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Word Count: 11776    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

lowliest plight

r from the Me

Grace descend

m thir hearts, a

instead, that s

, which the S

ng'd for Heav'n wi

st Oratorie:

suiters, nor

tition, then whe

, less ancient

nd chaste PYR

ankind drownd,

d devout. To Hea

issed the way, b

nd or frustrate

through Heav'nly

where the Gold

t Intercessor,

thers Throne: T

, thus to in

hat first fruits

anted Grace in

hich in this Gol

I thy Priest b

e pleasing savo

trition in his h

n hand manurin

ould have produ

e. Now therefor

on, heare his s

th what words

for him, mee

ation, all hi

good ingraft,

and for these my

nd in mee from

eace toward Mank

reconcil'd, at

sad, till Death,

thus plead,

shall yeeld him

md may dwell i

th me as I wi

Father, withou

uest for Man,

thy request

in that Parad

ave to Nature

immortal Elem


inted now, and

per, gross to

ood, as may di

ion wrought by

all things, a

at first with

m endowd, wi

alitie: that

serv'd but to

ided Death; s

remedie, a

arp tribulati

faithful works,

he renovatio

up with Heav'n

call to Synod

wide bounds; from

, how with Man

peccant Angels

e, though firm, st

and the Son ga

Minister that

heard in OREB

cended, and pe

eneral Doom. Th

Regions: from th

N Shade, Foun

s of Life, whe

ps of joy: the

orting to the

eats; till from h

thus pronounced

ike one of us

Good and Evil,

nded Fruit; bu

e of Good lost

it suffic'd h

self, and Evi

w, repents, and

n him, longer

know, how va

st therefore his

f the Tree of

ever, dream a

to remove h

from the Gard

ence he was tak

s my behest have

ee from amon

flaming Warriour

alf of Man,

ssion som new

and from the

rse drive out

ground th' unho

to thir Progen

nishment. Yet

Sentence rigo

them soft'nd

hir excess, a

ly thy biddi

m not discons

shall come in

thee enligh

in the Woman

rth, though sorro

ast side of th

e up from EDEN

ch, and of a S

all approach fa

l passage to t

adise a rec

ule, and all my

l'n Fruit Man on

nd th' Archangel

cent, with him

Cherubim; fo

double JANUS,

eyes more nume

d more wakeful


or his opiate

the World wi

'd, and with fr

hen ADAM and f

ow thir Oriso

d from above, n

e, joy, but with

EVE his welcom

ly may Faith

h we enjoy, fro

us ought should

nt as to con

blest, or to i

may seem; yet t

sigh of humane

eat of God. For

' offended Dei

efore him humbl

saw him plac

eare; perswa

ard with favour

brest, and

hat thy Seed sha

ot minded in d

that the bitt

shall live. When

call'd, Mother

l things livin

e, and all thin

s EVE with sad

I such title

ressour, who f

me thy snare;

s, distrust and

te in pardon

st brought Death

f life; next f

hus to entitle

ame deserving.

lls us now wit

leepless Night;

rn'd with our

ogress smiling

thy side henc

ys work lies, th

l day droop; whi

oilsom in these

e, though in fall

wish'd much-hum

; Nature first g

t, Aire, Aire s

lush of Morn; n

OVE, stoopt fro

gayest plume be

ll the Beast tha

then, pursu'd

all the Forrest

Eastern Gate was

d, and with hi

t unmov'd to E

furder change

y these mute sig

of his purpo

oo secure of

e, because fro

long, and what ti

more then this,

must return

is double obje

u'd in th' Air a

elf-same hour?

ayes mid-course,

n yon VVestern

w Firmament a

ds, with somthing

, for by this th

Skie of Jasp

e, and on a


ear that day d

glorious, when


lion'd with his

h on the flamin

cover'd with

SYRIAN King, w

sassin-like h

lam'd. The Pr

tand, there left h

of the Gard

e ADAM shelterd

eav'd of ADA

t Visitant appro

ect great tiding

soon determ

be observ'd;

lazing Cloud th

eav'nly Host,

meanest, some

hrones above,

coming; yet

ld fear, nor

that I shoul

d sublime, whom

e I must meet,

th' Arch-Angel

shape Celesti

t Man; over h

ie Vest of


orn by Kings

ruce; IRIS had

elme unbuckl'd

here Youth end

tering ZODIAC

read, and in hi

w, hee Kingly

but his coming

ns high behest

thy Prayers are

ntence when thou

f his seisur

Grace, wherein t

act with many

well may then t

ite from Deaths

in this Par

; to remove t

from the Garde

nce thou wast ta

not, for ADAM

th chilling gripe

senses bound;

