,
errour wandring
ashie Oose dee
od had bid the
n those banks,
erpetual draw t
Earth, and the
ted Waters he
was good, and sa
verdant Grass, H
e yeilding Frui
s in her self
aid, when the bar
bare, unsight
he tender Grass,
al Face with
every leaf, th
various colou
ing sweet: and th
thick the clustri
Gourd, up stood
her field: add
h frizl'd hair
nce the stately
hung with copiou
ith high Woods the
e vallies & eac
long the Rivers
av'n, a seat where
th delight, an
des: though God
th, and man to
t from the Ear
aterd all the g
eld, which e're i
d every Herb,
stemm; God saw
Morn recorded
mightie spake: L
expanse of H
ight; and let th
nd for Dayes, an
m be for Ligh
in the Firma
t on the Earth
o great Lights, g
greater to hav
ght alterne: and
m in the Firm
e the Earth, a
ssitude, and r
m Darkness to d
great Work, th
stial Bodies
are he fram'd, u
real Mould: then
everie magnit
tarrs the Heav'n
farr the great
rom her cloudie
Orb, made po
liquid Light,
eams, great Pala
o thir Founta
n thir gold'n
Morning Planet g
or reflectio
culiar, though
ote, with dim
East the glorio
y, and all th'
h bright Rayes
hrough Heav'ns hi
influence: less
te in leveld
th full face bor
r other light
, and still that
n in the East her
av'ns great Axl
lesser Lights
housand Starres,
Hemisphere: th
ht Luminaries th
glad Morn crown
aid, let the
Spawn abundant
flie above the E
the op'n Firma
ted the great
ach that crept,
generated b
ird of wing a
was good, and bl
, multiply, a
running Streams
owle be multipl
Sounds and Seas,
numerable swar
ith thir Finns a
e green Wave, in
Sea: part sin
eed thir pasture,
y, or sporting
thir wav'd coats
earlie shells
ent, or under
mour watch: on
lphins play: pa
weildie, enorm
e Ocean: the
iving Creatur
a Promontorie sl
moving Land, a
at his Trunck
tepid Caves, an
merous hatch, from
kindly rupture
ung, but feather
r Penns, and soar
spis'd the grou
there the Eag
Cedar tops thi
ing the Region,
ng'd in figure
of seasons,
e Caravan hi
over Lands w
ight; so stears
iage, born on W
pass, fann'd with
Branch the smalle
ods, and spred t
or then the so
but all night tun
lver Lakes and
rest; the Swan
ite wings mantli
h Oarie feet: y
rising on stif
eal Skie: Oth
e crested Cock wh
rs, and th' othe
colour'd with
nd Starrie Eyes
enisht, and the
Morn solemniz'
and of Creat
Harps and Matti
ing forth Fowle li
ping things, and
inde. The Earth o
fertil Woomb t
ving Creatures,
l grown: out of
ire the wilde Be
lde, in Thicket
s in Pairs they
the Fields and
nd solitarie,
nce, and in broa
ods now Calv'd,
Lion, pawin
s, then springs a
akes his Brinded
and the Tyger
rumbl'd Earth a
the swift Stag
nching head: scar
ggest born of
leec't the Flocks
mbiguous betwe
orse and scal
orth whatever cr
me; those wav'd
nd smallest Li
iveries dect o
Gold and Purple,
ine thir long
ground with sinu
ature; some o
length and cor
ulds, and added
monious Emm
small room large
f just equa
join'd in her
tie: swarming
e that feeds h
, and builds
or'd: the rest
tures know'st, and
thee repeaed
uttl'st Beast o
nt somtimes, w
ain terrific,
, but obedien
all her Glorie
as the great fi
ir course; Earth
vly smil'd; Air
east, was flown, w
of the Sixt da
yet the Maste
on; a Creature
other Creatur
tie of Reason
and upright w
t, self-knowing,
to correspon
to acknowledge
her with heart a
in Devoti
od Supream, who
orks: therefor
ther (For wh
us to his Son
ke now Man in
ilitude, and
h and Fowle of
Field, and over
ping thing that
e formd thee,
