arning voice,
S, heard cry i
e Dragon, put
down to be re
, our first Pare
f thir secret
p'd his mortal
st inflam'd with
ere th' Accuse
innocent fra
Battel, and hi
cing in his spe
arless, nor with
re attempt, whi
boiles in his t
evillish Engin
f; horror and
houghts, and fro
hin him, for w
d round about h
more then from
lace: Now consci
rd, wakes the
as, what is, a
deeds worse suff
ards EDEN which
his grievd loo
ds Heav'n and the
t high in his
volving, thus
with surpassin
thy sole Domini
rld; at whose si
minisht heads;
riendly voice,
ll thee how I
my remembrance
lorious once ab
d worse Ambitio
'n against Heav'n
e! he deservd
hom he creat
ht eminence, a
ne; nor was hi
less then to a
ecompence, and
all his good pr
but malice; li
ction, and thoug
highest, and
mense of endl
me, still payi
at from him I
ood not that
s not, but sti
dischargd; wh
powerful Des
feriour Ange
no unbounded
et why not? s
have aspir'd, a
part; but other
t stand unshak
out, to all te
same free Will an
m hast thou then
ree Love dealt
ove accurst, si
e, it deals
thou; since agai
what it now s
le! which wa
auth, and inf
flie is Hell;
lowest deep
ning to devour
Hell I suffer
st relent: is
entance, none
t by submissio
ids me, and my
irits beneath,
promises an
mit, boasting
ent. Ay me, t
I abide that
torments inwa
dore me on the
and Scepter
till I fall,
such joy Amb
uld repent and
ace my former
ecal high though
ubmission swore:
n pain, as vi
an true recon
deadly hate have
but lead me to
all: so should
ssion bought wi
y punisher; th
hee, as I from
cluded thus,
st, exil'd, hi
ted, and for h
pe, and with H
rse: all Good
u my Good; by
ire with Heav
ore then half pe
g, and this new
spake, each pass
with pale, ire, e
is borrow'd vis
rfet, if any
indes from such
eer. Whereof
ion smooth'd wit
f fraud; and
d falshood und
conceale, couch
ugh had pract
rnd; whose eye
ent, and on th
igur'd, more t
ppie sort: his
d mad demeano
s'd, all unob
res, and to t
here delicio
rowns with her
ural mound th
ilderness, who
overgrown, grot
i'd; and ove
highth of lo
e, and Firr, and
ene, and as t
e shade, a w
view. Yet high
s wall of Para
general Sire ga
her Empire neig
hen that Wall
Trees loaden wi
Fruits at onc
th gay enamel
un more glad imp
Evening Cloud
showrd the earth
p: And of pure
roach, and to t
ght and joy,
but despair: n
r odoriferous
s, and whisper w
poiles. As when
at Sea North-E
urs from the
the blest, w
y slack thir cours
e grateful smell
those odorous
ane, though with
EUS with the
, though enamour
n, and with a
st to AEGYPT, t
ascent of that
urnied on, pen
y found none, so
inu'd brake,
d tangling bus
an or Beast tha
onely was, and
de: which when th
he disdaind,
bound high ove
ighest Wall, a
feet. As when
ives to seek new
Shepherds pen t
Cotes amid th
fence with ease
ef bent to un
urgher, whose su
nd bolted fast,
dow climbes, or
first grand Thie
his Church lewd
flew, and on th
ee and highest
Cormorant; ye
aind, but sat
iv'd; nor on th
-giving Plant,
what well us'd h
alitie. So
od alone, to
re him, but per
use, or to th
with new wonde
ght of human
Natures whole w
Earth, for bli
arden was, by
nted; EDEN st
Eastward to t
EUCIA, built b
e Sons of EDE
ASSAR: in this
e pleasant Gar
ertil ground h
blest kind for si
them stood th
t, blooming A
le Gold; and
Tree of Knowle
Good bought dea
rough EDEN wen
course, but throug
eath ingulft, f
as his Garden
d current, whic
th with kindly
Fountain, and w
Garden; thenc
glade, and met
s darksom passa
ided into fou
wandring many
whereof here n
o tell how, if
Saphire Fount th
rient Pearl an
error under p
visiting each
of Paradise wh
curious Knots,
ofuse on Hill an
e morning Sun f
d, and where th
ontide Bowrs: Thu
ral seat of
h Trees wept odoro
fruit burnisht
onely, and of
awns, or level D
tender herb, w
hilloc, or t
uous Valley sp
hue, and without
, umbrageous G
ss, o're which
r purple Grape,
an while murmur
e hills, disper
ringed Bank wit
mirror holds, un
quire apply; ai
smell of field a
