rosie steps in
'd the Earth wit
k't, so custom
ght, from pure
apors bland, whi
d fuming rills
rs'd, and the s
every bough; s
was to find
discompos'd, an
unquiet rest:
ais'd, with look
her enamour'
ch whether wak
culiar Graces;
touching, whis
my espous'd, m
best gift, my e
ning shines, and
ose the prime, t
nts, how blows t
Myrrhe, & what
aints her colo
Bloom extracti
ng wak'd her, but
m imbracing, t
hom my thoughts
my Perfecti
Morn return'd, f
this I never pas
not as I oft a
pass't, or morr
ce and trouble
ll this irksom
ear one call'd
ice, I thought i
ou EVE? now is t
silent, save whe
-warbling Bird
his love-labor'd
Moon, and with mo
off the face of
; Heav'n wakes w
ld but thee, N
all things joy,
y thy beauty
thy call, but
e I directed
ght, alone I pas
t me on a sud
ed Knowledge:
to my Fancie
dring lookt, b
ng'd like one of
en; his dewie
n that Tree h
t, said he, with
ease thy load and
Man; is Knowled
what reserve fo
ll, none shall
fferd good, wh
aus'd not, but w
tasted; mee da
ords voucht with
overjoy'd, O
lf, but much more
ere, it seems
et able to ma
ods of Men, sin
ed, more abu
ot impair'd, b
Creature, fai
also; happie
mayst be, worth
nd be hencefort
oddess, not to
in the Air, a
av'n, by merit
ods live there, a
e drew nigh, a
uth of that sam
luckt; the pleas
appetite, that
taste. Forthwith
flew, and und
tretcht immense,
wondring at my
igh exaltat
on, and I, me th
leep; but O h
but a dream! Th
nd thus ADAM
of my self an
thy thoughts th
equally; no
dream, of evi
nce? in thee c
. But know tha
esser Facult
ief; among the
olds; of all e
ve watchful Se
joyning or di
affirm or what
ge or opinion
vate Cell when
absence mimic
her; but misj
oduces oft, and
ords and deeds l
semblances me
evnings talk, i
ition strange;
the mind o
go, so unappr
ame behind: Whi
leep thou didst
never wilt c
t'nd then, nor c
be more chear
Morning first smi
o our fresh im
es, the Fountain
w thir choices
ight, and kept f
his fair Spouse,
ly a gentle
e, and wip'd the
ecious drops t
hrystal sluce, h
gracious signs
, that feard to
eard, and to the
om under shadi
forth were co
and the Sun, wh
et hov'ring o'r
to the earth
in wide Lantsk
e and EDENS
bow'd adori
ns, each Mor
yle, for neithe
pture wanted
n fit strains p
d, such prom
lips, in Prose o
le then neede
weetness, and t
y glorious works
thine this un
fair; thy self h
who sitst abo
visible or
lowest works, y
eyond thought, a
best can tell, y
yee behold him
ymphonies, Day
rone rejoycing,
n all yee Crea
last, him midst
rrs, last in the
hou belong no
day, that crownst
Circlet, praise
ses, that sweet
is great World bo
im thy Greater,
course, both wh
oon hast gaind, &
meetst the orie
tarrs, fixt in th
other wandring
nce not withou
o out of Darknes
e Elements th
Womb, that in
Circle, mult
l things, let yo
great Maker s
d Exhalations
steaming Lake,
int your fleecie
the Worlds gr
k with Clouds th
rstie Earth with
ling still adva
inds, that from f
loud; and wave yo
lant, in sign
yee, that warb
murs, warbling
all ye living
g up to Heave
ings and in your
aters glide, an
d stately tread
I be silent,
alley, Fountain
my Song, and t
sal Lord, be
onely good; a
d aught of evi
as now light di
ey innocent, and
ecoverd soon a
ornings rural
ewes and flours
es overwoodie
oughes, and need
braces: or the
m; she spous'd
ble arms, and
' adopted Clu
aves. Them thus
av'ns high King,
sociable Spir
with TOBIAS,
ith the seaventi
hee, thou hear'st
l scap't through
n Paradise, an
he human pair,
once to rui
alf this day as f
h ADAM, in wha
im from the heat
is day-labour
e; and such dis
se him of his
his power lef
n free Will, his
; whence warn
t too secure:
and from who