heard, with

oon the place

d stroke, worse

eave thee Parad

le, these happie

Gods? where I h

sad, the resp

mortal to us

will in other


ich I bred up

op'ning bud, an

reare ye to th

nd water from th

nuptial Bowre,

ight or smell wa

part, and whit

er World, to

w shall we brea

ccustomd to im

the Angel inte

EVE, but pati

ou hast lost; no

d, on that whic

s not lonely,

him to follow

s, think there t

is from the co

nd his scatterd

hus his humble

hether among the

ghest, for such

Princes, gently

hich might else

orming end us

and dejectio

can sustain, th

om this happy

d onely cons

our eyes, al

ble appeer

us nor known:

could hope to

l things can, I

im with my as

against his a

s then breath ag

back on him that

his great bid

licts me, that

face I shall b

unt'nance; here

place by place w

vine, and to

t he appeerd,

e, among these

with him at this

teful Altars

erfe, and pile

rom the brook

nt to Ages,

elling Gumms & F

ther World whe

ppearances, or

fled him angr

ongd and promi

d though but h

nd farr off h

s MICHAEL with

w'st Heav'n his,

onely; his Omn

Aire, and every

his virtual po

he gave thee to

ble gift; su

to these narrow

e or EDEN: t

pital Seate, fro

tions, and h

ends of th' Ear

e thee thir gr

inence thou hast

even ground now

t but in Valli

ere, and will

of his presen

thee, still comp

s and paternal

of his steps th

u mayst beleeve,

m hence depart

what shall come

to thy Ofsprin

ar, supernal G

ess of Men; th

e, and to temp

sorrow, eq

ion either s

r adverse: so

ife, and best

assage when it

EVE (for I have

ow while thou to

epst, while Shee

hus ADAM grat

low thee, safe

, and to the hand

st'ning, to t

breast, arm

and earne rest

y attain. So

ions of God:

the highest,

ere of Earth

o amplest reach

at Hill nor wid

ifferent cause

ADAM in the

l Earths Kingdom

t there comman

d or modern

Empire, from th

U, seat of



nd LAHOR of

golden CHERS


, or where th

or the Sulta

orn; nor could

of NEGUS to h

the less Ma


thought OPHIR

and ANGOLA f

om NIGER Flood



nce, and where

in Spirit perh

CO the seat

in PERU, the

IPA, and ye

se great Citi

RADO: but to

ADAMS eyes th

se Fruit that pro

n purg'd with E

erve, for he h

ell of Life three

wer of these Ing

inmost seat of

w enforc't to

all his Spirits

e gentle Ang

and his attenti

pe thine eyes,

ch thy original c

ing from thee, w

ree, nor with th

y sin, yet from

bring forth mo

e op'nd, and b

nd tilth, where

other part sheep-

n Altar as the

grassie sord;

aper from his

he green Eare, an

came to hand;

with the Firstl

best; then sa

d thir Fat, with

ood, and all due

oon propitious

imble glance, and

ot, for his wa

nlie rag'd, and

nto the Midri

life; he fell,

Soul with gushi

sight was ADA

thus in haste to

ome great mischi

man, who well

hus and pure

AEL thus, hee al

e Brethren, AD

s; th' unjust the

at his Brother

cceptance; but

d, and th' other

d, though here t

st and gore. To

for the deed an

ow seen Death?

rn to native

, foul and u

hink, how hor


shape on man;

d many are the

Cave, all dism

e at th' entra

aw'st, by violent

d, Famin, by In

inks, which on th

e, of which a

all appear; that

ie th' inabs

on men. Imme

es appeard, sad

e it seemd, wh

all diseas'd,

sm, or racking

k Agonie, all

Epilepsies, f

one and Ulcer

sthma's, and Join

ossing, deep the

ck busiest from

em triumphant

aid to strike, t

thir chief good,

rm what heart o

old? ADAM could

Woman born; co

Man, and gave

firmer thoughts

overing words hi

ble Mankind,

what wretched

eer unborn. Wh

wrested from

n us thus? w

ive, would eit

, or soon beg

o dismist in p

of God in ma

d erect, thoug

ightly suffer

n pains? Why s

still Divi

om such defor

Makers Image

s Image, answe

when themselve

govern'd appe

m they serv'd,

mainly to th

o abject is t

ot Gods likenes

keness, by the

vert pure Nature

sickness, wort

d not reverence

just, said AD

e yet no othe

ul passages,

mix with our c

id MICHAEL, if t

t too much, by t

tst and drinkst,

ent, not glutt

ears over thy

ive, till like ri

thers lap, or

arshly pluckt, f

ge; but then th

trength, thy beaut

weak & gray;