g leaves, whil
GRACES and the
rnal Spring. Not
fairer Floure
which cost CERE
ough the world; n
ring might wit
rive; nor th
s AMMON call a
HEA and her
from his Stepd
ASSIN Kings th
though this b
ise under th
d, enclos'd wi
journey high,
SYRIAN Garden,
hted all deli
atures new to s
nobler shape
ct, with nati
jestie seemd
eemd, for in th
f thir glorio
e, Sanctitude s
in true filial
autoritie in m
as thir sex n
lation hee an
shee and sweet
only, shee f
e Front and Eye
ule; and Hya
is parted fore
not beneath his
il down to the
rned golden
but in wanton
rles her tendril
but requir'd w
eilded, by him
coy submissio
reluctant am
erious parts wer
guiltie shame,
works, honor
w have ye trou
tead, meer shews
rom mans life h
e and spotle
naked on, nor
gel, for they
nd they passd,
ince in loves
dliest man of
fairest of her
t of shade th
ng soft, by a fr
m down, and af
Gardning labou
coole ZEPHYR,
wholsom thir
to thir Supper
its which the c
side-long as t
ownie Bank dama
pulp they chew,
hirsted scoop the
urpose, nor en
youthful dalli
linkt in happie
y. About them
' Earth, since wil
Wilderness, F
e Lion rampd,
id; Bears, Tyge
re them, th' u
irth us'd all hi
oboscis; close
g, wove with
train, and of
nheeded; other
ow fild with pa
hasting now wit
Iles, and in th
Starrs that us
ill in gaze, as
length faild sp
doe mine eyes w
m of bliss thu
other mould, ea
yet to heav'nly
ior; whom my t
and could love,
ne resemblance
ormd them on thir
ir, yee little
proaches, when a
h and delive
more your tast
for so happi
ue, and this hig
r Heav'n to kee
nterd; yet no
I could pittie
ttied: League w
mitie so strei
you must dwell
y dwelling hapl
r Paradise, you
Makers work;
eely give; Hell
n you two, he
all her Kings; th
se narrow limi
ofspring; if n
puts me loath
ong me not for
I at your har
doe, yet publ
mpire with rev
this new World
e though damnd I
he Fiend, and
lea, excus'd hi
loftie stand o
ghts among th
footed kindes,
thir shape ser
iew his prey,
f thir state he
ction markt: a
e stalkes with
ger, who by ch
ieu two gentle
s close, then r
atch, as one who
he might surest
ch paw: when A
women EVE thus
eare to heare ne
and sole part o
f then all; need
, and for us t
ly good, and
l and free
from the dust a
happiness, w
g merited, no
hee hath need,
other service
s easie charge,
that beare d
not to taste t
, planted by t
Death to Life, w
ing no doubt; for
unc't it death t
ign of our o
ny signes of
pon us, and
her Creatures
nd Sea. Then let
arge to all thing
of manifol
ever praise h
following our
growing Plants, &
toilsom, yet wit
s Eve repli'd.
I was formd fl
whom am to n
thou hast said
him indeed al
hanks, I chie
happier Lot,
by so much od
to thy self can
ft remember, w
't, and found
on flours, muc
, whence thither
ar from thence
ssu'd from a
id Plain, the
xpanse of Heav'
enc't thought,
bank, to look
that to me seem
own to look,
hin the watry
look on me, I
ck, but pleasd
urnd as soon wit
e and love, t
now, and pin'd
e thus warnd me,
u seest fair Cre
came and goes
ing thee where
and thy soft
thou art, him
e thine, to h
e thy self, and
uman Race: wh
strait, invis
d thee, fair i
an, yet methou
g soft, less
oth watry image
cryd'st aloud,
? whom thou fli'st
bone; to give t
de to thee, ne
Life, to have
an individual
ul I seek thee,
f: with that t
yeilded, and f
is excelld
which alone
r general Mothe
l attraction
render, half i
Father, half he
his under th
e tresses hid
Beauty and sub
superior Lov
s, when he impr
lowers; and press
pure: aside
et with jealou
nce, and to hims
, sight tormentin
't in one a
EDEN, shall
liss, while I t
joy nor love, bu
ther torments
ll'd with pain
ot forget what
ouths; all is not
there stands of
m to taste: Kno
easonless. Why
that? can it
ath? and do th
, is that thir
thir obedience
dation laid w
Hence I will e
esire to know
mands, invent
low whom knowle
Gods; aspirin
d die: what lik
narrow search I
and no corner
chance may lead
pirit of Heav'n,
hade retir'd, f
ould be learnt.