ound, and in thy
f Life; in his
hee, in the
thou becam'st
ated thee, bu
; then bless'd M
multiplie, and
and throughou
the Sea, and Fo
ng thing that mo
hus created,
t by name, thenc
hee into this
planted with th
both to beh
l thir pleasant
rts are here that a
thout end; bu
orks knowledge o
in the day thou e
e penaltie im
well thy appe
, and her black
hee, and all t
behold all was
orn accomplish'
l the Creator
though unwear
v'n of Heav'ns
ehold this ne
of his Empire
m his Throne, how
his great Id
h acclamation
f ten thousand
monies: the E
ou remember'st,
nd all the Cons
n thir stations
ight Pomp asce
erlasting Gat
'ns, your livin
reator from h
his Six days
ceforth oft; fo
t the dwellin
nd with freque
l send his wi
of supernal G
rain ascending:
wide her blazi
rnal house di
ample rode, wh
tarrs, as Starrs
e Galaxie, t
as a circling
arrs. And now on
rose in EDEN
twilight from t
Night; when at
h-seated top, th
fixt for ever
wer arriv'd, an
eat Father (f
yet staid (su
sence) and the
d of all things
ess'd and hallowd
n that day fro
silence holy
rested not, t
r, all Organs
Fret by String
Tunings, inter
Unison: of i
Golden Censers
the Six dayes
hy works, JEH
thought can meas
; greater now
e Giant Angels
s magnifi'd;
then create
ir thee, might
? easily the
postat and thi
ld, while impiou
nish, and from
f thy worshipp
ee, against hi
the more thy m
d from thence cr
new-made World,
Gate not farr,
almost immens
d every Starr
habitation; b
: among these
er nether Ocea
dwelling place.
en, whom God ha
his Image,
him, and in
ks, on Earth,
ly a Race of
t: thrice happ
ess, and pers
hey, and the
IAHS: Thus was
t think now fulf
World and face
efore thy me
eginning, th
e might know; if
urpassing huma
hus ADAM grat
sufficient, or
I to render
who thus larg
had of knowledg
ly condescent
by me unsearch
, but delight,
e attributed
e thing yet of
y thy solutio
d this goodly F
Earth consisti
es, this Earth
ith the Firm
mberd Starrs, th
e argues and t
eerly to off
acous Earth, th
night; in all
des, reasoning
wise and frug
ortions, with
obler Bodie
manifold to
peers, and on
ess revoluti
hile the sede
ght with farr le
e noble then he
ut least motion
uch a sumless
l speed, her wa
ibe whose swiftne
Sire, and by his
dious thoughts a
here she sat r
ess Majestic
t won who saw t
forth among her F
they prosper'd,
e; they at he
her fair tendanc
not, as not wit
or not capa
igh: such pleas
ing, she sol
the Relater
Angel, and
; hee, she kne
essions, and so
gal Caresses
ne pleas'd her.
n Love and mutu
like demeanour
nded, for on
inning Graces
out her shot
s to wish her
now to ADAM's
and facil t
arch I blame the
ook of God be
d his wondrous W
urs, or Days, or
n, whether Heav
if thou reck'n
Angel the gr
to conceal, a
o be scann'd by
re; or if the
he his Fabric
thir disputes,
at thir quain
hen they come
the Starrs, ho
ame, how build,
erances, how g
and Eccentric
thy reasonin
ad thy ofspring
ight and greater
ight, nor Heav'n
still, when sh
: consider fi
errs not Excell
omparison of H
ng, may of sol
hen the Sun tha
on it self wo
itful Earth; the
nactive else,
rth are those b
but to thee E
av'ns wide Circu
high magnific
nd his Line stre
know he dwells
too large for
small partitio
uses to his L
s of those Cir
erless, to hi
poreal substa
iritual; mee thou
Morning hour set
sides, and ere
distance in
at have name. B
tion in the He
which thee to
so affirm, th
ast thy dwellin
e his wayes fr
om Earth so farr,
, might erre in
ntage gaine.