self from Heav'n
thers from like
no, for that sh
t and lies; th
lly transgres
' Eternal Fathe
nor delaid th
arge receivd,
estial Ardors,
gorgeous wings, u
midst of Heav'n;
parting, to his
' Empyreal road;
iv'd, the gate
Hinges turni
ov'ran Archite
cloud, or, to o
os'd, however
rm to other s
Gard'n of God, w
ls. As when by
, less assur
ds and Region
from amidst
AMOS first a
. Down thither
d through the v
worlds & worlds,
lar windes, the
buxom Air; til
gles, to all th
az'd by all, a
rine his reliq
h' Eastern cli
nd to his prop
d; six wings he
ts Divine; the
road, came mantli
Ornament; t
tarrie Zone his
ines and thighes
pt in Heav'n; th
either heele wit
grain. Like MAI
lumes, that Heav'
de. Strait knew
der watch; and
message high
sage high they g
g Tents he passd
ul field, through
Odours, Cassia,
s of sweets;
n her prime, a
ncies, pouring
rule or art; e
the spicie For
rnd, as in t
Bowre, while no
ect his fervid
womb, more warmt
in, due at her
ourie fruits, of
te, and not d
aughts between, f
ape: to whom t
EVE, and worth
those Trees, wh
ay moving; see
oon; som great b
s he brings, a
e our Guest. Bu
ores contain, bri
fit to hono
stranger; wel
ir own gifts, a
stowd, where Na
owth, and by di
which instructs
EVE. ADAM, eart
small store will
ripe for use ha
frugal storin
nd superfluous
te and from each
ciest Gourd will
in our Angel
all confess th
enst his bounti
with dispatchfu
n hospitable t
to chuse for d
so contriv'd
ell joynd, inel
ste upheld with
hen, and from e
th all-bearing
st or West, o
r the PUNIC C
'd, fruit of all
h rin'd, or beard
Tribute large,
paring hand; for
inoffensive mou
rrie, and from s
ulcet creams, n
essels pure, then
Odours from th
r Primitive gre
est, walks forth,
then with hi
in himself wa
hen the tedious
when thir ri
, and Grooms be
roud, and sets
resence ADAM t
iss approach an
perior Natur
ative of Heav'n,
eav'n such glorio
ending from the
places thou has
honour these, v
ho yet by sov'
ground, in yon
what the Garden
aste, till thi
the Sun more
he Angelic Vert
efore came, no
such place has
invite, though
; lead on then
these mid-hours,
ill. So to th
at like POMONA'
eck't and fragran
with her self
h, or the faires
t in Mount IDA
ain her guest fro
Vertue-proof, n
heek. On whom
the holy sa
to blest MARI
of Mankind, who
World more nume
e various fruits
is Table. Rais'd
s, and mossie s
mple Square fr
'd, though SPRIN
hand. A while dis
Dinner coole;
eav'nly stranger
s which our Nou
ood unmeasur'd
od and for del
yeild; unsavour
l Natures; on
lestial Fathe
Angel. Therefo
e be ever sung
ay of purest S
food: and food
ntial subst
r Rational; a
em every lo
y they hear, see,
ncoct, diges
eal to incor
hatever was c
aind and fed
eeds the purer,
Sea feed Air, th
nd as lowest
visage round tho
yet into her s
e Moon no nou
st Continent t
light imparts t
his aliment
Ocean: though in
osial frutage
hough from off th
fluous Dewes, an
pearly grain: y
bounty so wit
re with Heaven
hall be nice. S
viands fell,
or in mist, th
ans, but with
nger, and co
tiate; what redo
with ease; nor w
oal the Empi
r holds it po
rossiest Ore
Mine. Mean whi
aked, and thi
t liquors crow
Paradise! if
Sons of God exc
that sight; but
inous reign'd,
od, the injur'
h meats & drinks
Nature, sudd
t to let th'
this great Co
ve his World, a
Heav'n, whose e
own so farr, who
gence, whose h
uman, and hi
Empyreal Minis
t with God, n
in this hono
lowly roof tho
these earthly
f Angels, ye
willingly thou
feasts to have fed
the winged Hi
e Almightie
roceed, and up
av'd from goo
ection, one fi
various forms,
and in things th
n'd, more spiri
him plac't or
several active
p to spirit w
to each kind.