taste of pleas

hast, and for t

eerful, in thy b

lly damp of

spirits down, a

Life. To whom

flie not Death,

ent rather how

asiest of this

t keep till m


Life, nor hate; b

long or short p

pare thee for

d saw a spaciou

various hue; b

zing: others, w

ts that made m

Harp and Organ

chords was seen

ugh all proport

'd transverse th

t stood one wh

o massie clods

hether found wh

oods on Mounta

ins of Earth, th

outh, or whether

ound) the liqu

ds prepar'd; fr

oles; then, what m

av'n in mettle

hether side a

ighbouring Hills,

Plain descende

seemd, and all

od aright, and

ose things lost w

eace to men: th

alkt, when from

f fair Women

nton dress; to t

Ditties, and in

grave, ey'd them,

rein, till in

ey lik'd, and eac

e they treat til

ger appeerd; t

e Nuptial Torch

irst to marriag

d Musick all th

interview a

not lost, Songs,

Symphonies at

n enclin'd to

ature; which he

of mine eyes, pr

eems this Visio

yes portends, th

ate and death, or

eems fulfilld i


though to Natur

s thou art,

pure, confor

u sawst so pleasa

, wherein shall

Brother; stud

polish Life,

thir Maker, t

t they his gifts

eauteous ofspr

femal Troop thou

so blithe, so

f all good wh

tic honour and

and completed

pperence, to s

roule the Tongue,

sober Race of

itl'd them th

p all thir vert

the trains and

Atheists, and

im at larg) and

ong a world of t

us ADAM of sho

hame, that they

re, should turn

ct, or in the

see the teno

e same, from

ffeminate slack

, who should bet

and superiour

pare thee for

nd saw wide Te

owns, and rural

n with lofty G

ms, fierce Faces

ghtie Bone, an

Arms, part courb

in Array of

Foot, nor idely

nd select from

ves, faire Oxen

eddow ground;

bleating Lambs

arce with Life th

ide, which tack

ournament the

pastur'd late,

s and Arms th'

Others to a

mpt; by Batterie,

others from

av'lin, Stones an

slaughter and

t the scepter'

in the Citi

n and grave, wit

Harangues are

s opposition

Age one ri

, spake much of

of Religion, T

from above: hi

had seiz'd wit

d descending sna

d the throng

nd Oppression,

Plain, and refug

l in tears, a

nd full sad; O

rs, not Men, who

y to men,

fould the sin

; for of whom

of thir Brethr

at Just Man, who

in his Righteou


-mated Marriag

bad were matcht,

yn; and by im

gious Births of

se Giants, men

ayes Might onely

and Heroic

me in Batte

bring home spoi

shall be held t

lorie, and f

o be styl'd gre

nkind, Gods, an

htlier call'd an

ll be achiev'd,

t merits fame

enth from thee, w

ghteous in a W

re hated, the

or daring sin

ous Truth, that

with his Saints:

lmie Cloud wit

sawst, receave,

ation and the

eath; to shew t

ood, the rest

ect thine eyes

aw the face of thi

roat of Warr ha

turn'd to joll

and riot, fea

r prostituti

lterie, where

hence from Cups

Reverend Sire

doings great d

d against thir

hir Assemblies

Festivals, and

and Repentanc

under Judgem

in: which when

nd remov'd his

e Mountain hew

ild a Vessel

it, length, & bre

ith Pitch, and i

nd of provisio

east: when loe

st, and Bird, a

nd pairs, and ent

ast the Sire, a

Wives, and God ma

Southwind rose,

, all the Cloud

av'n; the Hills

Exhalation d

n; and now the

eling stood; dow

and continu'd

seen; the floa

nd secure wit

're the Waves, a

lmd, and them w

ater rould; Se

shoar; and i

late reign'd, Se

of Mankind, s

one small botto

u grieve then,

ll thy Ofsprin

ion; thee a

orrow a Floud th

as thy Sons; t

on thy feet thou

tless, as when

all in view de

h' Angel utterdst

ill foreseen

ant of future

evil onely, e

r; those now, t

of many Age

my foreknowled

o torment me

hat they must be

be foretold wh

hildern, evil

r his foreknow

future evil

sion then in

ear: but that c

om to warne: th

nguish will a

at watrie Des

was ceas't, an

hen gon well, peac

of happy days

arr deceav'd;