pair; enjoy,
s, for long woes
is proud step he
y circumspect
ugh waste, o're hil,
utmost Longitu
d Ocean meets,
ended, and wi
e eastern Ga
eevning Rayes
er, pil'd up
farr, winding
rom Earth, one
craggie cliff
rose, imposs
e rockie Pilla
Angelic Guards,
outh of Heav'n,
urie, Shields, H
Diamond flaming
URIEL, gliding
m, swift as a
rts the night, w
Air, and she
int of his Com
nds: he thus b
thee thy cours b
ct watch that to
ing approach
ighth of Noon c
alous, as he s
lmighties works
Image: I des
peed, and markt
unt that lies f
lighted, soon d
v'n, with passio
u'd him still,
f him; one of
ventur'd from t
him thy care m
winged Warriou
onder if thy
bright circle
wide: in at thi
here plac't, b
m Heav'n; and si
hence: if Spiri
ve oreleapt the
hard thou know
bstance with c
n the circuit
ver shape he
y morrow dawnin
d hee, and URI
bright beam, who
e downward to t
AZORES; whithe
ow swift, had
r this less
ht to th' East, h
th reflected
at on his Weste
l Eevning on, a
ober Liverie a
mpanied, for B
rassie Couch, th
ll but the wake
long her amoro
leas'd: now glo
Saphirs: HES
st, rode brighte
louded Majest
en unvaild her
dark her Silv
us to EVE: Fair
all things now
ike repose, si
est, as day an
and the time
th soft slumbrou
; other Creatu
imploid, and l
s daily work
which declare
rd of Heav'n o
r Animals un
doings God tak
fresh Morning
roach of light,
pleasant labo
Arbors, yonder
noon, with bran
r scant manuri
n ours to lop th
also, and those
trowne unsight
if we mean to
Nature wills, N
s EVE with perf
nd Disposer,
I obey; so
aw, thou mine:
piest knowledge
onversing I f
d thir change, a
reath of morn, h
earliest Birds;
this delightfu
s, on herb, tree,
h dew; fragrant
owers; and swee
evning milde, t
solemn Bird an
emms of Heav'n, h
reath of Morn w
earliest Birds
ful land, nor her
dew, nor fragra
Evening mild, n
solemn Bird, n
Starr-light with
l night long shin
ight, when sleep
ur general An
God and Man, a
course to finish
vning, and fro
hough to Nati
ght prepar'd, t
arkness should
session, and
all things, whic
ighten, but wi
influence fom
ourish, or in
vertue on all
ade hereby ap
rom the Suns m
hough unbeheld
in, nor think, th
ld want spectator
iritual Creature
when we wake, a
ceasless praise
night: how ofte
ill or Thicket
oices to the
sponsive each
great Creator
p watch, or nigh
y touch of ins
onic number jo
t, and lift our t
g hand in hand
lissful Bower;
sovran Planter
mans delightfu
t covert was
Mirtle, and w
fragrant leaf;
nd each odoro
erdant wall; each
ues, Roses,
flourisht heads b
d Hyacinth w
ound, more colour
Emblem: other
nsect, or Worm d
r awe of man.