he green stalk, fro
ast the bright
s breathes: flou
ent, by gradual
pirits aspir
ual, give both
ves, and reaso
, or Intuiti
urs, the latte
t in degree, o
hen, what God
not, but con
stance; time ma
may particip
ent Diet, nor
se corporal nu
may at last tu
ract of time, a
as wee, or m
Heav'nly Pa
ound obedien
ly firm his
ie you are. Me
at happiness t
hend, incapa
Patriarch of m
e spirit, pro
taught the way
e, and the sca
to circumfer
lation of cr
may ascend t
at caution join
an wee want o
possibly hi
rom the dust, an
utmost measure
res can seek
Angel. Son of
thou art happ
tinu'st such, o
thy obedience;
caution giv'n
hee perfet,
made thee, b
n thy power, o
ree, not over
le, or stric
arie service
eptance, nor ca
free, be tri'd w
o, who will bu
, and can no
ll th' Angelic
od enthron'd, o
ours, while our
rety none; fr
freely love,
ot; in this we
all'n, to disob
Heav'n to deep
h state of blis
r great Progen
and with more
ucter, I have
by night from n
sic send: n
will and deed
never shall
and obey him
t so just, my c
till assure: thoug
eav'n, som doubt
ire to hear, i
ion, which must
acred silence
et large day, f
alf his journey,
f in the great
made request
pause assentin
thou injoinst me
hard, for how
nse th' invis
Spirits; how
ile they stood;
of another w
to reveal? ye
c't, and what su
nse, I shall
spiritual to c
them best, thou
ddow of Heav'n,
ike, more then on
world was not,
Heav'ns now rowl, w
nter pois'd,
though in Ete
measures all
past, and futu
Year brings forth
y Imperial su
before th' Alm
m all the ends
Hierarchs in
thousand Ensign
d Gonfalons twi
Aire, and for d
ies, of Order
ittering Tissue
als, acts of
minent. Thus
Orb, the Fa
bliss imbosom
rom a flaming
ad made invisi
e Angels, Prog
tions, Princedoms
e, which unrevo
have begot
on, and on t
ointed, whom
hand; your Hea
lf have sworn
eav'n, and shall
reat Vice-ger
s one indi
appie: him w
s, breaks unio
God and blesse
rkness, deep in
out redemption
' Omnipotent, a
leas'd, all seem'd
other solem d
dance about th
e, which yonder
nd of fixt in
nearest, maz
hen most irreg
r motions ha
charming tones,
lighted. Eev
also our Eevnin
change delecta
dance to sweet
ll in Circles
set, and on a
Food, and rubi
n Diamond, an
ious Vines, the
drink, and with
re th' all bounteo
hand, rejoyci
osial Night wit
mount of God, whe
face of brightest
ilight (for Nigh
ile) and rosea
nsleeping eyes
ll the Plain,
globous Earth in
Courts of God) T
ands and Files
reams among th
umberless, an
abernacles, w
Winds, save those
ymns about th
l night long:
all him now,
more Heav'n; h
rst Arch-Angel,
nd praeeminen
ainst the Son o
is great Fathe
g anointed, c
at sight, and thou
thence conceiv
ght brought on
o sleep and sil
Legions to disl
unobey'd the
s, and his ne
thus to him i
Companion dear, w
? and remembre
, so late hath
mightie. Thou t
mine to thee wa
we were one; h
ent? new Laws th
im who reigns, ne
rve, new Couns
may ensue, mor
s not safe.