upt no less the

thus? unfould,

here the Race

ICHAEL. Those wh

nd luxurious w

in acts of pr

loits, but of t

lt much blood, a

tions, and ac

rld, high titles

r course to pleasu

ust, till wanto

riendship hostil

d also, and e

ir freedom lost

od, from whom th

test of Battel

ders; therefor

all practice how

dissolute, on

gh, that tempera

turn degenerate

mperance, Truth

ept, the onel

Age, against

urement, cust

arless of repr

, hee of thir

dmonish, and b

ighteousness, ho

eace, denouncin

enitence; and

rided, but o

t Man alive;

wondrous Ark,

elf and housho

evote to un

e with them of

fe shall in the

round, but al

open on the Ea

night, all fount

all heave the

bounds, till

est Hills: then

by might of

ace, pushd by t

erdure spoil'd,

at River to th

e root an Iland

ales and Orcs, an

e that God att

, if none be t

ere frequent, o

further shall

d saw the Ark hu

ted, for the Cl

n North-winde, t

face of Delug

r Sun on his w

of the fresh Wa

t, which made th

lake to tripping

towards the deep,

s the Heav'n hi

e now flotes, bu

top of som hig

tops of Hills

hence the rapid

etreating Sea t

om out the Ark

him, the sur

forth once a

ground whereon h

time returnin

fe he brings,

und appeers, an

ire descends wi

lifted hands,

Heav'n, over h

ud, and in th

with three lif

ace from God, a

heart of ADA

'd, and thus his

future things

Heav'nly instr

ight, assur'd th

reatures, and th

now lament for

ons destroyd,

found so perfe

tsafes to rais

nd all his an

ean those colourd

s the Brow of

y as a flourie

rts of that sam

n dissolve and

Archangel. Dextr

ly doth God

repenting him

heart, when loo

fill'd with viol

ch thir way; ye

ll one just Man

nts, not to bl

Covenant nev

ain by flood,

unds, nor Rain t

ein or Beast; b

th a Cloud, wi

olour'd Bow, w

ind his Cov'nan

Harvest, Heat

ourse, till fire pu

Earth, wherein the

t seen one Worl

from a second

st yet to see,

ight to faile;