the World, an
active vertue
ce about him v
ourse now high, n
retrograde, or
est, and what if
th, so stedfast
hree different
several Sphears
rie with thwar
Sun his labour
nd Diurnal rh
e above all Sta
ht; which needs
ustrious of he
ast, and with
beam meet Nigh
s by his ray. W
hrough the wide t
estrial Moon
her by Day,
reciprocal, if
habitants: Her
Clouds may rain
soft'nd Soile,
ere; and othe
endant Moons th
ing Male and
eat Sexes anim
Orb perhaps wit
st room in Na
oule, desert
ne, yet scarce
imps of Light,
s habitable,
o them, is obv
us these things,
Sun predomin
arth, or Earth
East his flam
West her silent
sive pace that
Axle, while sh
soft with the s
thy thoughts wi
God above, him
atures, as him
c't, let him d
gives to thee
EVE; Heav'n is f
passes there;
at concernes the
ther Worlds, wha
t state, condi
t thus farr hat
onely but of
s ADAM cleerd o
ast thou sati
e of Heav'n,
m intricacies,
ay, nor with pe
the sweet of
well farr off al
est us, unles
andring thoughts,
Mind or Fanc
nd of her roa
by experience ta
know at large
scure and sutt
efore us lies
Wisdom, what is
ss, or fond
s in things tha
unprepar'd, and
m this high pit
t, and speak of
nce haply men
g not unseas
, and thy wonte
heard relati
mbrance: now
ich perhaps tho
not spent; till
to detaine
ee to hear wh
it not in hop
it with thee, I
thy discours
Palm-tree pleas
oth, from labo
st; they satiat
t, but thy words
to thir sweetn
RAPHAEL answer'
lips ungracefu
ineloquent; f
his gifts hat
utward both, h
mute all comli
and each word, e
k wee in Heav'n
fellow serva
the wayes of
ee hath honour
qual Love: say
Day was absen
voyage uncout
sion toward the
ll Legion (such
one thence issu
while God was
censt at such
with Creation
durst without hi
ends upon his
as Sovran Kin
dience. Fast we
ates, and barr
our approachi
then the sound
lowd lament, an
rn'd up to the
Eev'ning: so w
lation now;
y words no less t
Godlike Power,
tell how hu
who himself b
thee still lon
s new wak't fro
flourie herb I
t, which with hi
nd on the reaki
Heav'n my wondri
hile the ample
tinctive motio
ard endevorin
feet; about
shadie Woods, an
se of murmuring
livd, and movd, a
anches warbling;
and with joy my
en perus'd, an
sometimes went,
joints, as liv
, or where, or
peak I tri'd, an
bey'd and rea
w. Thou Sun, sai
ght'nd Earth, s
les, ye Rivers, W
ve and move, fai
aw, how came I
lf; by some gr
and in power
w may I know
ave that thus I
at I am happi
l'd, and stray'd I
irst drew Aire,
ight, when answ
hadie Bank pro
te me down; th
, and with soft
se, untroubl'd,
passing to my
and forthwit
ly stood at m
rd apparitio
o believe I
came, methought,
Mansion wants
of Men innume
call'd by thee
n of bliss, th
y the hand he
elds and Wate
g without step,
tain; whose hig
, enclos'd, with
Walks, and Bower
e scarse pleasan
irest Fruit, tha
tirr'd in me
eate; whereat I
Eyes all rea
shadowd: Here
had not hee w
rom among the
vine. Rejoyci
ion at his
r'd me, & Whom th
Author of all
ound about th
e I give thee,
eep, and of the
ee that in th
h glad heart; fea
Tree whose op
good and ill,
f thy Obedienc
arden by the
t I warne thee
bitter conseq
eat'st thereof,
inevitably t
mortal, and th
expell'd from h
orrow. Sternly
n mine eare, tho
r; but soon h
gratious purpos
e fair bounds, b
to thy Race I
nd all things t
, or Aire, Beast
eof each Bird a
indes; I bring
ir Names, and
jection; under
thin thir wa
mmond, since th
t to draw the
ake, each Bird
two and two, T
nt, each Bird sto
as they pass'd
with such kno
hat me thought
eav'nly vision
ame, for thou a
, or aught then
farr my nam
, Author of
ood to man, for
and with han
vided all thing
who partakes
ness, who ca
ying, what co
ptuous; and the
le more bright'
thou solitude,
living creature
and all these
ay before thee,
and thir wayes
not contempti
nd beare rule; th
e Universal L
I with leave of
ords offend thee
e propitious
t made me here
feriour farr b
equals wha
at harmonie or
be mutual, in
eceiv'd; but
ense, the oth
uite with eithe
ike: Of fell
seek, fit to
l delight, wh
uman consort;
ir kinde, Lion
m in pairs tho
ird with Beast, o
erse, nor with
Man with Beast,
Almighty answer'
d suttle ha
self proposest
ciates, ADAM,
though in pleas
ou then of mee, a
thee suffici
ss, or not?
