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Word Count: 8378    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

e hainous and

one in Parad

Serpent had p

hee, to taste t

eav'n; for what

seeing, or de

ho in all thing

t SATAN to at

rength entire, an

have discove

es of Foe or s

ew, and ought to ha

nction not to t

ted; which the

t could they le

d in sin, des

av'n from Pa

Guards ascende

of his state by

how the suttle

en. Soon as th'

riv'd at Heaven

heard, dim sadn

elestial visa

, violated n


People ran, t

: they towards t

made haste t

s plea, thir ut

approv'd; whe

her from his

under utter'd

Angels, and ye

ssful charge,

at these tiding

ncerest care co

ately what woul

Tempter cross'd

en he should p

rrand, Man sho

d out of all,

s Maker; no

to necessit

h lightest mom

l, to her own

e. But fall'n

ut that the mor

ession, Death de

sumes already

yet inflicted,

iate stroak; bu

no acquittan

not return as

I to judge the

on, to thee I

hether in Heav'n,

ay be seen t

gue with Justi

, his Mediato

m and Redeem

Man himself to

e Father, and u

ght hand his Gl

h unclouded D

t all his Fa

d thus divinely

ernal, thine

Heav'n and Eart

t thou in mee

st well pleas'd

thy transgressors

d, the worst on

hall be, for

and not repenti

hat I may mit

v'd, yet I s

Mercie, as may

satisfied, an

shall need, nor

the Judgement,

third best abse

flight, and R

to the Serpen

, from his radi

ral glorie: him T

and Dominati

to Heaven Ga

l the Coast i

nded strait; th

though with swift

Sun in Weste

d gentle Aires

arth now wak'd

ole when he from

d Judge and In

an: the voice o

in the Garden,

Ears, while day de

presence hid

rees, both Man a

, thus to ADA

hou ADAM, wont

en far off? I

thus entertaind

dutie erewhile a

ss conspicuous

r what chance det

th him EVE, more

ount'nanc't both,

in thir looks

other, but ap

nd perturbatio

stinacie, and h

ultring long, th

in the Garden,

ng naked, hid

Judge without

oft hast heard, an

joyc't, how is

o thee? that th

e? hast thou ea

thee charge thou

hus ADAM sore

evil strait t

Judge, eithe

total Crime,

lf, the partn

while her Faith

ceal, and not

aint; but str

and calamito

head both sin


h should I hold m

ily detect wh

hom thou mad's

e as thy perfe

o acceptabl

r hand I could

e did, whatev

eem'd to just

of the Tree,

sovran Presenc

God, that her

ice, or was she

or but equal

signe thy Manhoo

et thee above h

whose perfecti

ll real dig

eed, and love

thy Subjection

under Governm

beare rule, wh

d'st thou known

said, he thus

at is this whic

EVE with shame n

oon, yet not b

acious, thus a

e beguil'd an

he Lord God hear

he proceeded

gh brute, unab

him who made

, and pollute

tion; justly

d in Nature:

Man (since he

his offence; y

rst in sin hi

erious terms, ju

rpent thus his

hast done this,

ttel, each Bea

ly groveling t

t eat all the d

e and the Wom

between thine

ruise thy head, th

this Oracle,

son of MARY

like Lightning

Aire; then risin

ipalities and

w, and with a

ed captive th

t self of Sata

tread at last

now foretold hi

oman thus his

w I will grea

tion; Children

rth, and to th

ubmit, hee over

t thus judgemen

t heark'nd to the

f the Tree co

saying: Thou shalt

round for thy sak

ereof all the d

d Thistles it sha

shalt eate th' H

f thy Face shalt

turn unto the

ound wast taken

art, and shalt

Man, both Judge

stroke of Death

ff; then pittyin

naked to the

change, disdai

he forme of ser

sh'd his servan

of his Fam

with Skins of B

ke with youthfu

ot much to cloa

outward onely

ut inward nake

with his Robe o

er'd from his

swift ascent

blissful bo

s of old, to

l-knowing, what

mixing interc

hus was sin'd and

tes of Hell sat

ew within the

ide, belching

S, since the Fie

who thus now

sit we here eac

Satan our grea

lds, and happi

ofspring dear

cess attends h

had return'd,

er, since no p

punishment, or

el new strength

g, and Dominio

Deep; whatever

e, or som con

greatest dis

amity things

t conveyance.

le must wit

om Sin no powe

e difficultie

urne perhaps o

, impervious

ork, yet to th

eeable, to

ne from Hell to

now prevaile

gh to all th'

assage hence, f

ation, as thir

ss the way, so

felt attractio

he meager Shado

Fate and inc

shall not lag

u leading, suc

prey innumer

ath from all thing

to the work th

but afford t

ith delight he s

ange on Earth.