mpaire and wea

hat is to com

e give due audi

ours of Men, wh

dread of judge

r mindes, fear

gard to what i

ir lives, and m

soile, and reapi

oyle; and from t

cing Bullock,

-offerings pour'd

r dayes in joy u

peace by Fami

al rule; till

itious heart,

qualitie, fra

gate Domini

ethren, and q

law of Nature

en not Beasts sh

d hostile snar

to his Empi

nter thence he

ord, as in des

'n claming sec

ellion shall d

ebellion othe

rew, whom like

r under him

EDEN towards the

erein a black b

m under ground,

of that stuff th

e, whose top may

elves a name, l

Lands thir me

whether good

oft descends

through thir h

doings, them

see thir Citie

'n Towrs, and i

ngues a variou

r Native Langua

gling noise of

hideous gabb

uilders; each

d, till hoarse,

torm; great laugh

own, to see the

din; thus was t

and the work C

us ADAM father

ble Son so

ethren, to him

usurpt, from

onely over Be

solute; that

nation; but

Lord; such t

human left fr

urper his enc

Man; to God hi

iance: Wretched

nvey up thit

is rash Armie,

ds will pine his

im of Breath,


ho on the qui

brought, affe

ibertie; yet

riginal lapse

alwayes with ri

from her hath n

an obscur'd,

ely inordi

Passions catch

n, and to se

free. Therefore

lf unworthie P

eason, God in

from without to

s undeserve

freedom: Tyr

he Tyrant the

Nations will

which is reason

and some fata

em of thir ou

ost: Witness th

ilt the Ark, wh

ther, heard thi

ERVANTS, on hi

s latter, as th

m bad to worse,

h their iniqu

e from among

s; resolving f

m to thir own

eculiar Nat

rest, of whom

m one faithful



lieve?) should b

atriark liv'd, wh

ke the living

hir own work i

him God the mo

ision from his

and false Go

shew him, and fr

ation, and up

ction so, th

all be blest; he

o what Land, ye

thou canst not,

ods, his Friends,

DAEA, passin

after him a

Flocks, and num

oor, but trustin

call'd him, in

ow attains, I

ECHEM, and the n

here by promi

Progenie of

Northward to t

names I call, th

East to the gr

yonder Sea, ea

as I point them

here the doubl

limit Eastwar

SENIR, that lon

that all Nati

Seed be bless

reat deliverer,

s head; where

be reveald. This


his Son a Gran

faith, in wisd

with twelve Sons

, to a Land h

vided by th

lows, disgorging

a: to sojourn

invited by

arth, a Son who

be the second

ere he dies, an

to a Nation,

o a sequent K

overgrowth, a

hence of guests h

, and kills th

rethren (those

RON) sent from

rom enthralmen

spoile back to th

e lawless Tyra

r God, or mes

ld by Signes and

hed the Rivers

d Flies must all

ntrusion, and fi

must of Rot a

aines must all h

eople; Thunder

h fire must rend

' Earth, devourin

s not, Herb, or

oud of Locusts

on the ground le

t overshadow a

ness, and blot

midnight stroke

lie dead. Thus

ragon tam'd at

sojourners de

tubborn heart,

after thaw, t

om he late di

ith his Host, bu

nd between two

e rod of MOS

l his rescu'd

power God to his

nt in his Ange

n a Cloud, and

m in thir jour

while th' obdu

will pursue,

nds between til

the Firey Pilla

orth will troub

Chariot wheels:

more his pote

ea; the Sea

ttelld ranks t

lm thir Warr:

CANAAN from t

lde Desert, not

ng on the CAN

ie them inexp

back to EGYPT,

ife with servi

nd ignoble i

mes, where rashn

hall they gai

lderness, there

nt, and thir gr

lve Tribes, to ru

Mount of SINAI,

e, he descendi

ghtning and lou

Lawes; part suc

stice, part r

e, informing

of that destin

by what meanes

iverance. But

re is dreadful

ight report to

ase; he grants

that to God

iator, whose

igure beares

of whose day he

Prophets in th

AH shall sing. T

such delight h

his will, th

to set up h

e with mortal

cript a Sanct

verlaid with

in the Ark h

of his Cov'n

at of Gold be

ht Cherubim,

as in a Zodia

fires; over t

Day, a fierie

journie, and at

by his Angel

BRAHAM and his

tell, how many

gs destroyd, a

shall in mid He

and Nights due

mmanding, Sun i

oon in the v

overcome; so

, Son of ISAAC

cent, who thus

nterpos'd. O se

f my darkness,

ald, those chief

and his Seed: n

op'ning, and my

xt with thoughts

all Mankind;

hom all Nations

erited by me

nowledge by f

apprehend not

d will deigne t

so various L

aws argue s

how can God wi


mong them, as

e was Law give

l pravitie, b

aw to fight; th

cover sin, bu

se shadowie e

ulls and Goats,

e precious must

st, that in suc

aith imputed,

ion towards

e, which the L

ase, nor Man

not performin

ars imperfet,

to resign the

tter Cov'nan

ypes to Truth, fr

tion of stric

large Grace, f

orks of Law to

shall not MOSE

v'd, being bu

s people int

hom the Gentil

Office bearing,

rie Serpent,

rlds wilderness

ternal Para

y in thir earth

l dwell and pros

terrupt thir

God to raise

s oft he save

rst, then unde

, both for p

deeds, a promis

e, that his

ll endure; the

ie, That of t

I name this K

omans Seed to

BRAHAM, as in w

and to Kings fo

of his Reign s

long success

Son for Wealth

Ark of God til

l in a glorious

him, as shal

t bad, of bad th

Idolatries, a

popular summe,

ave them, and e

his Temple, an

sacred things,

itie, whose high

usion, BABYLON

ptivitie he l

ventie years, the

ercie, and his

blisht as the d


om God dispos'd,

re-edifie, an

te live modera

multitude, fac

g the Priests di

nd the Altar,

ce: thir strife

le it self: at

and regard no

t to a strange


right; yet at

e in Heav'n pr

he Eastern Sag

offer Incense,

f birth a sol

pherds, keeping

thither haste,

Angels hear h

s his Mother

the most High;

reditarie, and

bounds, his glory

discerning AD

had like grief bi

t of words, which

of glad tidi

ope! now clea

diest thoughts hav

t expectation

Woman: Virgin

ve of Heav'n, ye

oceed, and from

High; So God w

e Serpent now h

ortal paine: sa

stroke shall brui


uel, or the

el: not therefo

-head, with more

ie; nor so

ll from Heav'n, a

to give thee th

comes thy Savio

roying SATAN,

in thy Seed: n

ling that which

to the Law o

of death, and

e to thy tran

irs which out of

n high Justic

God exact he

ience and by l

ll the Law; t

dure by comin

chful life an

Life to all wh

ption, and tha

es theirs by Fa

not thir own, th

hall live hated

rce, judg'd, and

nd accurst, na

tion, slaine fo

Cross he nail

is against th

nde, with him

t them more wh


ives, Death ov

urp; ere the th

tarres of Morn s

ave, fresh as t

d, which Man fro

r Man, as many

t, and the b

void of works:

, the death thou

ver lost from

e head of SATAN,

and Death, his

deeper in his h

eath shall bruise

he redeems, a d

afting to im


th then certain

iples, Men wh

him; to them shal

nations what of

ation, them wh

the profluent s

hem from guilt

mind prepar'd

ke that which t

ey shall teach;

the Sons of A

ll be Preacht,

aith wherever t

ed all Nations

eav'n of Heav'n

, triumphing t

and thine; the

rince of aire, a

realme, & there

r into glor

Gods right han

in Heav'n; and t

lds dissolution

power to judge

unfaithful dead

, and receave

v'n or Earth, fo

Paradise, far

EDEN, and far

Archangel MICHA

lds great perio

joy and wonde

infinite, goo

s good of evil

rn to good; m

h by creation fi

darkness! full

hould repent

and occasion

much more good the

glory, more go

over wrauth gr

our delivere

nd, what will

left among th'

of truth; who

ho defend? will

ollowers then wit

ill, said th' Ange

own a Comfort

of the Father,

thin them, and

love, upon thir

m in all truth

ual Armour, a

ts, and quench

do against th

death, against


pported so a

t persecuters:

on his Apostle

ze the Nation

l them with wond

Tongues, and

ord before them

rs of each Na

dings brought fro

perform'd, and

e and thir sto

in thir room, as

cceed for teacher

sacred myste

vile advanta

nd ambition,

itions and tra

n those writte

ut by the Spir

seek to avail th

itles, and wit

, though feigni

, to themselve

f God, promisd

vers; and from

es by carnal po

ience; Laws whic

ould, or what t

eart engrave. Wh

Spirit of Grace

Libertie; wh

mples, built by

th not another

aith and Consci

? yet many w

ie persecutio

in the wors

ruth; the rest, f

utward Rites and

tisfi'd; Trut

landrous darts,

nd: so shall th

ignant, to ba

waight groanin


ce to the wic

ately promis'

eed, obscurely

nown thy Saviou

louds from Heav

f the Father

is perverted W

agrant mass, pur

new Earth, Ages

ghteousness and

h fruits Joy an

and thus ADA

h thy predicti

transient World,

and fixt: beyo

whose end no

ructed I shall

ace of thought,

what this vess

ch was my fo

learne, that

h feare the on

presence, ev

nce, and on h

er all his wo

coming evil,

great things, by

rldly strong, a

; that suffering

ude to high

ithful Death th

by his examp

e my Redeeme

s also th' Ange

arnt, thou hast

e no higher, tho

name, and all th'

f the deep, all

d in Heav'n, Air

riches of this

rule, one Em

knowledge answe

atience, Temper

ome call'd Cha

st: then wilt t

s Paradise, bu

within thee,

nd now therefo

tion; for th

rting hence; an

mpt on yonder

at whose Front

remove, waves

onger stay: g

ith gentle Dre

od, and all her

mission: thou

hee partake what

may concern her

liverance by h

Womans Seed) o

ive, which will

Faith unanim

evils past, yet

ation on the

nd they both de

ADAM to the B

ran before, but

words not sad

eturnst, & whithe

so in sleep, an

sent propitious,

ce with sorrow a

ell asleep: bu

o delay; with

re; without the

nce unwilling

s under Heav'n,

ilful crime art

er consolati

e; though all

r I unworthi

omis'd Seed sha

ur Mother EVE,

but answer'd not;

stood, and fro

Station, all

m descended;

teorous, as

River o're th

round fast at t

rning. High in

Sword of God b

Comet; which w

as the LIBY

h that temperat

nd the hastnin

Parents, and to

ct, and down th

cted Plaine; t

ack, all th' Eas

, so late thi

y that flaming

Faces throng'd a

rs they drop'd, b

all before them,

rest, and Provid

and with wandrin

N took thir s


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