ternitie, fo
ee or like, e
hen with whom
Creatures which
riour, infin
other Creatur
I lowly answe
nd depth of th
hts come short, S
self art perfe
ience found;
ee, the cause
tion with his
s defects. No
ropagat, alr
ll numbers abso
y number is
like, his Im
defective, w
love, and d
y secresie a
self accompani
unication, ye
Creature to what
or Communio
rsing cannot
r in thir wayes
d'nd spake, an
d acceptance fou
rom the gratiou
o try thee, ADA
e knowing not o
t rightly nam'd,
ll the spirit w
not imparted
ship therefore
as thou freely
ded still; I, e
good for Man
companie as th
ee, for trial
u could'st judge
ing shall please
thy fit help,
xactly to thy
or I heard no
by his Heav'n
g stood under, str
lestial Coll
bject that exc
nt, sunk down, a
ch instantly fe
in aide, and cl
clos'd, but op'
y internal si
in a transe me
g, where I lay,
us before whom
op'nd my left
Rib, with cordia
streaming fresh;
with flesh fill
rmd and fashond
rming hands a
different sex,
d fair in all th
her summd up,
ks, which from t
nto my heart,
things from h
of love and a
rd, and left m
r, or for ev
d other pleasu
ope, behold her
aw her in my
l Earth or Hea
er amiable:
eav'nly Maker,
by his voice,
anctitie and m
ll her steps, He
esture digni
could not f
h made amends; th
reator bounteo
things faire, b
ifts, nor envi
ne, Flesh of my
Woman is he
or this cause
other, and to
be one Flesh, one
thus, and though
nce and Virg
d the conscienc
woo'd, and not
not obtrusive
esirable, or
f, though pure o
so, that seeing
er, she what w
sequious Maje
reason. To th
shing like the
lectest influe
ds; fresh Gales
o the Woods, and
ung Odours from
till the amoro
and bid haste
top, to light
ld thee all my S
o the sum of
oy, and must
else delight i
t, works in the
t desire, the
Sight, Smell, Herbs
he melodie of
ise, transpor
ouch; here pass
range, in all
nd unmov'd, h
arm of Beauties
ild in mee, an
ough such Obje
ide subducting
ough; at least
Ornament, in
, of inward
understand in
r th' inferiou
aculties, whic
also her re
made both, and
ter of that
reatures; yet
ess, so absol
elf compleat,
t what she wil
vertuousest, d
nowledge in he
isdom in disc
t'nanc't, and li
and Reason
nded first, n
ly; and to c
mind and nobl
loveliest, an
as a guard An
Angel with c
Nature, she hat
thine, and b
he deserts the
r, when most tho
uting overm
t, as thou thy
'st thou, what t
fair no doubt,
g, thy honourin
ction: weigh wi
Oft times noth
eem, grounded o
f that skill the
will acknowledg
ities yeild a
rn for thy de
at with honour
ees when thou art
ense of touch
ted seem suc
ther, think th
each Beast; wh
common & divu
oy'd were wor
Man, or passi
in her socie
human, rationa
ou dost well,
Love consists n
and heart enlarg
nd is judiciou
eav'nly Love th
arnal pleasure,
sts no Mate for
us half abash'
ut-side formd s
tion common
er of the geni
sterious reve
hts me, as thos
nd decencies t
ords and actions
pliance, which
nd, or in us
to behold i
then harmonious
bject not; I t
ence I feel, not
various object
est, and follow
lam'st me not, f
av'n, is both th
then, if lawf
eav'nly Spirits,
by looks onely
virtual or i
Angel with a s
osie red, Lov
it suffice thee
nd without Lov
re thou in th
hou wert crea
e, and obsta
joynt, or limb,
ir with Air, if
mix, union of
r restrain'd c
x with Flesh, or
ow no more; t
ths green Cape a
sets, my Sig
happie, and love
love is to o
and; take heed l
to do aught, whi
mit; thine and
woe in thee is
ersevering s
est: stand fast;
ne own Arbitr
in, no outwar
ptation to tr
, he arose; w
h benediction.
Guest, Ether
ose sovran goo
me and affab
sion, and shall
ul Memorie: t
riendly still,
they, the Ange
k shade, and AD