d sequesterd, th
ANUS never sl
aunted. Here i
Garlands, and sw
deckt first h
y Quires the
e genial Ange
in naked beaut
all thir gifts
t, when to th
ought by HERME
her faire looks
ad stole JOVES
shadie Lodge ar
and under op
ade both Skie, A
eld, the Moons r
ole: Thou also
potent, and
our appointe
t happie in o
ve, the Crown o
thee, and this
rge, where thy
d uncropt falls
t promis'd fro
arth, who shall
infinite, bot
eek, as now, th
unanimous, a
none, but ad
es best, into t
ent; and eas'd
esom disguises
side were laid,
fair Spouse, n
of connubial
ypocrites au
and place a
s impure wha
ands to som, lea
ds increase, w
troyer, foe t
ove, mysterious
fspring, sol
of all thing
erous lust was
stial herds to
eason, Loyal,
ear, and all
n, and Brother
t I should write
e unbefitting
ountain of Do
undefil'd and c
st, as Saints an
olden shafts impl
amp, and waves h
d revels; not in
loveless, joyl
ition, nor i
r wanton Mask,
which the sta
fair, best quit
y Nightingales
naked limbs th
which the Morn r
and O yet happ
ate, and know t
t measur'd with
Hill this vast
ir Ivorie Por
at th' accustomd
t watches in w
to his next in
these draw off, a
watch; these othe
ets full West. A
to the Shield, h
strong and suttl
tood, and gave th
and ZEPHON, w
this Garden, leav
re those two fair
haps asleep se
from the Sun's
f som inferna
(who could have
Hell, on erra
ind, seise fast,
on he led his
Moon; these to
om they sought: h
Toad, close at
his Devilish
her Fancie, an
he list, Phanta
iring venom,
irits that from
aths from Rivers
emperd, discont
vain aimes, in
high conceits
ly; for no fals
lestial tempe
its own likene
d surpriz'd. A
heap of nitrou
e Tun som Ma
mord Warr, the
aze diffus'd, in
p in his own s
ose two fair An
o behold the
ovd with fear,
se rebell Spirit
cap'd thy prison,
hou like an e
at the head of t
then said SATAN,
me? ye knew
sitting where y
ee argues your
f your throng;
e, and supe
, like to end
EPHON, answering
olted Spirit, th
sht brightnes
toodst in Heav'n
en, when thou no
thee, and thou
lace of doom ob
thou, be sure, s
nt us, whose ch
violable, and t
e Cherube, and
outhful beaut
: abasht the
w awful goodn
shape how lovl
t chiefly to f
visibly impar
If I must con
best, the Send
ce; more glori
st. Thy fear, s
trial what th
t thee wicked,
epli'd not, ove
oud Steed reind
s iron curb: t
ain; awe from
else dismai'd.
nt, where those h
losing stood in
t command. To
the Front thu
I hear the trea
way, and now by
d ZEPHON thro
m comes a thir
plendor wan;
eanour seems the
o part hence w
or in his look
d ended, when th
ted whom they br
n what form and
stern regard th
SATAN, broke the
essions, and dis
ho approve not
le, but have p
hy bold entranc
eems to violate
God hath plante
s SATAN with co
adst in Heav'n th
ld thee; but th
bt. Lives ther w
finding way, brea
oomd? Thou wouldst
venture to
in, where thou mig
h ease, & soo
ght, which in th
eason; who kno
t not tri'd: a
bound us? let
tes, if he in
urance: thus muc
ue, they found m
plies not vio
scorn. The war
y half smilin
e in Heav'n to
fell, whom fol
ns him from his
oubt whether t
k what boldness
m his bounds in
judges it to
d to scape hi
till, presumptuou
urr'st by flying
scourge that wis
thee yet no bet
anger infini
thou alone? wh
ell broke loose?
ss to be fled,
to endure? cou
ight from pain, h
ted host this
hadst not come
Fiend thus answer
ss endure, or s
gel, well thou
, when in Batt
volied Thunde
thy else not
y words at ran
saies and ill
Leader, not
of danger by h
e, I alone f
e desolate A
eated World,
silent, here i
e, and my aff
re on Earth, o
ossession put
thy gay Legion
business were t
'n, with songs to
distances to c
e warriour Ang
trait unsay, p
pain, professin
Leader, but
uldst thou fait
me of faithfu
whom? to thy r
ends, fit bod
discipline and
ary obedienc
th' acknowledg
hypocrite, who
iberty, who m
and cring'd, an
Monarch? where
s him, and thy
t I arreede th
ence thou fledst:
hallowd limit
nfernal pit I d
so, as hencefor
es of hell too
d hee, but SATA
t waxing more i
am thy captive
arie Cherube,
load thy self
iling arme, tho
ngs, and thou wi
ak, draw'st his
ough the rode of
spake, th' Angel
red, sharpning
, and began to
pears, as thick
pe for harves
rove of ears, w
he careful Plowm
reshing floore hi
On th' other si
all his might
eacht the Skie,
um'd; nor wante
Spear and Shield:
ensu'd, nor o
motion, but t
erhaps, or al
gon to rack, di
of this confli
to prevent s
Heav'n his golde
REA and the S
hings created f
round Earth wi
ise, now ponde
alms: in these h
ach of parting
ick up flew, an
spying, thus b
thy strength, an
wn but giv'n; w
Arms can doe, si
rmits, nor mine,
ee as mire: for
y Lot in yon
eigh'd, & shown ho
t. The Fiend lo
cale aloft: nor
with him fled the