Myriads which w
t by command, e
Cloud withdraws
under me thi
flying march w
of the North, t
inment to rec
SSIAH, and his
through all t
ass triumphant
e false Arch-An
nce into th'
ciate; hee to
ne by one, the
gent, tells, a
High commandin
Night had disi
erarchal Stand
gested cause, a
rds and jealou
ntegritie; b
signal, and s
t Potentate; f
high was his d
, as the Morning
ock, allur'd the
the third part
Eternal eye, whos
ughts, from fort
in the golden L
re him, saw wi
sing, saw in w
ons of Morn,
to oppose hi
to his onely
in whom my g
endence, Heir o
ow concernes
potence, and
hold what anc
or Empire,
ho intends to
, throughout th
t, hath in his
at our Power is
se, and to th
at force is lef
nce, lest una
place, our Sanct
Son with calm
Divine, ineff
Mightie Fathe
t in derisio
ir vain designes
ee of Glory,
when they see
quell thir pri
er I be dext
r be found the
e Son, but SATA
anc't on winge
e as the Sta
orning, Dew-drop
every leaf and
pass'd, the m
and Potentat
le Degrees, Re
minion, ADAM
is Garden is t
Sea, from one
Longitude; whi
nto the limit
and SATAN to
ill, far blaz
Mount, with Py
Quarries hew'n,
of great LUCI
ture in the
) which not l
all equali
on of that M
declar'd in si
of the Congre
he assembl'd
so commande
reat receptio
ome, and with
ted truth thus
ations, Princedome
agnific Titl
titular, si
hath to hims
nd us eclipst
nted, for whom
arch, and hurri
to consult ho
ay be devis'd
coming to re
yet unpaid, p
one, but doubl
to his image
better couns
teach us to ca
t your necks, a
nee? ye will n
ght, or if ye k
Sons of Heav'n
if not equal
ee; for Orde
h liberty, but
reason then o
over such as
if in power an
e equal? or
ict on us, w
h less for this
or adoration
perial Titles
ain'd to govern
s bold discourse
e, when among
whom none with
and divine c
d in a flame o
of his fury
no eare ever t
ast of all fro
self so high ab
ith impious ob
ee of God, pron
s only Son b
cepter, every
e knee, and in
ightful King? u
, to binde with
over equals
ll with unsu
e Law to God, sh
points of lib
art, & formd th
asd, and circums
ience taught w
good, and o
t he is, how f
less, bent ra
tate under one
t to grant i
over equals M
great & glorious
elic Nature
im begotten
ord the might
thee, and all the
ted in thir b
ith Glory, & to
tions, Princedoms
ers, nor by his
strious made, s
number thus r
Laws, all hon
n. Cease then th
t these; but h
Father, and t
may be found in
e fervent Angel
ed, as out of
and rash, wh
and more haught
ormd then saist
ie hands, by
his Son? strang
e would know when
reation was?
hile the Maker
ime when we we
ore us, self-be
ck'ning power, w
is full Orbe, t
native Heav'n,
is our own, ou
s highest deeds
qual: then tho
y supplicat
to begirt th'
or besieging.
s carrie to th
e evil interc
nd as the soun
r echo'd to hi
nfinite Host, n
Seraph fearles
und with foes, t
from God, O s
f all good;
nd thy hapless
idious fraud,
rime and punish
roubl'd how to
SIAH; those i
now voutsaf't,
are gon forth
cepter which th
ron Rod to br
ence. Well tho
thy advise o
Tents devoted,
raging into
not: for soon
on thy head, d
eated thee la
uncreate thee t
e Seraph ABDIEL
aithless, fai
umerable fa
he kept, his
nor example wi
truth, or change
From amidst the
h hostile scorn,
or of violenc
orted scorn hi
Towrs to swift de