wl, though many

day of Batte

lie encampt, co

f living Carc

following day,

e grim Feature

wide into th

f his Quarrey

m out Hell Gate

hie of CHAOS

with Power (thi

on the Waters

slimie, as

down, together

shoaling towards

Polar Winds


Ice, that stop

SORA Eastwar

oast. The ag

s Mace petrific

ident smote, a

ating once; th


ALTIC slime; br

oots of Hell th

and the Mole im

ming deep high

odigious joyni

of this now f

ath; from hence

e, inoffensive

things to small

Libertie of


e Sea, and o

way, EUROPE w

h many a stroak th

brought the wor

, a ridge of

t Abyss, follo

the selfsame

from his Wing,

CHAOS to the

d World: with

made all fast, t

e; and now i

es met of Em

orld, and on th

h interpos'd; th

each of these t

way to Earth th

first tendin

ikeness of a

NTAURE and the S

while the Sun

ame, but those h

on discern'd, th

EVE seduc't,

d fast by, and

e sequel, saw h

ugh all unwee

and, saw thir s

res; but when

God to judge

t hoping to es

fearing guiltie

y inflict; that

listning where t

ad discourse, an

d his own doom,

but of future

raught, to Hell

rink of CHAOS,

wondrous Pon

et him came, hi

at thir meetin

ndious Bridge h

ring stood, til

ughter, thus th

these are thy

hich thou view'st

r Author and p

ooner in my

which by a s

h thine, joyn'd i

rth hadst prosper

idence, but s

from thee Worlds

after thee wit

consequence u

longer hold us


ollowing thy il

chiev'd our li

ates till now,

e thus farr,

tentous Bridge

ll this World, t

s builded not,

Warr hath lost,

av'n; here thou s

; there let him s

h adjudg'd, fro

by his own d

th Monarchie w

, parted by th'

re, from thy O

ow more dang'rou

e Prince of Dark

and thou Son an

now have giv'n

for I glorie

of Heav'ns Al

e merited o

mpire, that so n

ith triumphal

glorious Work,

World, one Rea

rough-fare. Th

h Darkness, on y

ate Powers, th

ccesses, and wi

way, among thos

ight down to P

eign in bliss, th

xercise and

an, sole Lord

sure your thrall,

utes I send

on Earth, of m

mee: on your

his new Kingdo

o Death expos'd

ower prevaile, th

need feare, goe

dismiss'd them,

rough thickest C

bane; the blasted

, Planet-stro

Th' other way

to Hell Gate;

CHAOS over b

unding surge th

is indignation:

nd unguarded,

ut found deso

sit there, had

upper World; th

nland retir'd,

IUM, Citie an

R, so by al

ght Starr to

Watch the Legion

ate, sollicito

ept thir Emper

ve command, an


N over the S


escent, leaves



t Host, left de

eague, reduc't

etropolis, and

r great adventur

lds: he through

lebeian Ang

der, past; and


high Throne, wh

exture spred,

n regal lustre

round about h

rom a Cloud hi

bright appeer'd,

rmissive glory

, or false gli

udden blaze th

ct, and whom the

ef returnd: loud

haste the great

ir dark DIVAN, a

approach'd hi

with these word

ations, Princedoms

sion such, not

nd declare ye

eyond hope, to

out of this

accurst, the

of our Tyran

acious World, to

riour, by my

eat atchiev'd.

n, what sufferd,

unreal, vast,

le confusio

eath a broad w

your gloriou

uncouth passage

le Abysse, plun

nal NIGHT an

of thir secrets

trange, with c

te supreame; th

ed World, which

retold, a Fab

e perfection

a Paradise,

Him by fraud

ator, and the

, with an App

th your laughte

loved Man and

Death a prey,

hazard, labo

, and to dwel

over all he sh

also he hath ju

the brute Serpe

'd: that which

which he wi

inde; I am to

is not set, sha

ould not purcha

rievous pain? Ye

mance: What re

enter now int

aid, a while he

sal shout and

eare, when con

s, from innum

niversal his

orn; he wonder

wondring at h

awn he felt to

g to his Ribs, h

till supplante

Serpent on h

ut in vaine, a

, punisht in th

his doom: he wo

hiss returnd wi

ue, for now were

erpents all a

Riot: dreadf

ough the Hall, t

ated monsters,

d Asp, and AM

nd, HYDRUS, an

t so thick swarm

blood of Gorg

still greates

rown, larger t


and his Power n

st still to re

issuing forth t

t left of that

in station stoo

th expectati

suing forth thi

t other sight

pents; horror

ympathie; for

elvs now changing

Spear and Shield,

hiss renew'd, a

ntagion, like

e. Thus was th' a

loding hiss, t

es from thir own m

, sprung up with

o reigns abov

laden with fair

in Paradise, t

empter: on that

t eyes they f

rbidden Tree

work them furd

scalding thurst

de them sent, co

ould in heaps,

thicker then t

EGAERA: greedi

ir to sight, lik

uminous Lake wh

usive, not the

hey fondly th

e with gust, i

Ashes, which th

g noise rejected:

irst constraini

lest disrelish

cinders fill'd;

ame illusion

h'd once lapst. Th

Famin, long an

shape, permitte

oynd, some s

umbling certain

pride, and joy

e tradition t

eathen of thi

w the Serpent,


VE perhaps, had

PUS, thence by


in Paradise t

v'd, SIN there

, now in body

abitant; beh

g pace for pace,

Horse: to whom

TAN sprung, all

ou of our Empire

l difficult,

s dark threshold t

aded, and thy se

e Sin-born Monst

o with etern

ll, or Paradi

here most with

ugh plenteous, al

Maw, this vast u

incestuous Mot

on these Herbs, a

ach Beast next, an

orsels, and w

ime mowes down,

n residing thr

is looks, words,

im thy last an

ey both betook th

stroy, or un

nd for destruc

er; which th' A

scendent Seat t

ht Orders utter

t heat these Dog

havoc yonder

good created

state, had not

e wastful Fur

, so doth the

rents, that wi

hem to enter

heav'nly, and

ie my scorn

s if transporte

I to them ha

eilded up to

hat I call'd and

, to lick up the

lluting Sin wit

, till cramm'd and

nd glutted off

rious Arm, wel

DEATH, and yawni

hurld, obstruct

d seal up his

d Earth renewd s

that shall re

Curse pronounc't

and the heav'nl

UIA, as the s

ude that sung: J

thy Decrees on

nuate thee? Ne

storer of Man

d Earth shall t

eav'n descend. S

reator callin

ngels gave them

t with present

precept so to

ct the Earth wi

able, and from

ter, from the

mmers heat. To

ey prescrib'd,

tarie motion


efficacie, an

benigne, and

ce malignant w

rising with the

empestuous: To t

when with blus

Shoar, the Thun

through the da

bid his Angels

Earth twice ten

Axle; they wit

Centric Globe:

Reines from th'

readth to TAURUS

sters, and the

OPIC Crab; the

the VIRGIN an


each Clime; el

'd on Earth with

s and Nights,

Polar Circles

hted shon, wh

e his distance

till th' HORIZO

est, which had


ELLAN. At tha


tended; else ho

hough sinless,

hing cold and

n the Heav'ns, th

n Sea and Land,

Mist, and Ex

Pestilent: Now

GA, and the

brazen Dungeon

haile and storm


rend the Woods

last up-turns th

ER black with

ONA; thwart of

e LEVANT and th

PHIR with thir


iveless things;

Sin, among t

c'd through fie

Beast gan war, &

ish; to graze the

other; nor st

ed him, or with

passing: these w

g miseries,

rt, though hid i

andond, but wo

oubl'd Sea of

rd'n sought wit

e of happie! i

lorious World,

f that Glory,

lessed, hide m

to behold was

: yet well, if

I deserv'd it,

ings; but this

ate or drink,

ed curse. O v


heare! for what

ie, but curs

Ages to succe

him brought by

l fare our An

may thank ADAM

he execratio

t bide upon me

fierce reflux

n thir natura

in thir place.

deare bought wi

st thee, Make

Man, did I s

s to promote m

licious Gard

to my being, i

to reduce me

o resigne, a

av'd, unable

o hard, by whi

ught not. To th

enaltie, why h

f endless woe

ems; yet to say

t; then should

atever, when the

pt them; wilt tho

he conditions?

hout thy leave,

dient, and rep

t thou beget me?

admit for his c

cuse? yet him n

ral necess

of choice his ow

, thy reward w

nt then justly

r I submit, hi

am, and shall

our whenever

o execute wh

is day? why

t with death, a

pain? how gla

my sentence

how glad wou

hers lap? ther

ure; his dreadf

r in my ears,

o my ofspring


till, least al

breath of Life,

spir'd, cannot

poreal Clod; th

ther dismal pl

die a living D

ue! yet why? it

inn'd; what dies

Bodie properl

en shall die:

ce humane reach

the Lord of a

h also? be it,

doom'd. How c

end on Man who

athless Death? t

adiction, which

e is held,

not of Power. W

sake, finit

man, to satis

never; that

beyond dust a

Causes else a

eption of th

ent of thir own

not one stroak

sense, but e

y onward, whic

and without

uitie; Ay m

ng back with dr

sless head; b

ernal, and in

y part singl

tands curst: F

leave ye, Sons

ll my self, and

rited how wo

urse! Ah, why s

ault thus guiltl

But from mee w

pt, both Mind a

nely, but to

w can they ac

God? Him aft

solve: all my

though through M

n conviction:

nely, as the so

tion, all the b

uth, Fond wish! co

eavier then the

orld much heavie

Woman? Thus wh

fearst, alike de

and concludes

past exampl

ly like both c

e, into what

ast thou driv'n

, from deep to

M to himself

ll Night, now now

ol, and mild, bu

with damps and

evil Conscien

th double terro

lay, on the col

reation, Death

execution, s

s offence. Why

h one thrice ac

all Truth fail

ine not hast'

es not at call,

slowest pace for

ntains, Hillocks

echo farr I ta

and resound f

fflicted when

re she sate, a

his fierce pas

stern regard he

ght, thou Serpen

th him leagu'd,

othing wants, bu

d colour Serpe

d, to warn all Cr

st that too heav'

lshood, snare t

ted happie, ha

vanitie, when


rusted, longi

Devil himself,

, but with the

guil'd, by him

e from my side

ure, proof agai

ood not all w

solid vertu,

ature, bent, a

part sinister

own out, as s

number found.

, that peopl'd

s Masculine,

e on Earth, th

nd not fill th

s Angels wit

me other way

mischief had n

at shall befa

on Earth throug

njunction with th

ll find out fi

ortune brings

ishes most sha

verseness, but sh

rse, or if she

r his happiest

lreadie linkt a

versarie, his

nite calamit

e, and houshold

t, and from her

with Tears that

all disorder

and imbracing

d thus proceede

not thus, ADAM,

cere, and rever

, and unweetin

deceav'd; t

asp thy knees;

ve, thy gentle

in this utte

ngth and stay:

l I betake me,

ve, scarse one sh

let there be pe

in injuries,

e by doom expr

Serpent: On m

for this mise

dy lost, mee

le; both have

onely, I again

lace of judgem

cries importune

from thy head r

cause to thee

ly just objec

eeping, and her

ill peace obta

and deplor'd,

on; soon his

is life so late

feet submissi

aire his reconc

om she had displ

rm'd, his ang

peaceful words u

and too desir

t thou knowst n

ent all on th

wn first, ill a

whose thou feels

asure bearst so

high Decrees,

efore thee, and

head all migh

e and infirme

itted and by

us no more con

am'd enough else

of Love, how

burden in ou

s Death denounc'

sudden, but a

dying to aug

eed (O hapless

EVE, recovering

sad exper

ght my words wit

oneous, thence


thee, vile as

ptance, hopef

sole contentme

ing from thee

in my unquiet

som relief of

h sharp and sad

vils, and of

our descent p

e born to cert

last, and mi

others caus

ten, and of our

cursed World

retched Life m

foule a Monste

t ere Concept

blest, to bei

hou art, Chil

e deceav'd his glu

o satisfie hi

judge it hard

looking, lov

e Rites, Nuptia

ire to languis

present objec

sire, which wo

ess then none o

selves and See

ear for both, le

eath, or hee no

hands his Offic

longer shiverin

nd but Death, an

to die the sho

with destructi

heer, or veh

est; so much of D

d, as di'd her

h such counsel

pes his more a

rais'd, and thus

tempt of life an

thee somthin

then what thy

uction therefore

ce thought in t

empt, but angu

life and pleas

covet death,

e, so think

pronounc't, d

arm'd his veng

l'd; much more I

ll not exempt u

oom to pay; r

ie will provo

h in us live:


ew, calling to

ntence, that thy

head; piteous

om I conjectur

n the Serpent

his deceit: to

nge indeed; whi

t on our selves,

s thou propos

is punishment o

l double ours

mention'd the

selves, and wi

off from hope,

ride, impatien

gainst God and

Necks. Remembe

temper he both

th or reviling

issolution, w

Death that day,

n Child-bearing

orth, soon recom

Womb: On mee

ground, with la

t harm? Idlenes

ll sustain me;

ld injure us,

ught provided

worthie, pitying

, if we pray hi

his heart to

further by wh

Seasons, Rain, I

Skie with vari

this Mountain,

keen, shattering

preading Trees; w

oud, som better

numm'd, ere th

Night, how we h

may with matt

ision of two

te to Fire, as

sht with Winds r

ghtning, whose thwa

gummie bark of


pplie the Sun: s

ay else be r

h our own misde

truct us prayi

him, so as we

odiously this

many comfort

final rest an

can we do, the

re he judg'd us

reverent, and

ults, and pardo

ground, and with

ent from hearts

feign'd, and h

y he will re

leasure; in who

ost he seem'd a

t favor, grace,

our Father pe

rse: they forthw

re he judg'd th

reverent, and

ults, and pardon

round, and with t

ent from hearts

feign'd, and h


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